Student Activities Council Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2012
Call to Order
Roll Call
Present: Blake Barlow, Elizabeth Bousson, Keenan Collins, Samantha Easterling, Becky Griesmer, Allie Haar, Tiffany Hudson, Danielle Jackson, Katie Keller, Rob Kelly, Ian Kerley, Kelsey Kirkegaard, Kelly Kleier, Becca Longville, Brian Murphy, Collin Neri, Megan O’Donnell, Jacquelyn Reineke, Colleen Reynolds, Kat Rivers, Kate Sabetta, Tyler Sauerbeck, Katie Schad, LeeAnn Scherbauer, Kevin Tighe, Kaitlin Whelan, Morgan Zuziak
Excused: Allie Haar
Given by Colleen Reynolds
Suspend Rules of Order to change meeting order
Approval of minutes
September 19, 2012 minutes were approved without change
Public Forum
Desmond Dodd
Senator, ‘Kickn’ it with SGA’ Friday at Andy's 4-7pm, talk with minority students. Ask for your attendance.
Will this be reoccurring? May have a series.
Commuter Council GA, runs programs for commuter students.
Erin Hinson & Abby Schafer
Senators, Introduction
Morgan Zuziak
SGA is listening, would like to attend, contact her
Molly Boggs.
Was on 10pm shuttle for Oktoberfest, too many people on bus. people sitting in isle, 4 people per seat, was shoved when loading bus.
Solution is that we will not bus people so late in the evening. The bus basically turned into a drunk bus.
Dustin Lewis
Club Olympics, Oct 7th, 1-5pm
LeeAnn Scherbauer
Xavier University Night at the Crew
Dustin Lewis
NACA conference
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
Report of the SGA Executives
Matt Morefield
When will we see 2nd wind platform? I have list of an ideas, want to make them solid before we put out a final list. Can go over them with you if you are curious.
Report of the SAC Chair
LeeAnn Scherbauer
Thank you for voting in the emergency vote for Boat Dance this weekend. I hope this is our last email vote for the year, but thank you for being accommodating for Campus Traditions as they were in need of these funds.
The chairs this weekend had dinner at Morelein Lager House for our meeting. We discussed many things about the board and where we currently stand. From this meeting, I have been reflecting on what we discussed.
Therefore, I would like to share the following sentiments. I am proud of you for keeping your spirits up and hosting wonderful events this semester thus far. We really have stepped up our game and the events we have had have been very successful in presentation.
My only concern is our method to reaching the final presentation of the event. This is where I feel I have not adequately prepared the board. This has either been through my lack of direction or clarification of who should take charge of certain tasks to train our new members.
Therefore, I would like to apologize to each of you for not being the person who I wanted to be this year so far. I feel many of you are frustrated with me because of my lack of directness and leadership in situations.
I look to improve on my ability to think of effective solutions on my feet, provide direct advice to those who seek it, and to lead this board into a successful and worthwhile year.
Therefore, I have a few action items:
Mentors and Mentees from the Spring Selection Process, I sent you yesterday a sign-up for discussions with me on Sunday, September 30, 2012 from 11am-5pm. Please sign up for a 30 minutes time slot with your mentor/mentee. In addition, please fill out the survey and return to me (in my mailbox) by Friday at 5pm. It’s short. I just want to know general opinions, before entering the meetings on Sunday. Thank you. Also if Sunday does not work for either of you to meet together, please notify me and we can set up a different time to meet.
Mentors for Fall Selection Process, your folders are in your mailbox to complete with your mentee. Please follow the guidelines I have provided as in the initial process at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, please let me know. I expect the tasks to be completed by the appropriate dates. After I receive the feedback on Sunday, I will let you know if I want to change anything for the rest of the mentoring process.
Chairs, we will meet this week at 8:30pm on Sunday. At this time, I will be looking into establishing a new time for us to meet. Sundays really do not seem to be working for us either. I’m going to be proposing doing Monday and Tuesday sometime after 8:30pm. Please look into your schedules and figure out, if these times really do not work for you. I think we need around a half hour to meet on most occasions. If it has to be late, but it works better than Sundays, I would much rather change it to this time.
Now onto updates about upcoming deadlines:
SAC applications are due on Monday, October 8, 2012, at 5pm. Encourage people to apply for these three vacancies. If the Selection Process goes through in the next two weeks, we will be interviewing from these policies.
Proposals due to me this Sunday are the following: (1) Movie on the Yard, (2) Late Night Snack, and (3) Black Light Dance.
Morgan, Kelly, Colleen: thank you for bringing snack today. Katie and Margaret, you have snack next week.
Straw poll: Like - all, don't like - 0
Report of Advisor
Dustin Lewis
In the meeting today, you met two of the four new Senators. I would like to invite the new SAC members to stop by the next Senate meeting (Monday at 3pm) to introduce yourself and show support for the Senate. The new Senators are Abby Schafer, Erin Hinson, Jake Hudson and Antronette Black.
Following Victoria’s comments earlier in the meeting, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that each of you take time to update your events in the OrgSync calendar. We often rely so heavily on students to just “know” what our events are and to understand what an activity (like MAD) is without any definition or additional information. It is incredibly important to also remember that not all students follow SAC on Facebook/Twitter and not all students live in the residence halls where they may or may not see your promo up on the wall. All students, however, do visit the Xavier website and browse the internet looking for things to do. Let’s do our part and keep the SAC events updated online with better descriptions and event details.
