Word / Page
abate / 128
abdicate / 316
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cur / 62
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dissolution / 478
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distinguish / 96
distract / 388
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docile / 244
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dovetail / 192
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drought / 96
dubious / 80
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dynamic / 216
economic / 544
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edible / 198
edifice / 64
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elicit / 186
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eminent / 344
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engender / 444
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entail / 250
envision / 484
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epigram / 564
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era / 64
erosion / 346
essence / 250
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evoke / 346
excise / 346
exclusively / 146
exclusively / 346
exempt / 146
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expel / 348
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extemporaneous / 46
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fantastic / 548
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finis / 442
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flimsy / 214
fluctuate / 442
fluent / 442
fluid / 442
flux / 444
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foreboding / 268
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forecast / 268
forefront / 268
foregoing / 268
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foreword / 268
forfeit / 48
formidable / 216
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fortitude / 174
fragile / 30
frail / 214
friction / 194
frugal / 164
galore / 30
gamut / 210
gastronome / 546
genealogy / 520
genesis / 520
genre / 446
genuine / 30
glutton / 198
graphic / 564
graphite / 564
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gregarious / 446
heed / 222
heedless / 220
heterogeneous / 520
hibernate / 82
hoard / 168
homogeneous / 520
homogenize / 520
homonym / 540
hostile / 30
hostile / 82
hypodermic / 542
hypothesis / 556
ignore / 220
illegible / 48
illegible / 374
illiterate / 374
illogical / 374
illuminate / 98
immaculate / 132
immaculate / 374
immature / 374
immigrate / 344
imminent / 246
imminent / 344
impatient / 30
impel / 348
impending / 468
imperative / 252
imperil / 148
implicate / 348
impose / 470
impoverish / 166
impregnable / 218
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impugn / 348
impunity / 374
inaccessible / 374
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inadvertently / 48
inappropriate / 48
inaudible / 98
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incense / 98
incessant / 374
incipient / 248
incise / 346
inclusive / 346
incontrovertible / 356
incumbent / 252
indigence / 166
indispensable / 252
indomitable / 174
infallible / 114
infinite / 210
infinitesimal / 210
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inflate / 210
inflexible / 376
influx / 444
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ingratitude / 376
inherent / 448
inhibit / 348
inhospitable / 376
initiate / 64
inmate / 236
inordinate / 210
inscribe / 348
inscription / 472
insoluble / 376
insubordinate / 240
insurgent / 240
insurgent / 350
insurrection / 240
inter / 30
intercede / 358
intercept / 358
interlinear / 358
interlude / 358
intermediary / 358
intermission / 358
intermittent / 248
intersect / 360
interurban / 360
intervene / 132
intervene / 360
intimidate / 82
intimidate / 172
intramural / 352
intraparty / 352
intrastate / 352
intravenous / 354
inundate / 98
inundate / 480
invigorate / 218
invisible / 484
invoke / 346
iota / 210
irreconcilable / 194
irreconcilable / 376
irrelevant / 376
irrevocable / 376
jeopardy / 98
Jolly Roger / 64
kleptomania / 512
latent / 186
lateral / 450
lavish / 168
lineage / 148
literacy / 452
literal / 452
literary / 452
literate / 452
litigation / 194
lucid / 454
lucrative / 48
lucrative / 168
luminary / 454
luminous / 454
lurk / 186
luscious / 198
magnanimous / 440
magnify / 98
magnitude / 210
major / 148
maladjusted / 380
malcontent / 240
malediction / 378
malefactor / 380
malevolent / 380
malice / 380
malnutrition / 382
maltreat / 382
manacle / 466
mandate / 466
mania / 512
maniac / 512
maniacal / 512
manifest / 188
manipulate / 466
manual / 466
manuscript / 466
means / 168
meek / 244
meter / 524
meticulous / 224
migrate / 236
miniature / 132
misbelief / 270
misdeed / 270
misfire / 270
misgiving / 270
mishap / 272
mislay / 272
mislead / 272
misstep / 272
mitigate / 30
monogram / 564
monograph / 564
multilateral / 450
multitude / 64
municipal / 98
native / 236
necessitate / 252
neglect / 222
nemesis / 546
nomad / 236
nomadic / 238
notwithstanding / 304
novice / 30
objective / 148
oblige / 252
obliterate / 410
obsess / 412
obstacle / 412
obstruct / 412
obtrude / 412
obviate / 252
obviate / 412
odometer / 524
onomatopoeia / 540
opinionated / 148
opulence / 168
original / 32
orthodontist / 518
orthodox / 518
orthography / 518
orthopedic / 514
orthopedist / 518
outgrow / 274
outlandish / 274
