Judith Richter–Selected Publications
November 2017
Public-private partnerships and international health policy-making: how can public interests be safeguarded? Elements for Discussion Series, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Finland, Helsinki, September 2004
Holding corporations accountable: corporate conduct, international codes, and citizen action. London & New York: Zed Books, 2001 (also in electronic version)
Vaccination against pregnancy: miracle or menace? London & New Jersey: Zed Books; Melbourne: Spinifex Press, 1996
Book chapters, articles, briefing papers and other publications (selection)
“Comment on WHO’s draft 13thGeneral Programme of Work”, IBFAN-GIFA Briefing Paper, in cooperation with Alessia Bigi, 28 November 2017
Comments on Draft Concept Note towards WHO's 13th General Programme of Work,14 November 2017,
"Comments on Draft Approach for the prevention and management of conflicts of interest in the policy development and implementation of nutrition programmes at country level", WHO online consultation, 29 October 2017,
"Mayday - Mayday! WHO redefines conflicts of interest and opens floodgates to undue influences,"Poster presented at the Global 'No Free Lunch' Conference, How do conflicts of interest harm health around the world?,Berlin, 15-17 September 2017, see
Birn, A.-E. & J. Richter (advance chapter). U.S. Philanthrocapitalism and the Global Health Agenda: The Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, Past and Present. Health Care under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health. eds. Howard Waitzkin and the Working Group for Health Beyond Capitalism, Monthly Review Press (forthcoming 2018)
“Understanding conflicts of interests to safeguard democratic health and nutrition governance,"annotated slide show, International Baby Food Action Network/Geneva Infant Feeding Association (IBFAN-GIFA), Geneva, May 2016,
"Time to debate WHO’s understanding of conflicts of interest." British Medical, Journal (BMJ) rapid response, 22 October 2015,
"Conflicts of interest and global health and nutrition governance - The illusion of robust principles," BMJ RR, 12 Feb. 2015,
"Zeit zur Kehrtwende: Die Zusammenarbeit der WHO mit nichtstaatlichen Akteuren & die Politik der ´Stakeholder-Governance´ und Interessenkonflikte." Pharma-Brief (4): 3-5, June 2014 (up-dated German translation of BMJ RR)
"Time to turn the tide: WHO’s engagement with non-State actors & the politics of stakeholder-governance and conflicts of interest." 12 May 2014, RR & letterto the BMJ
"WHO reform and public interest safeguards: An historical perspective. Editorial."Social Medicine 6 (3): 141-150, April 2012(& Spanish translation)
"Zwischenruf zur WHO Reform: Auf dem Weg zu einer plutokratischen Weltgesundheitspolitik?Pharma-Brief (7-8): 3, 2011
Global partnerships and Health for All: Towards an institutional strategy. A discussion paper prepared for WHO's Department of Government, Civil Society and Private Sector Relations (GPR). Geneva, WHO, 20 pages, 2005
“Public-Private Partnerships und Entwicklungspolitik: kommentierte Bibliographie.” In PPPs und Entwicklungspolitik: Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Entwicklungspolitik 2005 Geneva:Graduate Institute of Development Studies (Institut universitaire d’études du développement, IUED), German and French versions
Conflicts of interest and policy making: reflections from the fields of health and infant nutrition. IBFAN/GIFA, Geneva, May 2005 (translated into French &Italian)
Public-private partnerships and Health for All: how can WHO safeguard public interests? GASPP(Globalism and Social Policy Programme) Policy Brief No. 5, September 2004(based on the monograph below; shortened version in Third World Resurgence,autumn 2005)
Public-private partnerships and international health policy making: How can public interests be safeguarded? Helsinki, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Development Policy Information Unit (2004).
“Public-private partnerships for health: a trend with no alternatives?” Society for InternationalDevelopment SID,Issue on Politics of Health, vol. 47, No.2, June 2004, pp.43-48
(also shortened German version)
Building on quicksand: The Global Compact, democratic governance and Nestlé. Geneva & Zurich, CETIM (Centre Europe-Tiers Monde); IBFAN/GIFA, Berne Declaration(October 2003, 2nd edition April 2004)
“Global public private ‘partnerships:’ how do we ensure that they are in the public interest?,” United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) News, No. 26, July 2003, pp. 8-11
‘We the peoples’ or ‘we the corporations’? Critical reflections on UN-business partnerships. Geneva, IBFAN/GIFA (2003)
“Codes in context: TNC regulation in an era of dialogues and partnerships.” TheCorner House, Briefing Paper No. 26, February 2002 (Shortened French version published by Déclaration de Berne, December 2002, pp.4-11)
“Pharmaceutical industry.” Encyclopedia of International Political Economy. R. J. Barry Jones (ed.), London: Routledge Ltd., 2001
“A question of standards?” Letter to the editor, British Medical Journal (BMJ), 14 October 2000, p. 956
“How globalisation affects infant feeding.” Background paper for the WHO/UNICEF Technical Consultation on Infant and Young Child Feeding, Geneva, 13-17 March 2000
“Contraceptive development.” Routledge International Encyclopedia on Women. Chris Kramerae & Dale Spender (eds.). New York: Routledge, 2000
“Unternehmensdialoge: Offene Gespräche oder Konsensfabrikation?” (Corporate dialogues: candid discussions or engineering of consent?). In Thomas von Schell & Rüdiger Seltz (eds.), Inszenierungen zur Gentechnik – Konflikte, Kommunikation, Kommerz, Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2000, pp. 186-200
Dialogue or engineering of consent? Opportunities and risks of talking to industry. Geneva: Geneva Infant Feeding Association/International Baby Food Action Network GIFA/IBFAN, 2002 (also in German)
“Sponsorship as corporate engineering of consent strategy.” In Ties that bind: weighing the risks and benefits of pharmaceutical industry sponsorship, Seminar Report, Health Action International, HAI-Europe in cooperation with the Réseau Médicament et Développement (ReMeD), 1999, pp. 9-11
Engineering of consent: uncovering corporate PR. The CornerHouse, Briefing Paper No. 6, March 1998, (& Slovak version)
"Vaccination" against pregnancy: The politics of contraceptive research. The Ecologist, Vol. 26, No. 2, March/April 1996, pp. 53-60, with Sarah Sexton
“Antifertility ‘vaccines’: a plea for an open debate on the prospects of research.” Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights Newsletter, No. 46, April-June 1994, pp. 3-5
“Beyond control: about antifertility ‘vaccines’, pregnancy ‘epidemics,’ and abuse.” In Gita Sen & Rachel Snow (eds.), Power and decision: the social control of reproduction. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994, pp. 205-231 (shortened chapter also in German and Finnish book publications)
Public relations, politics and public pressure: Recovering the history of corporate propaganda. MA Thesis in Development Studies. The Hague, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), 1991
“Unethical trials of dipyrone in Thailand.” Letters to the editor, TheLancet. 24/31 December 1988, p. 1491; and 8 July 1989, p. 107 (with Prasert Kiatboonsri)
Drugs to be Banned. Bangkok: Drug Information for Action Centre DIAC, 1989 (Thai language publication)
Comments on teaching rational drug use and national drug policies. Consultancy Report for the Action Programme on Essential Drugs and Medicines, World Health Organisation, October 1987, 43 pp. incl. annexes