Invitation to a School Trip
The Big Bang Fair
Trip Leader / Ms Ottaway/ Mr BrookesSubject / Careers and Development
Purpose / The Big Bang Fair is a fantastic opportunity for Year 7 students to explore and experience a range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths opportunities and careers.
Students will take part in a range of interactive workshops, shows and activities and get to try new things. They will also meet engineers, scientists, apprentices and other representatives from local employers and PEIs and discover what a future career in STEM might look like.
Who / It is expected that all Year 7’s will attend this trip
Where / Ardingly Showground
When / Wednesday 27th June 2018
Duration / Leaving PHS at 8.35 and retuning at approx. 2.45pm.
Travel arrangements / Coach
Dress code / School uniform
Cost / £15.00 – Voluntary Contribution
Payment arrangements / Payment will be set up on SQUID after the closing date, once all reply slips have been received. Payment due date Thursday 19th April.
Closing date / Reply slips to be returned by 9am Thursday 22nd March.
Food arrangements / Students will need to bring a packed lunch for the day, if your child is entitled to a FSM and would like a packed lunch provided please indicate on the reply slip. They will however need to bring their own drinks.
Important Information / Our website contains further details relating to school trips. If you would like advice or support for payment options, please contact the School Business Manager, Mrs D Bonner -finance@patcham
The Big Bang Fair
Wednesday 28th June 2107
Please return the reply slip by 9am on Thursday 22nd Marchto Student Services or by email to .
I give permission for ______Tutor Group ______to attend this trip.
I agree to pay £15.00 on SQUID by the due date of Thursday 19th April 2018.
My emergency contact number is: ______
Medical Conditions/Dietary Requirements:______
My child is entitled to a FSM and would like a packed lunch provided ( )
If your child has any Special Educational Needs or disability that may affect their Health and Safety and wellbeing on this trip please contact Nicola Bond on ext. 260 to discuss. Failure to provide this information at the outset may result in your child not having the support required on the trip.
Signed: ______Parent/Carer ______Date