Minutes of Clubs & Societies Committee meeting held 26-08-2009

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee

Meeting 16/09


10 AM, 26th August 2009

Location: Office Bearer Space, Union House


1.  Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3  Attendance

1.4  Apologies

1.5  Proxies

1.6  Membership

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1  Grants Advice to Clubs

3.2  Socialist Alternative advertising in Week 1

4.  Office Bearers’ Report

5.  Correspondence

5.1  Let’s Talk Conversation Group (Re: MYO Non-Attendance)

5.2  UNICEF Club (Re: Room Use)

5.3  Goldie Pergl (Re: FOUL Silly Night)

6.  Grants

6.1  Update on Grants Budget Remaining

6.2  Standard Grants

6.3  Semesterly Grants

6.4  Grants For Discussion

7.  New Clubs

7.1  Crazy 8AM Stretching Club: Initial Approval

7.2  CastOn Charity Group: Initial Approval

7.3  Fashion And Design Club: Affiliation

7.4  Poker Club: Affiliation

7.5  Let’s Talk Conversation Group: Affiliation

7.6  Korean Christian Group (G4R): Affiliation

8.  Open Day

8.1  Paying for Testing n Tagging

8.2  Velcro Dots ($17.28 Orientation 03 60 605 3163)

8.3  Encouragement Chocolates ($33.18 Orientation 03 60 605 3163)

9.  Staple Gun (purchasing staples)

10.  Late Applications for Payment

10.1  International Engineering Student Society

10.2  Debating Society

11.  Mid Year Orientation Pin-boards ($120 03 Orientation 60 605 3163)

12.  Korean Students Society AGM Papers

13.  Science Students Society finances

14.  Other Business

15.  Next Meeting (postponed to Tuesday September 15, 12 pm)

16.  Close

Meeting opened at: 10:15 PM, by Piper O’Dowd

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Piper O’Dowd be appointed Chair.

Moved: Piper O’Dowd Seconded: Jesse Overton-Skinner


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So acknowledged.

1.3  Attendance

Committee Members

Lora Evans, Joshua Torrance, Lucie Turner, Jesse Overton-Skinner, Jonathan Donagan

Office Bearers

Piper O’Dowd


Fiona Sanders (C&S Administrator)


Committee Members

Sam Rankin, John Harris

1.4  Apologies

Committee Members

Lucie Turner

Office Bearers

Katherine Klaus

1.5  Proxies

Nil, because this committee does not care for proxies.

1.6  Membership

No changes

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That this agenda be adopted.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Motion 3: That the minutes for Clubs & Societies Committee meeting 15 held on 11-08-09 be accepted as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Lucie Turner Seconded: Lora Evans


Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1  Grants Advice to Clubs

Advised clubs of grant shortage on 11/8/09

We are enforcing all grant application rules strictly

We have a little bit of money left at the moment and can approve grants today

3.2  Socialist Alternative advertising in Week 1

SA submitted materials, Maria Kohn has not.

None of the material submitted had anything to do with the Holocaust.

NFA at this time

Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Report

Not heaps to report.

-  Started looking at 2009 AGMs

-  30 clubs not yet had AGMs

Jonathan Donogan arrives 10:22 am

-  Are going to apply for more $$$ from Whole of Union Fund for grants.

Agenda Item 5: Correspondence

5.1  Let’s Talk Conversation Group (Re: MYO Non-Attendance)

They thanked us for taking pity on them.


5.2  UNICEF Club (Re: Room Use)

Unicef abused by tutor over room double booking.

ACTION – Piper O’Dowd to write to venue management:

-  check Info booking first

-  check with Venue Management for double booking

-  tell Venue Management to tell people when a Union blanket booking gets taken away.

5.3  Goldie Pergl (Re: FOUL Silly Night)

Email to club members about Silly Night advised there would be alcohol.

Club had PROMISED C&S Administrator no alcohol would be provided when questioned (given the history of Silly Night).

Lora and Josh advised no alcohol was had, email was silly!

ACTION – Lora to communicate appropriate silliness (ie communicate properly)

Agenda Item 6: Grants

6.1  Update on Grants Budget Remaining

Keeping a close watch on money available, not time to stop taking grants (next meeting maybe).

ACTION: Remind clubs grants processed in order

ACTION: Prepare recommendations to move money from other budget lines (ie. Orientation, Special Projects)

6.2  Standard Grants

Motion 4: That the Standard Grants be approved en bloc.

Moved: Lora Evans Seconded: Joshua Torrance


6.3  Semesterly Grants

Motion 5: That the Semesterly grant applications be approved en bloc:

Moved: Chair


6.4  Grants For Discussion

African Drumming Club (Purchases: Drum & Instructor Hire)

Problem: Purchases grants applied for before August 11 (date we stopped taking Purchases applications). Had previously listed only August for approval by Committee.

Committee noted that if grants are approved they will still only be paid in the order received and when we run out of money club will be ineligible for any further funding. Approval of the grants does not guarantee funding.

Motion 6: That the African Drumming Club Purchases grant applications be approved.

Moved: Joshua Torrance Seconded: Lucie Turner


Buddhist Students’ Society (Purchases: Room hire 21/8)

Problem: Purchases grants applied for before August 11. Grant Application form was unclear.

Motion 7: That the Buddhist Studies Society Purchases grant application be approved.