outlast / 274
outlook / 274
output / 274
outrun / 274
outspoken / 274
outwit / 276
overbearing / 276
overburden / 276
overconfident / 278
overdose / 278
overestimate / 278
overgenerous / 278
overshadow / 278
oversupply / 278
overt / 188
overwhelm / 278
palatable / 198
panacea / 506
Pan-American / 506
pandemonium / 508
panoply / 508
panorama / 508
pantomime / 508
pedagogue / 516
pedagogy / 516
pediatrician / 516
pediatrics / 516
pendant / 468
pending / 468
perceive / 66
perennial / 248
perennial / 414
perforate / 414
permanent / 48
permeate / 414
perplex / 414
persist / 414
pertinent / 414
perturb / 416
perverse / 240
phantom / 548
phenomenal / 548
phenomenon / 550
photometer / 524
picayune / 210
pilfer / 114
pittance / 212
pliable / 244
plucky / 174
plutocracy / 502
portal / 66
post meridiem / 326
postdate / 324
postgraduate / 326
postmortem / 326
postpone / 470
postscript / 326
precede / 416
preclude / 416
precocious / 416
preconceive / 416
prefabricate / 418
preface / 82
preface / 418
premature / 418
premeditate / 418
prerequisite / 252
prescribe / 472
presently / 148
pressing / 252
presume / 418
preview / 418
procrastinate / 150
procrastinate / 248
procrastinate / 420
prodigious / 150
proficient / 420
profuse / 420
progenitor / 446
prohibit / 48
project / 420
prominent / 420
propel / 420
proponent / 422
prospect / 422
protagonist / 554
protocol / 554
protoplasm / 554
prototype / 554
protozoan / 554
protract / 150
protract / 248
protract / 422
protrude / 422
province / 114
provoke / 422
pseudonym / 540
punctual / 50
puncture / 98
puny / 212
pyromania / 512
quadrilateral / 450
quintet / 132
rarity / 32
rash / 174
rebuke / 50
recoil / 82
reconcile / 132
reconcile / 192
redound / 480
redundant / 480
reflect / 114
reflection / 84
regenerate / 446
relent / 192
relinquish / 84
remiss / 222
reserved / 66
resolution / 478
resolve / 478
restrain / 66
resume / 32
retain / 150
retract / 66
reverse / 114
revise / 484
robust / 218
rummage / 98
rural / 132
scribe / 472
script / 472
scrupulous / 224
scrutinize / 224
secede / 390
secession / 390
seclude / 186
seclude / 390
secure / 390
security / 132
sedition / 240
sedition / 392
segregate / 392
segregation / 446
semiannual / 328
semicircle / 330
semiconscious / 330
semidetached / 330
semimonthly / 328
semiskilled / 330
shallow / 114
shrink / 32
similarity / 474
simile / 474
simulate / 474
simultaneous / 474
simultaneously / 100
slake / 198
slovenly / 222
sober / 32
sojourn / 238
sole / 476
solicitude / 224
soliloquy / 476
solitary / 476
solitude / 476
solo / 476
soluble / 478
solvent / 480
speedometer / 524
spine / 66
sporadic / 248
stamina / 134
stealthy / 186
stenographer / 564
stroll / 66
submit / 244
subscriber / 472
subsequently / 100
succulent / 198
suffice / 32
sumptuous / 170
superabundance / 212
superfluous / 114
superfluous / 254
superimpose / 470
surmount / 116
survive / 100
suspend / 468
suspense / 468
symmetry / 524
synchronize / 510
synonym / 540
synthesis / 556
synthetic / 558
taxidermist / 542
technocracy / 502
tenacious / 218
thermal / 550
thermometer / 552
thermonuclear / 552
thermostat / 552
thesis / 558
timid / 172
timorous / 66
tolerate / 84
tractable / 244
transgress / 242
transient / 50
translucent / 454
transpose / 470
traverse / 100
trepidation / 172
trespass / 242
tuition / 68
typographical / 564
unabridged / 290
unanimity / 440
unanimous / 440
unbiased / 292
unconcern / 292
undeceive / 292
underbrush / 296
underdeveloped / 296
undergraduate / 296
underpayment / 296
underprivileged / 296
underscore / 296
undersell / 298
undersigned / 298
understatement / 298
understudy / 298
ungag / 292
unilateral / 450
unnerve / 292
unorthodox / 518
unquenchable / 292
unscramble / 292
unshackle / 294
unwary / 294
upcoming / 300
update / 300
upgrade / 300
upheaval / 300
upkeep / 300
upright / 300
uproot / 300
upstart / 300
upturn / 302
urban / 116
vacant / 32
vehement / 218
velocity / 100
veracity / 482
verdict / 482
verify / 482
veritable / 482
verity / 482
versatile / 162
version / 68
vicinity / 116
video / 484
vigilance / 224
vigor / 218
visibility / 484
visual / 484
vocation / 116
volition / 134
voracious / 200
wary / 224
withdraw / 302
withdrawal / 302
withdrawn / 304
withhold / 304
withholding tax / 304
withstand / 304
wrangle / 196

Unbiased: don’t ask the mother of a contestant to serve as an unbiased

Pedagogue: a new teacher usually receives a great deal of help from the more experienced pedagogues.

Pedagogy: Mr. Working’s lessons are usually excellent. He is a master of pedagogy.

Pediatrician: when the baby developed a fever. Mother telephoned the pediatrician.

Pediatrics: from the number of baby carriages outside his office, you can tell that DR.Enders specializes in pediatrics.

Orthodontist: a student who wears braces on his teeth is obviously under the care of an orthodontist.

Orthodox: there was no religious liberty in the Massachusetts Bay colony. Roger Williams, for examples, was banished because he did not accept orthodox Puritan beliefs.

Orthography: American and English orthography are much alike. One difference, however, is in words like “honor” and “labor”, which the English spell “honour” and “labour”

Orthopedist: a deformity of the spine is a condition that requires the attention of an orthopedist.

Unorthodox: vakination was rejected as unorthodox when Dr.Jenner first suggested it.