PerformanceManagementandSalaryAdjustmentProcesses AdministrativeandProfessionalFacultyInformationTechnology
Thegoals ofperformancemanagement processesareto providefeedback on an annual, systematic basis to Administrative and Professional (A/P) facultymembers,and to ensurethatInformation Technologyuppermanagement has an opportunityto understand thework donebyA/Pfaculty members. Theprocess establishes amechanism toshare and document expectations, and discuss expectations and accomplishments between each facultymember and his orhersupervisor.Finally, theprocess is tied to salaryadjustments. Theperformancemanagement process and thesalary adjustment process mayproceed in parallel. Theremainderofthis document describes thesteps in theseprocesses.
1. All A/Pfacultymemberswill complete an annualfacultyactivityreport atatimedetermined by theVicePresident forInformation Technology.
a. The annual facultyactivityreport and evaluation are an important element forsalary adjustments and otherpersonnel matters.
b. Each facultymembercompletes the facultyactivityreport, and submits it to his orher supervisorbytheirsupervisor’s stated deadline.
c. TheLineManagers reportingdirectlyto theVice President will receivethefaculty activityreports from A/Pfacultyin theirorganizations, review thefacultyactivity reports and thethenforward reports theto VicePresident bythestated deadline.
d. TheperformanceofeachA/Pfacultymemberis evaluated annuallyin adiscussion with thesupervisor followed up with awritten responseto the annual report.
TheFacultyHandbookdated August 31, 2015 states in section 4.6.1:“Everyfaculty member’s professional performanceis evaluated annuallyand written feedbackis provided separatelyfromconfirmation of anymerit adjustments.”
e. The facultyactivityreports will besubmitted to theVirginiaTech President’s officeon theprescribed date.
2. TheIT facultyannualactivityreport should includethe followinginformation (seetemplateat
Tab A):
a. Accomplishments fortheyear compared to thecurrentyear’sgoals stated intheprevious year’sactivityreport.
b. Anybarriers to the completion ofgoals. c. Goals forthecomingyear
d. Additional items to report:
i. Courses taught:Includecoursenumberand name,semestertaught, enrollments. ii. Research/scholarlypublications: Include complete citation. Specifyifpending,
accepted forpublication, orpublished duringtheyear.
iii. Professional publications and presentations.Indicatethevenueand natureofthe audience.
iv. Outreach: Universityoutreach otherthan includedwith primarypositiongoals and objectives.
v. Universityservice: Governancecommittees served on or chaired; ad hoc administrativeworking groups served on or chaired; student organizations assisted or advised
vi. Professional service: Professional organizationaloffices orcommitteeservice. vii. Recognitions awarded.
viii. Certifications achieved.
ix. Contributions to diversity.
e. Recommended length ofthe report is at most 3 pages. f.Bulleted lists arenot onlyacceptable, but preferable.
Merit and special salaryadjustments adhereto requirements established bytheuniversity.
1. Establishment and communication oftheuniversityparameters
a. Universityexecutive administration distributes thememo on themerit adjustment process to theVicePresident. Thememo containsinformation about thepercentageof
the facultysalarypool allocated for adjustments, deadlines, requirements forjustification for eitherhigh orlowadjustments, and anyadditional details.
b. Theuniversitytool usedforsalaryadjustments is FACSAL,adatabasethatcontains the current facultysalaries, and into which recommendations forsalaryadjustments are entered.
2. TheVicePresident will notifytheLineManagersof an approachingsalaryadjustment period.
Each linemanagerwill beprovidedguidelines regardingtheoverall salaryadjustments for each department withinIT. Theguidelines will includeduedates alongwith criteria forjustification ofthe recommendations. A sample call forsalaryadjustments is located at Tab B.
3. LineManagers send theirrecommendations to theVicePresident bytheestablished duedate.
4. TheVicePresident evaluates the recommendations, and mayengagein conversations to completeaset offinal recommendations that conforms to theoverall fundingavailable for salaryadjustments.
