Complaint Number / Date of Complaint / Complainant / Against / Subject / Decision
1/2006 / 23-01-06 / Civil/9202
Engr Asghar Ali / S&GAD Deptt
Govt of the Punjab / Promotion of B.Tech (Hons) to the Rank of XEN as Professional Engineers
2/2006 / 08-02-06 / Mech/16602
Engr Muhammad Arif / Pakistan Steel Mills, Karachi / Using Word “Engineer” as prefix to the Name.
3/2006 / 16-03-06 / Electro/3766
Engr Mehmood Ghaznavi / PTV Quetta / Grievances of the Graduate Engineers of PTV Quetta Centre.
4/2006 / 28-04-06 / Engineers Association
HMC-I&II / HMC / Apprenticeship/ Training Period be Account for / The complainants may be informed that this practice is in consistent with other similar organizations. However, they may be advised to provide supporting rules of any similar organization which accounts for apprenticeship period towards calculation of services benefits.
5/2006 / 06-05-06 / Engr Syed Shahnawaz Shah / Pakistan Steel Mills / Payment of Dues and Trade Compensation under VRF / A letter/reminder will be sent to Chairman PSM with his name from the Convener. Proactive follow up was also suggested by the members.
6/2006 / 19-05-06 / Engr Ahad Alvi / PIA / Professional Work being Performed by Non-professional/ Undergraduate Staff / A letter/reminder will be sent to Chairman PIA with his name from the Convener. If response is not received within 15 days, the matter shall be referred to Ministry of Defence.
Complaint Number / Date of Complaint / Complainant / Against / Subject / Decision
7/2006 / 24-06-06 / Civil/15872
Engr Abid Noor Afridi & Others / P&D Deptt, Govt of NWFP / Application for Post of District Director in Barani Area Development Project-II
8/2006 / 12-07-06 / Mech/5205
Engr M Alsam Khan
Engr Herchand Rai
Engr Qurban Ali Channa / Agriculture Deptt, Govt of Sindh / Violation of PEC Act, 1976 (Promotion of BS-17 to 18)
9/2006 / 19-07-06 / Engr Dr Arshad A Amjad (Saudi Arabia) / M/s Karrar Kazam & Associates (Architects)
M/s Zoom Engineers (Contractor) / Service Delays, Increase in owner Cost and Extremely Poor Quality of Work at House No. 183, F-11/2, Islamabad / PEC advised the Complainant to approach Civic Authority for redressal of his grievances as the matter does not fall under purview of Complaint Committee. Matter disposed off. No further action required.
10/2006 / 07-08-06 / Agri/2295
Engr M Rahmat Ullah Khan / Irrigation and Power Deptt, Govt of N-WFP / Eligibility of Agricultural Engineers based on Real Facts / PEC perused Irrigation Deptt to provide job description for the post announced by Irrigation and Power Deptt through FPSC. The reply received from I&P Deptt “Irrigation and Power Department is in need of Civil Engineers and Agriculture Engineers are not eligible for the posts of Sub-Divisional Officers Irrigation”. The complainant may be informed accordingly.
Complaint Number / Date of Complaint / Complainant / Against / Subject / Decision
11/2006 / 15-08-06 / Mr Muhammad Salman Jamil S/O Ch Muhammad Jamil / Addl Registrar, PEC / Regarding Personal Vindictiveness and Professional Misconduct by giving Misleading and Distorted Facts. / The complainant has been registered with PEC under directive of Chairman PEC alongwith other applicants of similar nature case. Matter disposed off. No further action required.
12/2006 / 28-08-06 / Graduate Engineers Islamabad Radio Pakistan / Radio PakistanIslamabad / Promotion of Diploma Holders as Professional Engineers
13/2006 / 02-09-06 / AYK (Pvt) Ltd / PEC / Unjustified Behavior of PEC
14/2006 / 06-09-06 / Engr Muhammad Aslam Khan, Dy Director (Tech) PMU Mirpurkhas / Secretary, Agriculture, Govt of Sindh / Violation of Judgement of Supreme Court of Pakistan and PEC Act for Promotion from BPS-17 to 18
15/2006 / 25-09-06 / Engr A Sattar Ch.
General Manager Kaizen Construction (Pvt) Ltd / PEC / Registration of Constructor Licence (C-1/639).
16/2006 / 16-10-06 / Engr Herchand Rai Asstt Engr (Agriculture) Sanghar / The Secretary Sindh Sectt, Karachi / Departmental representation for promotion to BS-18 representation of Engr Herchand Rai degree holder (BE-Mech) / It is purely an administrative affairs pertaining departmental promotion. The complaint is not addressed to the Complaint Committee. Being a legal matter needs not to be dealt by PEC Complaint Committee.
17/2006 / 16-11-06 / Engr Ghulam Abbas
Dy Manager, Processing Punjab Seed Corporation HQ, Lahore / Punjab Seed Corporation, Govt of Punjab / Non-compliance of PEC Bye-laws etc, clarifi8cation regarding n9omenclautre/status of engineers working in Punjab Seed Corpn. / The application does not merit consideration of Complaint Committee rather PEC may deal it through a legal expert.
18/2007 / 14-02-07 / Engr Ghulam Muhammad Sheikh / Pakistan Railways / Request for consider on mercy petition of deprived civil engineer. / The Committee was of the view that decision of FPSC is on merit and final. Complainant, therefore, may be informed accordingly.
19-20/2007 / 28-02-07 / Engr Tanveer Abbas
AssttDirectorEnggPark & HorticultureAuthorityRaceCourseParkLahore / Parks and Horticulture Authority Directorate of Administrative / Request for promotion to the rank of Deputy Director Engg, PHA in place of Hamid Rana non-qualified/diploma holder promoted as Deputy Director Engg / The Committee agreed in principle that non-engineer should not be appointed at post which involves “professional engineering works”. A letter will be Addl Secretary Punjab with signature of PEC Chairman for redressal of grievances of complainant. All Federal and provincial secretaries will also be requested to address such complaints/matters received form engineers working in departments under their control in the light of PEC Act.
Request for withdraw/cancellation of application already send to the name of Chairman PEC whose subject is request for promotion to the rank of Dy Director Engg, PHA in place of Hamid Rana non-qualified/diploma holder promoted as Dy Director Engg.
21/2007 / 16-04-07 / Engr Donald Dass
Dy Manager, QESCO / WAPDA / Promotion up-gradation of mechanical engineers working in Wapda (QESCO) / To be considered in next (i.e. 25-07-2007) meeting of Complaint Committee.