Miss Stark English II

Sophomore Project

It is time for us to start working on your sophomore project. The theme we are working with is a compare/contrast between two commonly confused cultures. Here is the overview of it for you:

Research Paper / Ø  10 paragraphs ( 8 body paragraphs plus an introductory and concluding paragraph)
Ø  typed or word processed following all conventions of MLA format
Ø  5 research sources minimum
(Final Submission in this order) / ü  Letter of Intent
ü  Research Paper with Title Page
ü  Works Cited
ü  Project reflection
ü  Full Typed Concrete Detail Outline
ü  8 t-charts
ü  Parent Signature Page
ü  Paper Submission receipt from turnitin.com
ü  Paper copies of all sources
Sophomore Board Presentations / q  A 7-10 minute group or individual presentation to the class about your topic and an overview of the essay. You must include a visual aid- power point, poster board, etc.
Supplies / ·  Lined white note cards (4x6 or 3x5)
·  Report cover with brads or swing cover or ½-1 inch binder and folder that can be snapped into binder
·  Flash drive (optional but useful, can be used next year)
·  Blue, red, black, and green pens (for t-charts)
·  Home access to computer and printer

This will constitute a huge portion of your second semester grade. Deadlines must be met or you will fall behind. Cheating or plagiarism of any kind will result in an automatic zero. We will submit these to turnitin.com, so proper M.L.A. formatting is essential.

Sophomore Project Calendar

Assignment (All are due at START of period) / Due Date
·  Meet in library- bring flash drive
*Friday: Come to class first to drop off your book report / Wed. 3/25-Fri. 3/27
·  Letter of Intent due
·  Source Check-point (3 sources per individual with copies for each group member) / Monday 3/30
5 Note cards due / Tuesday 3/31
10 more note cards due
Last 2 sources are due (one copy per group member) / Thursday 4/2
Last 10 note cards due / Friday 4/3
Big Picture Outline due at end of period / Monday 4/13
Typed Works Cited Due / Wednesday 4/15
Full Typed Concrete Detail Outline with Citations / Thursday 4/16
T-Charts will be collected daily. All T-charts must be completed by the due date! / Friday 5/1
Advisory draft due / Thursday 5/7
Master draft due / Friday 5/8
Sophomore Speeches / Tues. 5/12- Fri. 5/15

(Letter of Intent: Sample Form)

March 30, 2009

Sue Smith

100 Any Street

La Verne, California 91750

Miss Shannon Stark

Bonita High School

3102 “D” Street

La Verne, California 91750

Dear Miss Stark:

Paragraph One:

q  Describe the general area of interest of your project, i.e. history and international/world culture and why this topic is of interest to you.

q  Explain what you already know or have accomplished in this area.

Paragraph Two:

q  Discuss the focus of your research paper (compare/contrast of two commonly confused cultures), some of the ideas you hope to include (refer to the “areas to compare) and what will be possible resources.

q  Explain how the research paper topic will be a learning experience.

Paragraph Three:

q  Explain your understanding of plagiarism and/or misrepresentation of the paper, project, and/or portfolio.

q  Explain in your own words the repercussions of plagiarism or misrepresentation of your Sophomore Project.


Sue Smith

Sue Smith

Sue Smith

English II

Miss Stark

7 May 2009

Title in Center

Start typing your essay here. Remember to indent at the beginning of each paragraph. If you need to begin a new paragraph, just indent. Extra white space between paragraphs just looks “silly,” as if you were trying to “pad” your writing for length (“Mexican government”).

Therefore, when writing an MLA formatted paper, set your word processing requirements for double spacing and then forget about making any adjustments. Set your margins for an inch all around the body of your page—an inch from the top, an inch from the bottom, an inch from the left and an inch from the right. Set your “header” to be placed flush right and only one half inch from the top of the paper. Do not make the “first page special.” Just keep paginating from page one to the end of your document. It is that easy!

Believe it or not, the Modern Language Association has created guidelines to simplify the process of submitting a college-level research paper. They are so basic that, once you have mastered them, the APA or ACS requirements will not deter you from creating the most impressive of documents. Can you say Nobel Prize? All successful scholars have paid attention to detail. Good scholarship begins with learning the (rather arbitrary, I’ll admit) rules of the academic “game.” Here at Bonita, we want you to have every advantage to prepare you for future success.As you continue your paper, put your second and following pages into a format such as the one you see on the next page. Of course, you do not type the title again, nor do you type the name, course name instructor name or due date again. The top right corner of the page gives the instructor information to keep your work in order. By the way, some instructors do not want you to staple your work together; it slows the grading process (I want it stapled). Consideration for your reader is important. After all, you want to accommodate, not frustrate, the reader.

On the decision of which font to use, select Times New Roman. And do not make your font size any larger than 12 points. Then again, do not make your font too small, NEVER less than 10 points. Keep your font selection consistent throughout. A font “family” that contains an italic type is ideal so that you might italicize the names of books and other longer pieces of writing or creative works. Using a display font signals that you are a rookie and you have little or no experience in the larger world of academic study. Save your personal expressiveness for your lovely, concise and lucid prose. Do not count on cosmetics to doll up your writing. Let your words convince the reader. That is what rhetoric is all about.

Another consideration for readability is whether or not to justify the lines of type on the page. Avoid that temptation. The line length is too long for justification to be helpful to the reader. In fact, justified type will create “rivers” of white space on the page that will eventually tire the reader’s eyes. Just keep the alignment simple: justify left.

