Garland, TX

Foster Care Provider Application and Contract

Today's Date:

Home phone number (and when is a good time to contact you):
Fax number if applicable:
Work number if you are able to be reached at work (and hours you are there):
Cell phone:
Email address:
Date of Birth:
How did you hear about Ruff Mutt Border Collie Rescue?


Are there other adults in your household? If yes, provide ages, occupations, and indicate if each is committed to becoming a foster family:

Are there children in your household? If yes, provide their names and ages:

Will any of your children be responsible for caring for your foster dog? If yes, please explain:

Is anyone in your household allergic to animals? If yes, please explain:

Are there a lot of children in the neighborhood and/or are you frequently visited by children? If yes, do any of them have access to your yard/kennel/house when you are not at home? If yes, please explain, taking care to indicate how you intend to prevent them from teasing a dog, letting a dog out either intentionally or by accident, or doing any other thing that might be detrimental to the welfare of a foster dog:


Please give a brief history of your experience with Border Collies:

How many years have you been involved with dogs?

Have you ever been bitten or attacked by a dog? If yes, please explain:

Are you comfortable approaching dogs that you do not know? If no, please explain:

Are you willing to assume the risks involved with working with animals that are sometimes frightened and in unfamiliar surroundings have the potential to become aggressive? If no, please explain:

Please give a brief history of previous dogs you have had in the past including names, ages and where they are now:

I have dog(s) of my own now. Please describe your dogs as to their breed, age, size, and temperament particularly with regard to other dogs:

Please list three people who are knowledgeable about your care of dogs. Please include your vet as one of themand two other people in the dog community. List their names, email addresses or phone numbers, what is their relationship to dogs, and what is their relationship to you:


I live in a neighborhood?

Do you rent or own your property?If you rent, do you have permission from your landlord to have pets on the property?

Do you have neighbors nearby, or do you share a house with other families? If yes, are they aware that you intend to become a foster home, and if so, do they support your decision?

Are there any restrictions as to the number of dogs and/or combination of dogs and cats that you may have at your residence?

Are you required to obtain a kennel license if you take in dogs in addition to your own? If yes, are you willing to obtain such a license?

How large is your property?

Do you have a fenced yard or outdoor kennel run? If you have a fence and/or kennel, please describe including type, height and square footage:

Do you own a crate or crates? If yes, how many, what type and what size are they?

How many foster dogs can you provide for at a time?

Where will rescue dogs be housed?

Can you also arrange for foster care in other homes in your neighborhood?


Are you willing to take responsibility for seeing that a dog in your care is spayed or neutered, is up to date on all of its vaccinations (including kennel cough), is wormed, is tested for heartworm and put on preventative, and is give all the health care that it needs and/or requires?

Please check the areas of evaluation you are able to provide:
Temperament for ordinary household
Suitability for placement in a home with children ten or older
With children younger than tentoddlersbabies
Suitability for placement in a home with other dogscats
Reaction to a variety of experiences
Suitability for dog sports
Evaluation of herding instinct
Other. Please explain:

Please check the level of training you are able to provide:
Socialization (exposing dogs to other dogs, small animals, children, strangers, a variety of experiences, etc.)
Housetraining Cratetraining Walking on a lead
Basic training (including sit, down, stay, and heel)
More advanced training (such as for a sport, obedience, herding, etc.)

Do you have the experience to handle dogs with severe behavioral problems (such as aggression, fear biting, etc.)? If yes, please explain:


I can evaluate adoptive homes before placement
I can do post adoption follow-ups
I can provide education to the public (demos at dog/herding events, passing out literature, etc.)
I am a vet (or) trainer (or) behavior consultant (or) groomer (or) other professional (please specify):
I am willing to give free ordiscounted services to rescue people
I am willing to help my local Rescue worker with services at his/her home (for example, dog walking, kennel cleaning, dog sitting, etc. Please explain:
I am willing to provide transportation for dogs in need
I can provide "office" services such as photocopying, mailing, computer services, editing, fielding telephone calls, and so on. Please explain:
Other. Please explain:


I agree to work with the rescue person that has put a dog in my care and to abide by any decisions made by them (I understand that the rescue person has the ultimate responsibility for this dog and the right to place it as he/she feels is appropriate).

Are you willing to commit to fostering a dog for as long as it takes to place it? If no, please explain:


I agree to abide by RMBCR's Code of Ethics
I will treat all Border Collies in my care humanely
I will never knowingly falsely represent myself or any Border Collie in my care
I will never sell a Border Collie that comes into my care as a rescue dog, or otherwise profit from Border Collie rescue
I will not knowingly give any dog to a research facility, pet shop, dog broker, puppy mill, dog breeder for purposes of breeding, or to any other person, firm, corporation or organization that may cause harm either mentally or physically to any dog that has been in my care I will never use RMBCR's name in order to sell a dog or puppy of my own
I will never use a rescue Border Collie for breeding purposes
No Rescue dog will leave my care that has not been spayed or neutered -or- I have provided in some way for its spaying or neutering, either by written contract with the new owner or some other method.
