for Executive Members of the

Outreach Education Council

of The Alberta Teachers’ Association






3.Past President



6.Communications Director


8. Conference Director(s)


10.Signing Officers


1.Grants and Fees

2.Budgeting and Expenses

3.Nominations and Elections




1.Purpose of Publications

2.Editorial Policy of Publication

3.Format and Design










1.NAME: The name of this not-for-profit organization shall be the Outreach Education Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association.

2.OBJECTS: The objects of this council shall be:

a)To promote and advance Outreach Education throughout Alberta.


3.1Regular Membership—Active members of The Alberta Teachers’ Association and associate members who are ineligible for active membership, as specified in ATA bylaws, are eligible for regular membership in this council. All such members shall be entitled to full privileges of Council membership including the rights to vote and to hold office.

3.2Life Membership—Life members of the ATA, as specified in ATA bylaws, are eligible for life membership in the Council and are entitled to all the benefits and services of council membership except the right to hold office.

3.3Student Membership—Student members of the ATA, as specified in ATA bylaws, may join this council and shall be entitled to all benefits and services of council membership except the right to hold office.

3.4Honorary Membership—Those persons awarded honorary membership from time to time shall have all the privileges of regular membership except the rights to vote and to hold office.

3.5Membership in specialist councils is not available to those individuals who, under the Teaching Profession Act and the Teacher Membership Status Election Regulation, are eligible to make an election of membership and elect associate membership or non-membership in The Alberta Teachers’ Association.

4.SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE:Persons who are ineligible for active or associate membership in the ATA, such as school support staff, parentsand libraries, as well as retired teachers and non-active teachers, may be connected with the Council by paying a subscription fee. Payment of the subscription fee includes entitlement to the council’s publications as well as other services determined by the Council, but does not provide membership in the council.

5.FEES: Fees shall be established and may be changed by resolution at an annual general meeting of this council. The fiscal year is July 1–June 30.


6.1The term of office shall be the day following the Annual Meeting until the day preceding the Annual Meeting. Thetable officers of this council shall consist of a president, vice-president, a past president, a secretary and a treasurer (or a secretary-treasurer) each to be elected for a term of one year at the annual general meeting of the council, and a staff advisor appointed by the Provincial Executive Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association.

6.2To be eligible to become an officer of Outreach Education Council a candidate must be a regular member of the council.


7.1The slate of nominations for elected officers shall be prepared by a committee of three headed by the past president and shall be made available to the membership a minimum of two weeks in advance of the annual general meeting.

7.2In the event elected positions are not filled through the electoral process, table officers will appoint by motion for the term of office.


8.1The executive committee shall consist of:

a.the officers as outlined in Clause 6.1 of this constitution;

b.a communications director;

c.a conference director;

d.a professional development director;

e.a member of Provincial Executive Council; and,

f.other members appointed from time to time to such committees as are necessary to carry out the work of the council.

8.2Presidentsof Regional Councils—Presidents of authorized regional Councils of the Outreach Education Council shall automatically be members of the executive committee of the provincial Outreach Education Council.

8.3The PEC liaison member, the representative from Alberta Education, and the representative from the Alberta universities, while members of the executive committee, shall not be voting members or hold office.

8.4The council shall appoint from time to time such committees as are necessary to carry on the work of the council.

9.LIAISON: Any representations which this council wishes to make to any organization, government department, other agency or official shall be conducted through the Provincial Executive Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association.

10.REGIONAL COUNCILS: The executive committee of this specialist council may encourage the formation of regionals and shall have authority to grant recognition to, establish boundaries of, and develop regulations which are not inconsistent with this constitution or the policies of The Alberta Teachers’ Association for governing the organization and operation of such regional councils.

11.PROVINCIAL/NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: After the same notice of motion that is required for amendments to this constitution, the Outreach Education Council, by a majority vote of those present at a regular session of an annual general meeting, may: (a) subject to approval by Provincial Executive Council, join or affiliate with a national or international organization representing the same special interest; or, (b) cancel its membership or affiliation with a national or international organization.

12.REPORTING ACTIVITIES: This council shall submit to the Alberta Teachers’ Association, not later than August31 of every year: an audited financial statement, a statement of assets and liabilities, an annual report of program and activities, and a copy of the council’s current constitution.


13.1Executive–The executive committee shall be the executive and administrative body of this council. It shall meet at least two times per year and shall conduct the affairs of the council between annual general meetings.

13.2Annual General Meeting–This council shall hold an annual general meeting for which the agenda shall provide for the topics listed below:

a.adoption of minutes from the preceding annual general meeting and any special general meetings held in the interim;

b.the annual reports from this council’s president and treasurer;

c.receiving of reports of committees;

d.an audited financial statement for the preceding fiscal year;

e.an annual budget;

f.election of officers;

g.revisions to the fees for membership in this council for which the required notice of motion has been given;

h.amendments of this constitution for which the required notice of motion has been served;

i.other business.