Moved: Lora Evans Seconded: Jonathan Donagan


Club of Kites (Functions: Picnic 29/8)

Problem: Off Campus exemption requested, Insurance OK

Motion 8: That Club of Kites be given off-campus exemption and approval of the Function grant application.

Moved: Chair


Sociedad de Espanol (Functions: Pizza delivered 31/8)

Problem: IGM – C&S will provide RO

Motion 9: That the following grant application be approved:

Moved: Lora Evans Seconded: Jonathan Donagan


ACTION: advise Sociedad de Espanol to order and pick up on day when meeting reaches quorum.

Agenda Item 7: New Clubs

7.1  Crazy 8AM Stretching Club: Initial Approval

Social fitness and healthy breakfast club. Grants will be used for breakfast.

Motion 10: That the Crazy 8AM Stretching Club be initially approved.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Jesse Overton-Skinner

CARRIED Abstained: Joshua Torrance & Lora Evans

7.3  Fashion And Design Club: Affiliation

Motion 11: That the Fashion And Design Club be affiliated.

Moved: Lora Evans Seconded: Joshua Torrance


7.4  Poker Club: Affiliation

Motion 12: That the Poker Club be affiliated.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Jesse Overton-Skinner


7.2  CastOn Charity Group: Initial Approval

Lora Evans left at 10:55 am

Motion 13: That the CastOn Charity Group be initially approved.

Moved: Chair


7.5  Let’s Talk Conversation Group: Affiliation

Did not formally seek opinion of club members in forming general committee (as stipulated by their constitution). Did ask for expression of interest in general committee and appointed all those people.

ACTION: Advise club of the following (Fiona)

-  C&S Committee will overlook this time but must comply with constitution next time.

-  Expression of interest in joining committee and determining the size and structure of the committee are different.

-  Recommend change in constitution to clarify process.

Have not completed submission of IGM papers, so no affiliation recommendation at this time.

7.6  Korean Christian Group (G4R): Affiliation

Motion 14: That the Korean Christian Group (G4R) be affiliated.

Moved: Joshua Torrence Seconded: Lucie Turner


Agenda Item 8: Open Day

8.1  Paying for Testing n Tagging

Motion 15: That $50 from the Orientation Budget Line of the Clubs & Societies Budget (Code: 03 60 605 3163) be used to pay for Testing n Tagging.

Moved: Jesse Overton-Skinner Seconded: Joshua Torrence


8.2  Velcro Dots ($17.28 Orientation 03 60 605 3163)

Fiona used C&S Admin budget to pay for these: NFA

8.3  Encouragement Chocolates ($33.18 Orientation 03 60 605 3163)

Due to the revolting weather chocolates and vegan snacks were purchased for Open Day volunteers.

Motion 16: That $33.18 from the Orientation Budget Line of the Clubs & Societies Budget (Code: 03 60 605 3163) be paid to Fiona Sanders for encouragement chocolates.

Moved: Joshua Torrence Seconded: Jesse Overton-Skinner


Agenda Item 9: Staple Gun (purchasing staples)

ACTION: implement honesty box system for staple gun.

Agenda Item 10: Late Applications for Payment

10.1  International Engineering Student Society

Club did not provide timely resubmission of rejected grant.

Motion 17: That the International Engineering Student Society’s late Application for Payment be rejected.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Jesse Overton-Skinner


10.2  Debating Society

App for Payment left on UMSU reception desk ‘sometime in April’. Followed up in August. We are slow at reimbursements but not that slow.

Motion 18: That the Debating Society’s late Application for Payment be funded for 50% of the eligible payment amount.

Moved: Lucie Turner Seconded: Jonathan Donagan

CARRIED Abstained: Jesse Overton-Skinner Against: 1

Agenda Item 11: Mid Year Orientation Pin-boards ($120 03 Orientation 60 605 3163)

Motion 19: That $120 from the Orientation Budget Line of the Clubs & Societies Budget (Code: 03 60 605 3163) be used to pay for pin-boards.

Moved: Joshua Torrance Seconded: Jonathan Donagan


Agenda Item 12: Korean Students Society AGM Papers

Club did not tell C&S about AGM (held in May). Papers only submitted on our request in August. Constitution not amended.

Motion 20: That the Korean Students Society’s AGM Papers be rejected and the club is directed to re-hold the AGM.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Jesse Overton-Skinner


Agenda Item 13: Science Students Society finances

Katherine Klaus arrived 11:20 AM and left at 11:25 AM

Some money (up to $9000) has gone missing, either stolen or lost. The SSS have fixed up record keeping.

Discussed making regulations about the size of club that must engage a bookkeeper or be audited.

ACTION: Find out accountant cost (Fiona Sanders)

Shaun Khoo arrived 11:30 AM

Agenda Item 14: Other Business

MUMU grounds booking confirmation (17/8) was not emailed to Fiona, but Ange said it would be.

ACTION: Jonathan Donagan to get Ange to find it for Fiona

Agenda Item 15: Next Meeting (postponed to Tuesday September 15, 12 pm)

Motion 21: That the next Clubs & Societies Committee meeting be held on Wednesday 16th September at 10 am.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Lucie Turner


Next meeting on: Wednesday 16th September 10am

Agenda Item 10: Close

Meeting closed at: 11:40 AM

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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