5. Theproposed recommendations aresubmitted to theuniversity’s Chief Financial Officerto review forbudget compliance. Thesubmission isaccomplished byentryinto the FACSAL database. Merit-based salaryadjustments and anyspecial adjustments resultingfrom changeof duties orother circumstances arenoted.
6. Recommendations go totheBoard ofVisitors (BOV)to be approved duringtheappropriate
BOV meeting.
7. Salaryadjustment lettersaredistributed to thefaculty, seeTab C.
8. Forasequenceofevents,seeTab D.
December 14, 2016
TabA:Sample facultyactivity report
A/P Faculty Annual Activity Report for calendar year beginning January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
Organizational Unit
Percent timeinInformation Technology:
PreviousYearsGoals / Currentyearsaccomplishmentssupportingpreviousyear’sgoals / Explanations,if any,including
reasonsfornotaccomplishing agoal
Theabovetableis tobeusedtoconciselycomparethepreviousyear’sstatedgoals comparedtothecurrentyear’saccomplishments.Iftherewerepreviousyear’sgoalsthat couldnotbeaccomplished,indicatethesechallengesinthethirdcolumnalongwiththe typesofsupportthatwouldfacilitateachievingthesegoalsorobjectives.
Additional accomplishments:Pleaseusebullet or outlineformat.
•Courses taught: Includecoursenumber and name, semester taught, enrollments.
•Research/scholarlypublications:Include complete citation. Specifyif pending, accepted for publication, or published during the year.
•Professional publications and presentations. Indicatethevenueand natureof the audience.
December 14, 2016
•Outreach:Universityoutreach other than included with primaryposition goals and objectives.
•Universityservice:Governance committees served on or chaired;ad hocadministrative working groups served on or chaired;student organizations assisted or advised
•Professional service:Professional organizationaloffices or committeeservice.
•Recognitions awarded.
•Certifications achieved.
•Contributionsto diversity.
Goals andobjectives for the coming calendar year:
Pleaselist goals and objectives bymajor job responsibilities. Add other goals if applicable.
•Attach resumeor curriculum vita
•Attach proposed revisions to position description
December 14, 2016
TabB:Sample callforsalaryadjustment recommendations
From: VicePresident forInformation Technology
Subject: Salaryadjustment recommendations
Date: [date]
It is timeto process theA/Pfacultysalaryadjustments. As usual, thesalaryrecommendations will go through theapprovalprocess with thevicepresident meetingwith thepresident, theChief Financial Officer, and theProvost, followed byapproval oftheBoard ofVisitors. Recommendations should not bediscussed with anyindividual facultymemberuntil approval after theBOV meetingon [date]. Thisyear, the allocation for facultymerit increases is based on
[percent]. TheVPwould like an explanation for anyonewho is recommended for an increasethat is less than [percent]orthat is greaterthan [percent]. Anyrecommendations forspecial adjustments for changes in duties orother circumstances will need anexplanation.
Please forwardyourrecommendations by[date].
As a reminder, facultyannual reports aredueto theVicePresident by[date].
December 14, 2016
TabC:Sample notificationofasalary adjustmentletter
Personal and confidential
Duringthe (date)meetingoftheVirginiaTech Board ofVisitorsyoursalaryadjustment was approved effective (date). You will receiveameritincreaseof ($ amount)[(if applicable)and a special adjustment for(reason)in the amount of ($amount)]. Yournew total salarywill be ($ amount). All other compensation and benefits arein accordancewith provisions outlined in the FacultyHandbookandanyotheruniversitysupplemental benefit information.
[Special notations ortargeted performancegoals forthe comingyearmaybeincluded].
[name and signature]
•A/Pfacultymembers submit annual activityreports
•Vicepresident receives theuniversitymerit adjustment process memorandum and final facultymerit pool percentages
•LineManagers conveyrecommendations to theVicePresident, andanyfurther review occurs
•Recommendations areentered into FACSAL
•VicePresident reviews recommendations with executive administration (CFO, Provost, and
•Boardreport is prepared
•BOV reviewsand approves merit increaserecommendations
•Individual facultymembers arenotified oftheindividual salaryadjustments
•Salaryadjustment is reflected in paychecks