My last comment today is to again remind all of you how important it is that you participate in the process of discussing the Constitutional Amendment proposed by Jacquelyn today. I urge you to talk with multiple Senators and to talk with one another to better understand why this amendment is being proposed, how it impacts both SAC and Senate as well as the entire association, and develop what your own opinions or suggestions are related to this debate. Next week, the Senate will be discussing and voting on the amendment and I encourage you to attend their meeting and listen to their discussion. It may be helpful in you better understanding their various points of views and opinions on the issue. I also encourage you to go to the discussion on Sunday at 5pm in the SGA office that Jacquelyn and Meghan are hosting.
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant
Crystal Guffey
Opinion Entries
FAC - SOL Special Request
Straw Poll: vote for SOL proposal - 0, vote for FAC proposal - all
Initial questions
Would you show them this new proposed event cost to them? Would tell them why?
Can we table this? When special request runs out runs, it runs out. Why are we holding back?
I compared the cost we have from late night snack, decided the amount they are requesting for food is too much, the reason we have SACers on FAC committee because we have experience planning events, know cost of things. SOL said these were the quotes we got from companies.
Want to give counter offer because we think the amount is too large.
Is this similar to Fiesta De SOL from last year? No, different location celebrating something different.
Were you speaking to SOL when you made these changes? No
Struggling because this is not the request that was brought to SAC.
We can recapture extra funding if they don’t spend it all.
With changing these numbers, undermining group, saying 'you aren't going to use all this money.'? Yes, I see how all that can be perceived.
Didn't they explain about decorations, something special, that’s why the made it so high? They did not talk about that.
Discussion on if this was morally correct, solution to problem rather than saying, raise the money on your own. In our opinion gave them enough money to make the event happen. Job of FAC to decide if we are using money correctly. I think the money would be wasted if we gave it to them.
Straw Poll: $3500 - 14, $2240 - 15
This would be $17 per person, not including the cost of tickets. Think it is reasonable, can ask for money next year.
When we made budget smaller, for 130 people number seemed big.
Think they can get down to those numbers, they can bargain.
Think it's hard to make this decision if we don't have these details. Don't feel right voting when we don't have details.
Think you should talk to them before we vote.
Vote is for $2,240
SGA Conference fund for NACA
Senate Motion #13-032
Re-allocate $1,668 to the SGA Conference fund from the SGA budget
Closed Executive Session
Constitutional Amendment
Senate Motion #13-036
Amend the constitution in order to include the new SAC selection process.
Initial Questions
Did you know, I would encourage you all to come to Senate meeting so you know how they will vote.
Tabled until next week
Rules of Order Amendment
Tabled until next week
Closed Executive Session
Blast from the Past
Cristella Alnzo
Over 200 students, people watching from other floors. Kept it clean. Rewarding because we got to see people enjoying it.
Would you have put her in theatre or atrium? Atrium, brought people in.
Oktoberfest was a success in the attendance by the students, being 511. However, there were flaws because of the overwhelming amount of students. On a positive note, on every bus I was on I was on multiple students stopped to thank the bus driver, myself and other SACers because they very much appreciated SAC sponsoring their ride to and from Oktoberfest. However there was also an opinion that students should keep in mind they were offered a free ride and it was abused through their actions. Next year many things need to be re-evaluated including number of buses, number of SACers controlling the event and even if the free ride that was considered a “drunk bus” should be provided at all.
I apologize to those who had a bad experience, we handled the situation best we could given the unexpected circumstances.
I would still like to recognize those who worked very hard at this event being Katie Keller, Tiffany Hudson, Becky Griesmer, Colleen Reynolds, Colin Neri, and non SACer Jake Donovan it was very much appreciated. And to end on a positive note, we did transport over 500 students an in general the transportation seemed to be very much appreciated.
Did you know, now more than ever student body is hyper-sensitive to any mistake we make? Would caution not to have a ‘justification’ tone, they want to be heard, should take an ‘apologetic’ tone.
I tried to get on bus to leave, not a clear line, bus not on time, mobs of people, people waiting and not getting on buses, people cutting in the line that was trying to form. Someone should be there the whole time of the event.
Katie called me because there was a large line and no one to help. Mob of 200+ showed up intoxicated, tried to form a line. Belittled our position, did not listen. Thought about calling campus police to help. Was nearly trampled. Someone on the board leaned out the window to three of their friends, told them to get on, as if they reserved spots for them. Caused students to get angry. People associate this event with drinking, do we need someone with authority like police to control situation?
You should never hesitate to call campus police, should call them.
Fix could be a drop of time and a pick up time. Regulate number of people.
We typically we give out a taxi card, what if we pay to get them back to campus.
I think we should just stop busing people after a certain time. We are liable and cannot predict what happens when alcohol is involved.
I rode back at 8:30, was still under control.
Will this be for this event in particular? Or just for looping buses?
This event is centered toward drinking. Consider for this event.
Why didn't anyone pick up the phone and call me (Dustin Lewis, Advisor)? You should never be in a situation where you feel unsafe or in danger. Next time call, text, etc.
I feel like this isn't a student government issue, it’s a student population event.
I would be disappointed if SAC did not go to this event next year; this is a big event for Cincinnati. We should address problems instead of canceling.