Minutes of the APMS Patients’ Champion Meeting held on Friday 24th February 201711.30 – 1.00pm, in the meeting room, Wilberforce Health Centre

PRESENT: Denise Wilkinson – Practice Manager - Minute Taker (DW)

Victoria Wilton – Practice Manager (VW) - Chair

Eva Blencoe – Newington (EB)

Tom Crabtree –Newington (TC)

Jennifer Jackson – Newington ( JJ)

Ian McNichol – Riverside (IM)

Mike Shakesby – Kingston (MS)

Theresa Vaughan – Newington (TV)

Colin Watson – Riverside (CW)

1.APOLOGIES / Samier El-Kamel – Kingston
Sara Emmett – Practice Manager, Kingston
Janet Sabin – Quays
2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTE TAKER / DW agreed to take the minutes.
3. INTRODUCTION CHRISTINE EBELTOFT FROM CCG (CE) / VW reported that CE had agreed to come to the meeting to help support the group to re-focus, however unfortunately she was unable to attend. Colin Hurst (CH) from the CCG is involved in working with Patient Groups and will be invited to attend next meeting. It was noted that CH was currently arranging something in the next couple of months for managers and members of Patient Groups to support them. / VW – to contact CH
2.2Events Calendar / SE had previously contacted Nikki Dunlop (ND) from the CCG to establish if there were any forthcoming events being planned. Contact to be made again with ND for an update following this meeting
TV advised the group of a forthcoming NHS Rally that was taking place in London on 4.3.17. with Union and NHS Staff membership. / VW – contact ND
3.1 Administration Support to the Meeting / VW circulated all contact details to all members to facilitate communication with each other.
TV reported that it had been agreed at the last members meeting that she would support the group as secretary producing agenda andminutes in conjunction with the Chair.
Draft agendas would be produced 2 weeks prior to the main meeting with supporting papers. It was hoped this would improve communication between members. VW and TV to arrange to meet to take this forward.
It was also agreed that postage and printing of papers for the meeting could be done in the practice. / VW to contact TV
3.2 Member Pack / VW had produced a pack for use by EB at Calvert/Riverside consisting of:
-Practice Leaflet
-Online application forms and Posters
-PPG Information
-FFT cards (including larger print yellow form)
-Virtual Member Group Form
-Macmillan Volunteer Group
This had been put together for use in discussion with patients and was to be replicated by DW for Newington and the Quays.
It was noted that both EB and JJ had been into their respective practices to encourage patients to complete FFT cards, and increase membership. Members were thanked for their efforts. / DW
3.4 FFT Comments/ Themes for Discussion / VW reported that she had contacted the Head of Service with regard to the request for Complaints to be discussed at the Members meeting, howeverwere informed that we were unable to share this information due to confidentiality. IM was unhappy that the themes of complaints could not be shared.
VW however circulated 6 months’ worth of information of F&F comments for the group to look at themes. Members will take away to be discussed at next meeting.
It was noted that as the Practice Managers received a report of FFTs on a monthly basis that this would be shared with members, but discussed every quarter. / PMs
3.4 Site Visits by Members to Review the Waiting Areas / It was confirmed that all the practices had Suggestion Boxes in appropriate places in the waiting areas.
3.5 Glossary of Terms / SE had set up a Glossary of Terms for members which could be added to as and when necessary.
4.1 Patient Survey Progress Report / It was noted that the results of the Patient Survey undertaken during 2016 would be available March 2017.
4.1 WebGP Update / David Ripper to be invited to a members meeting to discuss this issue. DR had been commissioned to roll out WebGP for all APMS practices, and due to a technicality in January 2017 this had been put on hold until April 2017.
4.2 Virtual Members Update / VW reported that she had written to all Virtual Members; of which there had been 9, on 7.2.17. to enquire as to what their expectations were being a member of the group. To date VW had had no responses.
5. NEW WEBSITE/ GP ONLINE SERVICES / VW reported that all 5 APMS practices now had new website and circulated screen shots for members to view. These websites include access to online services.
6. Interim Period and Retained Influences of Actions and Outcomes from Focus Group meeting(s) – Future Proposal(s) / IM relayed positive changes that resulted from the actions taken at the Focus Group meetings as follows:
-Increase in Membership
-Fresh ideas from new members
-90 minute member meeting
-More time to get through agenda
The benefits of changes made were to be reviewed at the full April members meeting.
7. PRESCRIPTIONS / IM raised concerns, following discussion with 6 pharmacists, with regard to the prescription process in particular the 48 hour timescale for issuing prescriptions. He queried whether this timescale was realistic, but DW advised that this was a contractual agreement and could not be changed.
Other problems relating to prescriptions were discussed and it was agreed that an audit of prescription queries be set up in each of the practices to ascertain where the problems lie.
The PMs advised those present that there was currently a Practice Based Pharmacist employed at Riverside, Quays, Calvert and Kingston who dealt with:
-Repeat dispensing
-Synchronising of prescriptions
-Actioning hospital discharge letters for medication requests or changes
-Support practices on tightening up processes/queries.
It was felt that the Practice Pharmacists would be involved in this process to try to resolve any identified issues. / PMs
8. FEEDBACK FROM MEMBERS MEETING / Issues that had been discussed at the members meeting had been previously discussed during the course of this meeting.
9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS / TC reported that it was nationally reported the difficulties patients were experiencing getting appointments with a doctor. However his experiences were positive as he was always able to get an appointment with the doctor at Newington/Calvert within a reasonable timescale.
10. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETINGS / 31.3.17. 11.30 – 1.00 pm Members Meeting
21.4.17. 11.30 – 1.00 pm Full Meeting

Glossary of terms used in these minutes and associated website links;

CQC / Care Quality Commission
CHCP / City Health Care Partnership
HOS / Head of Service
Hull CCG / Hull Clinical Commissioning Group
Link: www.hullccg.nhs.uk
PPG / Patient Participation Group
PM’s / Practice Managers