NIVEAU 3eLV1 – 3eLV2

1. “...... ” “Not too bad, thanks.”

(A) Where's your pen? (C) How tall are you?

(B) How are you? (D) How old are you?

2. My brother's girlfriend ...... in Liverpool.

(A) often goes (C) works

(B) don't live (D) are living

3...... got many friends?

(A) Did you (C) Has he

(B) Have (D) Are you

4. Is ...... stop here?

(A) the passenger want to (C) your father

(B) the driver going (D) the bus going to

5...... the High Street, doesn't she?

(A) Jenny's father works in (C) She's walking along

(B) She's got a flat near (D) Rick's aunt lives in

6...... painting the walls red?

(A) Let's (C) What if we

(B) Why don't we (D) How about

7. They ..... at home. They went on holiday yesterday.

(A) can't be (C) must be

(B) mustn't be (D) can be

8. His parents ...... him a computer for his last birthday.

(A) are giving (C) were giving

(B) give (D) gave

9. If you ..... left at the traffic lights, you'll see the station in front of you.

(A) turn (C) turned

(B) will turn (D) went

10. These glasses are only for reading. You ..... them for driving.

(A) should get (C) shouldn't wear

(B) mustn't (D) must wear

11...... are small cakes made with chocolate.

(A) Christmas puddings (C) Doughnuts

(B) Brownies (D) Jellies

12...... the boys had shorts on. They were all wearing trousers.

(A) Some of (C) Any of

(B) None of (D) Nothing of

13. He told her to speak more slowly, but she ..... speaks too fast.

(A) still (C) hasn't stopped

(B) yet (D) already

14. Find a title for this “family” of words: fence, gate, bush, path.

(A) factory (C) roof

(B) garden (D) transport

15. This is the essay ...... last week.

(A) I have written (C) that I'm writing

(B) did I write (D) I wrote

16. He worked for an hour, then he stopped ...... dinner.

(A) to have (C) for having

(B) having (D) to

17. He .... the train and walked from the platform to the car park.

(A) got down (C) went off

(B) went out (D) got off

18...... is by the sea and is warm, even in winter.

(A) Dallas (C) Toronto

(B) Loch Ness (D) Miami

19. At Madame Tussaud’s, all the statues ...... real.

(A) look (C) look like

(B) look as if (D) are looking

20. He's ..... person. He gives presents to all his friends at Christmas.

(A) so generous (C) so generously

(B) such a generous (D) generous a

21. What means the same as “It's up to you”?

(A) It's your property. (C) It's as big as you.

(B) It's your decision. (D) It's very close to you.

22. These brown shoes are very nice, but .... in the window are cheaper.

(A) that one (C) the ones

(B) those black (D) the black

23. Look! That's the man ..... dog attacked a child last week.

(A) with the (C) whose

(B) of which (D) who's got a

24. There are ...... people in Alaska than in New York.

(A) more (C) as many

(B) less (D) fewer

25. I'm afraid you ...... to visit the castle today. It's closed.

(A) couldn't (C) won't have

(B) can't (D) won't be able

26. We ...... love coming to this beach, but it's polluted now.

(A) used to (C) always use to

(B) could (D) have never

27. His translation was awful because the teacher ..... use a dictionary.

(A) didn't let him (C) didn't ask him

(B) allowed him (D) made her

28. The letter “R” rhymes with ......

(A) hair (C) star

(B) four (D) tour

29. I couldn't understand what ......

(A) was he talking about (C) they have said

(B) the problem was (D) is happening

30. Agatha Christie wrote ......

(A) horror stories (C) poems

(B) science fiction books (D) detective stories

31. “Don't you like that cheese?” “No! It ...... old socks!”

(A) tastes as if (C) smells just like

(B) smell of (D) remembers

32. I ...... along the motorway when I ran out of petrol.

(A) was driving (C) have driven

(B) drove (D) would drive

33. Pronunciation: “definition” = o o O o; “geography” = ......

(A) o o O o (C) o o o O

(B) o O o o (D) O o o o

34. Just coffee for me, please. I'm not used ..... a big breakfast.

(A) to have (C) to having

(B) for eating (D) with eating

35. The sea must be very cold today. I can't see anyone ......

(A) swimming (C) who are swimming

(B) to swim (D) swims

36. The “.....” is a huge wheel from which you can view the city.

(A) Hollywood Bowl (C) London Eye

(B) Sydney Opera House (D) Washington Memorial

37. “Would you mind not talking, please?” “...... ”

(A) Of course I will (C) That's OK

(B) Never mind (D) Oh, sorry

38. Which word rhymes with “height”?

(A) eight (C) weigh

(B) white (D) hate

39. I haven't got enough money for the bus ..... so I'll have to walk.

(A) price (C) fare

(B) change (D) seat

40. The car stopped because it had ...... petrol.

(A) run out of (C) run down the

(B) filled up with (D) put out the

41. Complete the list: flat/apartment, colour/color, petrol/......

(A) oil (C) fuel

(B) gas (D) diesel

42. If I wanted to get a car, ...... me the money?

(A) will you give (C) did they offer

(B) could you borrow (D) would you lend

43. Shakespeare didn't write ......

(A) Hamlet (C) Charles V

(B) Romeo and Juliet (D) Julius Caesar

44. He ..... that book since last Monday and he hasn't finished it yet.

(A) was reading (C) has read

(B) has been reading (D) is reading

45. The first vowel sound of “money” and of “...... ” are the same.

(A) mountain (C) honest

(B) country (D) lonely

46. I'd put the desk nearer the window, if ...... you.

(A) I were (C) this were

(B) it was (D) I would be

47...... is not a member of the Commonwealth.

(A) South Africa (C) the Republic of Ireland

(B) India (D) Australia

48. He's strange. He's wearing an overcoat ...... it's summer!

(A) however (C) because

(B) even though (D) in spite of

49. None of the planes could take off ...... the fog hadn't cleared.

(A) up to (C) until

(B) as soon as (D) because

50. I wish my town ..... such narrow streets. There are always traffic jams.

(A) would have (C) had

(B) didn't have (D) wouldn't have

51. In the United States, Thanksgiving is on ......

(A) the third Sunday of October (C) the second Monday of March

(B) the fourth Thursday of November (D) 1st May

52. That coat is too long for you. It needs ......

(A) shortening (C) be shortened

(B) to shorten (D) of being shortened

53. He took his watch to a jeweller's and ......

(A) have cleaned it (C) to clean it

(B) had cleaned it (D) had it cleaned

54. “In God We Trust” is ......

(A) on all American coins (C) the name of the American national anthem

(B) the motto of the British monarchy (D) the slogan of the Republican party