At least 30 days notice shall be given to members for the annual general meeting on the Outreach Education Council website.


14.1Any member of the executive who misses two meetings, without permission of the executive, during their term of office shall be deemed to have abandoned their position. The member may appeal in person to the executive committee to seek reinstatement should extenuating circumstances exist. If the member is not reinstated, the position may be filled by a member appointed by executivemotion to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.

14.2Any member of the executive of a specialist council or regional who has been deemed to be delinquent in fulfilling his/her responsibilities by two-thirds vote of the executive conducted by secret ballot shall be removed from the executive committee. The position may be filled by a member appointed by executive to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term.

15.AMENDMENTS: After three months’ notice of motion to amend the constitution being given to each member, this constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the annual general meeting of the council, subject to ratifications by the Provincial Executive Council of The Alberta Teachers’ Association.


16.1A quorum of the Table Officers’ Committee shall be three persons, one of whom shall be the president or a person named by him or her to fulfill his or her duties.

16.2A quorum of the annual meeting of the Outreach Education Council for which proper notice has been given shall be the number of members present.

Ratified by ATA Table Officers, 2002 03 18

Amended by Provincial Executive Council 2005 04 07 (legislated membership changes)

Amended by Provincial Executive Council 2006 0615–16 (membership categories)


1.The President shall:

1.1be responsible for the functioning of the Table Officers’ Committee, the Executive Committee, and other Ad Hoc or Standing Committees, and Regional Representatives;

1.2be a member, ex-officio or otherwise, of all Council committees;

1.3call and chair all Table Officers’ Committee and Executive Committee meetings, and the Annual General Meeting, and shall, with such other officers as deemed necessary, prepare agendas for such meetings;

1.4submit a written report of the affairs of the Council to the Annual General Meeting;

1.5be responsible for seeing that the necessary reports to The Alberta Teachers’ Association are submitted;

1.6act as an official representative of the Council to outside organizations, or appoint a designate;

1.7arrange for a meeting of the old and new executive for the purpose of orientation and transfer of records by November 30

1.7.1be one of the signing offices of the Council and/or designate another Table Officer

1.7.2be responsible for an initiative to recruit new members or appoint a designate from the Table Officers;

1.8attend the annual Alberta Teachers’ Association Conference for Specialist Council Presidents or appoint an alternative;

1.9be responsible for the presentation of all awards;

1.10provide regular information on the Council’s activities to The Alberta Teachers’ Association’s Publications Officer for publication in the ATA News, and to the press and media as desirable and directed to assist the president in the areas of public relations and membership;

1.11attend related conferences during the president’s term;

1.12be responsible for the preparation of any ARA Resolutions to the executive;

1.13rules on the expense of executive members;

1.14act as liaison and support to regional representatives.

2.The Vice-President shall:

2.1succeed to the office of the president;

2.2assume the duties of the president if absent or as delegated;

2.3under the direction of the president act as liaison and support to regional representatives;

2.4chair the awards and grants committee;

2.5summarize for the year the most important motions and decisions made at Executive meetings and distribute these with the current list at the first meeting with the incoming executive of each year with the assistance of the Secretary;

2.6chair a committee to review the Constitution, Bylaws, Procedural Guidelines and Policies and, if necessary, to update it and prepare notice of motion for the amendments for the Annual General Meeting.

3.The Past President shall:

3.1rule on the expense of president;

3.2work with vice-president on a committee to review the Constitution, Bylaws, Procedural Guidelines and Policies and, if necessary, to update it and prepare notice of motion;

3.3chair election of officers at Annual General Meeting.

4.TheSecretary shall:

4.1record, keep and arrange for the distribution of the minutes of executive committee and annual general meetings;

4.2assume responsibility for the membership list;

4.3assume responsibility for the archives of the OEC;

4.4look after the correspondence as required by the executive committee;

4.5assume other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the executive committee.

5.The Treasurer shall:

5.1with the president, or in his/her absence, the vice-president or another designated table officer, sign cheques on behalf of the Council;

5.2on the approval of the Executive committee, receive and pay out money on behalf of the Council and maintain accurate record thereof;

5.3maintain a file of receipts issued for all money received and of vouchers, bills, claims and so forth, for all money paid out;

5.4in consultation with the president and vice-president, prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive Committee prior to the Annual General Meeting;

5.5advise the Executive Committee on the rates to be established for grants, expense allowances, honoraria and the like;

5.6prepare such financial statements and reports as may be required by The Alberta Teachers’ Association;

5.7arrange, with the approval of the Executive Committee, for an annual audit of the financial records of the Council for the fiscal year;

5.8prepare an annual audited statement and budget and present them to the annual meeting; and,

5.9in conjunction with ATA Barnett House personnel and the Provincial Executive Council, maintain the list of members and report thereon to the Executive Committee.

