[School Letterhead/Logo]
[Supplier Name & Address]
Dear [Supplier Name]
The staff, students and school community of [School Name] are currently preparing a grant application for theStephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden National Program.
The aim of the Kitchen Garden Program is to pleasurably engage and educate young children in growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing delicious and healthy food. It is based on the belief that these skills and understandings are essential to the development of life-long joyful and healthy eating habits. Melbourne chef and food writer Stephanie Alexander established the Kitchen Garden Foundation in 2004 to help give as many young children access to the Program as possible.
The application process is rigorous and requires expressions of support from our business community and local champions. Successful implementation of a Kitchen Garden Program requires many supporters and sponsors to help build the garden and kitchen, employ specialist staff and bring the benefits of the Program to our students. We are contacting you to ask for your help!
The Program takes an innovative approach to pleasurable food education and is growing in all States and Territories across the country. If our grant application is successful, we will be able to provide [number]children across Years [years] with access to an extensive vegetable garden which they have helped design, build and maintain on the school grounds. They will spend [time period]learning about plants, seed saving, water management, compost and soil health and they will also learn about the seasons, plant varieties, stages of growth and the connection between care in the garden and flavour on the plate. They will then spend [time period] each week in a purpose-built kitchen preparing and sharing a variety of meals created from their produce.
If you are willing and able to support this wonderful initiative at [School Name] please reply with your letter of support, detailing the goods, services and/or skills you are able to supply.
[Detail required goods, services and skills here.]
For more information about the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation please go to
We will follow this letter up shortly with a phone call to discuss your potential support of our application.
We look forward to working with you to bring the fruits of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program to [School Name].
Yours sincerely
[Principal or school representative]