Finally, when you complete the body of your paper and type the last sentence, stop. “The End” only works at the finish of movies produced before 1950. Your paper is not really finished anyway; you still have a Works Cited page to complete.

Works Cited

Name, First. Title of Book. Place: Publisher’s Name, Year.

Name, First and First Name. “Multiple Author Article Title.” Magazine Name. Day

Month Year, page numbers.

“Title of an Article without an Author.” Name of Software. Publisher of Software. Year

of Creation.

“Webpage Article.” Sponsoring Site. Month, Year Visited.



Accessing EBSCO Host

What is it: A research database that allows you to access quality, scholastic articles and academic sources for your research.

How to access:

1. Visit the Bonita High School website at (http://www.bonita.k12.ca.us/bonita/)

2. Select library from the menu at left

3. Scroll down under research tools and click on EBSCO

4. Username: bonita Password: bearcat

5. Select a service

6. Search for your topic

7. Try different ways of searching such as “China” or “China vs. Korea” or “Chinese government” or “Government of China”

Source Finder-Internet

Web site address or URL:

Author(s) name:

Title of the web page:

Title of section or part of web page:

Sponsoring or associated institution:

Date created or last revised:

Date you accessed it (saw it):

Online search engine used:

Keywords used:

Source Finder-Books

Name of library:

Author(s) name:

Title of the book:

Title of a part of the book:

Name of editor and/or translator:

Volume #: Series name:

City of publication:

Publisher’s name:

Year published (copyright):

Page numbers when using only part of a book:

Source Finder-Periodicals

Name of library:

Author(s) name:

Title of article:

Title of periodical:

Date of periodical:

Page numbers of article:

Volume #:

Source Finder-Internet (Example)

Web site address or URL: http://europa.eu/abc/european_countries/eu_members/italy/index_en.htm

Sometimes, websites don’t have specific author(s) named

Author(s) name:

Title of the web page: EUROPA- Gateway to the European Union

Title of section or part of web page: European Countries- Italy

Sponsoring or associated institution: EUROPA

Date created or last revised: 2009

Date you accessed it (saw it): March 23, 2009

Online search engine used: Google

Keywords used: Italian government

Resulting Works Cited Entry:

"European Countries- Italy." EUROPA- Gateway to the European Union. 2009. EUROPA. 23 Mar. 2009 <http://europa.eu/abc/european_countries/eu_members/italy/index_en.htm>.

Resulting In-Text Citation Entry:

“Italy has a two-chamber parliament, consisting of the Senate (Senato della Repubblica) or upper house and the Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati)” (“European Countries- Italy”).

Once your group has been assigned the two countries to compare and contrast, you need to begin your research. Work together and help each other out. You must choose scholarly and academic sources, so no “Wikipedia” or “About.com”. Most countries have their own websites.

Each student in your group will be responsible for one section of your project. It is the responsibility of that person to make enough copies of their research for each member of their group. You are not going to write a paragraph for each member…you will each write your own essay but most of the sources and resulting information will be shared.

Your essay is only eight body paragraphs long (2 per sub-topic); so carefully select specific information that will help you.

These are the areas to compare and contrast for paper. Next to the sections, indicate who’s responsible for that section.

  1. Government (2 paragraphs) ______
  2. Types
  3. Male/female leadership
  4. Groups that threaten the government
  5. Group that help the leader govern
  6. Education (2 paragraphs) ______
  7. Types
  8. Percentage of actual graduates
  9. School attendance
  10. Public/private school opportunities
  1. Health (2 paragraphs) ______
  2. Life expectancy/infant mortality
  3. Healthcare benefits
  4. Common diseases
  5. ???
  6. Economy (2 paragraphs) ______
  7. Major imports/exports
  8. Types jobs/unemployment
  9. Median salary

For your speeches/power points you need to research the above information plus:

·  Artists/authors/famous inventors from those countries

·  Well-known historical sites, popular tourist attractions, etc.

·  Flags

·  Map depicting both countries

·  Language(s) spoken/written

·  Other cultural elements

Write your two cultures here ______vs. ______

Sophomore Project 2009

Dear parent and student:

This week, we will begin our Sophomore Project; this is a required aspect of the Sophomore curriculum at Bonita High School. The purpose of the project is for students to further develop their research, writing, and presentation skills. There are three parts to this project: a research paper, portfolio of materials used, and a speech with visual aid. Students will be working in teacher- assigned groups to compare and contrast two cultures that are sometimes confused. They have indicated preferences, and I will do my best to allow them to research one of their top choices. Although groups will work together to share research and ideas, each group member will be responsible for his or her own paper. Then, as a group, students will create a power point and present their topic to the class.


Over the next five weeks, your support is needed. Please take some time to help your child come up with ideas and be available to proofread outlines and review drafts with them. In order to ensure your student stays on task with their project, some work will need to be done at home and over the weekends. Additionally, please keep absences to a minimum as many students find it difficult to catch up when a day or two is missed. I understand we live in very busy times; however, the discipline of research is one that is time-consuming yet rewarding and is an excellent preparation for college.

Your student will need access to a computer and the ability to use the library. This project with constitute over half of their fourth quarter grade. Please review the packet your child has been given, with special regard to due dates and materials needed and sign below. This sheet is due Wed. 3/25.


Miss Stark


Parent signature Student signature