2017 International Summer Schools

Thank you for your interest in attending one of the International Summer Schools in the Cardiff University College of Physical Sciences & Engineering.

Please take a few moments to complete the application below - expect to receive confirmation within 5 business days.

1.Which of the following International Summer Schools are you applying for (choose 1):

□Alternative Energy Systems (Engineering)

□ The Diversity of Catalysis (Chemistry)

□ Electronic Engineering

□ Sustainable Civil Engineering

Personal Details

2.Family Name (appears in passport)

a.First name(s) (appears in passport):


□Mr. □Mrs. □Miss □Ms □Other

c.Country of Birth:

3.Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):

4.Country of Residence:


6.Email address:

7.Mobile number (including country code):

Academic & Professional Qualifications

Applicants may be required to provide evidence of qualifications stated in this application

8.Details of current (or most recent) academic qualification - include name of institution, GPA or classification, subject area (major), and date degree awarded or expected:

9.Please provide details of any English language qualifications you hold - including name of qualification, score and date of qualification

Expression of Interest

10.Please describe below your interest in this International Summer School. Please indicate what benefits you expect to gain from attending, and what makes you a suitable candidate. Maximum of 300 words.

Confidential Reference

Please provide details of an appropriate reference who may be contacted to support your application to join this summer school

11.Referee name:


13.Relationship to applicant:

Emergency Contact Details

Please provide details of the person to be contacted during the summer school in the event of an emergency

14.Next of kin name:


16.Mobile number:

17.Relationship to applicant:

How did you hear about the International Summer School?

18.Please provide details of how you heard about this International Summer School:

Century Sibling*

Criminal Convictions

If you have a relevant criminal conviction, please choose "yes" from the list below. Relevant criminal convictions are only those convictions for offences against the person, whether of a violent or sexual nature, and convictions for offences involving unlawfully supplying controlled drugs or substances where the conviction concerns commercial drug dealing or trafficking. Convictions that are spent (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) are not considered to be relevant and you should not reveal them.

19.Do you have a relevant criminal conviction?

□Yes □No

Please send this form to to complete your application.

Thank you.

*Applicants put reference to Century Sibling to receive a£50 discount.