6.The Communications Directorshall:

6.1be responsible for the regular publication of the Outlook newsletter and/or Journal with such frequency as the Executive Committee shall determine;

6.2advise the Executive Committee on policy for the publication of the Outlook newsletter and/or the Journal;

6.3act in accordance with the guidelines set down by The Alberta Teachers’ Association for all specialist council publications;

6.4attend the annual Alberta Teachers’ Conference for Presidents/Treasurers/Newsletter Editors of Specialist Councils;

6.5advise the Executive Committee on, and prepare, special publications as deemed necessary from time to time;

6.6prepare and present a written report to the Annual General meeting; and,

6.7prepare and submit to Executive Committee an annual list for the mailing of complimentary copies of Council publications;

6.8provide regular information on the Council’s activities to The Alberta Teachers’ Association Publications Officer for publication in the ATA News, and to the press and media as desirable and as directed to assist the president in the areas of public relations and membership;

6.9in conjunction with the president, act as a contact to the Association webmaster.

7.The Representativesof The Alberta Teachers’ Association shall:

7.1advise the Executive Committee on all matters pertaining to the operation of specialist councils; in particular, printing, distribution of materials, finances, membership lists and regulations controlling councils;

7.2carry recommendations to The Alberta Teachers’ Association Provincial Executive Council from the Outreach Education Council;

7.3advise the Executive Committee on the effectiveness of the procedures of the Council particularly in regard to elections, correspondence, records, bookkeeping, auditing and the operation of conferences;

7.4perform such other duties relating to the Council as may be assigned from time to time by The Alberta Teachers' Association.

8.The Conference Director(s) shall:

8.1act as chairperson(s) of the planning committee for the Annual Conference. Such committee consists of the conference director, and the treasurer and other members as deemed necessary;

8.2report on conference planning at each Executive Committee meeting;

8.3with the conference treasurer, submit a proposed budget and recommendation of registration fees for approval of the executive committee;

8.4observe the guidelines for expenses and honoraria as set by the Council;

8.5with the conference treasurer, promptly submit an audited financial statement of the Annual Conference to the Executive Council and to Barnett House; and,

8.6attend the annual Alberta Teachers’ Association seminar for Specialist Councils at Summer Conference.


9.1Members of the Executive Committee shall attend all meetings. The absence of any officer of the Executive Committee for more than two successive meetings, without good cause, shall result in that office being declared vacant.

10.Signing Officers

10.1The signing officers shall be the president, or another designated table officer as appointed by the president, and the treasurer.


1.Grants and Fees

1.1Fees of membership are as of 2006 09 01.

1.1.1Regular members$40.00

1.1.2Student members $5.00



1.2The ATA grant structure as of 2006 09 01 is $4,000 basic for each council and $10.00 per member for the first 250 members and $4.00 for each additional member. Councils with fewer than 250 members receive an additional grant of $2,000; councils with 250 to 350 members receive an additional grant of $1,500. All specialist councils took advantage of the Association’s offer of free review-of-accounts service.

1.3ATA grants are based on the peak membership during the twelve-month period ending August 31 and are credited to the council as of September 1. The Council may carry over into the succeeding year up to 50 percent of its grant allocation for the previous year. If more than 50 percent of the grant is unused as of August 31 of any year, the amount over 50 percent reverts to the general funds of the ATA.

1.4Regional groups may apply to the executive committee for grants to be issued by the treasurer on receipt of annual report and audited financial records.

1.5An additional grant may be obtained if the following is submitted by the Regional Representative

1.5.1a financial statement for the previous operating year;

1.5.2a list of the past operating year’s members, containing names and addresses;

1.5.3proposed need for additional grant in the form of budget for year’s activities planned; and,

1.5.4submit a written financial report to the Executive Committee of the OEC upon completion of the activity.

2.Budgeting and Expenses

2.1Budgets shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, Procedural Guidelines and Policies.

2.2All bills shall be paid by cheque.

2.3Expenses incurred by member traveling to executive meetings shall be paid from Council funds upon submission of a signed and dated expense account

2.3.1$0.45 per kilometre return if traveling by car;

2.3.2total amount of return fare at best possible rate when using public transportation;

2.3.3meals, to a maximum of $45.00 per day with receipts; and,

2.3.4overnight accommodation up to $120.00 (inclusive of taxes) if necessary upon submission of receipts;

2.3.5overnight allowance of up to $25.00 with receipts if staying in a private room;

2.3.6any exceptions to the above must be approved by the executive;

2.4The Conference Director or designate has the responsibility for making travel arrangements for all speakers requiring air travel at the best possible rate.

3.Nominations and Elections

3.1The nominations committee shall consist of the president and two other elected members of the Executive Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee.

3.2 In the event that only one nomination is received for any one office, then that office will be declared filled by acclamation.

3.3In the event that no nominations are received for any one office, then the nominating committee shall be empowered to make nominations or appointments to be ratified by the Executive Committee.