Contact Details
Name of Institution:
Name of Lead Contact: / Email Address:
Phone Number: / Mobile Number:
Postal Address:
The proposed date of the Championships -
Is the venue specified available for the date of the Championships? Yes / No
Could external factors influence the number of spectators able to attend? i.e exams, reading week etc.
Does this date clash with any local fixtures/events?
Yes / No / If yes, list events:
Venue Specifications
Address of the Venue: / Is a map attached?
Yes / No
Has the venue held boxing events before? Y/N / Please give details of events held previously here –
Can the venue accommodate the Field of Play as per AIBA regulations? (See Appendix One) / Y/N
How many spectators can the venue hold (sitting and standing)?
Does the venue have:
A separate warm up area?
A secure rest area for 20 officials?
A gloving table area close to the ring?
Two separate, private rooms for weigh in and medical?
Parking space for 1 ambulance with access to the ring?
Internet access ringside?
Access to a photocopier?
Area for registration of boxers?
Power to the ringside?
Display boards for results/draws / Y/N
Y/N / Other information:
Are you able to source:
A Championship sized ring?
FIBA approved gloves (5 red, 5 Blue)?
Two Helmets (one red, one blue)?
PA system with capacity to play music?
1 set of scales?
1 set of test scales?
Raised platform for filming of bouts? / Y/N
Y/N / BUCS may be able to assist in sourcing these with National Governing Bodies however it would be advantageous if the host was able to.
Other information:
Ancillary Services
Capacity of Change Rooms: Male_____ Female_____ / Number of Toilets: Male_____ Female_____
No. of Catering outlets: / Type of Catering outlets:
No. of Trade stalls that could be accommodated: / Proximity of ancillary services to the competition area:
Who would be the Co-event manager/venue lead? / Are there any other events taking place that weekend that would reduce the number of officials / volunteers available?
Are you able to supply 10 volunteers for the duration of the Championships?
Please attach a fully costed proposed budget including:
Outgoing: Venue Costs, Ring Hire, First Aid Provision, Officials Catering , Equipment, Marketing etc
Income: Including revenue from ticketing, suggested ticket price, catering etc
Do you have support of a marketing department? Y/N
Please attach a marketing plan detailing how you would attract spectators to the event.
Supporters & Sponsorship
Please note BUCS retains all rights to the BUCS Boxing Championships. The host venue may not enter any agreements with sponsors without the written approval of BUCS. The host venue may not organise other events associated with the BUCS Boxing Championship.

We, the undersigned endorse this application (please ensure all applicable signatories are included):

Boxing Club/Event Organiser


Signed Name Position Date

Athletic Union


Signed Name Position Date

Director of Sport or equivalent


Signed Name Position Date

Venue Manager


Signed Name Position Date