Traffic Commission




The Mustang Traffic Commission met in a regular session on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the Mustang Municipal Building, City Council Chambers at 1501 N. Mustang Road. Notification of the meeting was posted Monday, July 9, 2012 in the foyer of the Mustang Municipal Building in compliance with the Open Meeting Act (25 OAS, Section 301, et. seq.)

I.Meeting was called to order at 10:06a.m. by Robert Coleman,Community Development Director

  1. Roll Call:

Members present:Robert Coleman, Community Development Director

Chuck Foley, Police Chief

Karl Mengers, Planning Commission Representative

Members absent:Carl Gray, Severn Trent Services,

Matt Taylor, City Council Representative

Staff Present:Melissa Helsel, Senior Planner

III.Introduction of Guests and Visitors, Hearing of Citizens or Delegates

Mr. Coleman introduced Trey Ingram, the Community Development Department student intern.

  1. Discussion, consideration and action concerning minutes of April 11, 2012 meeting.

Chief Foleymade a motion to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2012 meeting. Mr. Colemanseconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Discussion and possible action on the following requests:

1. Development of a Policy for Traffic Control Signage:

Mr. Coleman stated that at the last meeting the board talked about sign requests and how to deal with them. There is really no good policy in our code that discusses criteria for placing different traffic control signs including stop signs.

Staff was asked to look at what some of the other cities had done and make suggestions for a policy for Mustang. The Mustang code puts the discretion for determining where signs will be placed in the hands of the Public Works Director. Most cities polled showed that the City Council makes the final decision regarding sign placement.

Oklahoma City had an orderly way for citizens to petition the city for a sign. They had specific criteria for traffic counts, accident counts and other criteria for placement of stop and yield signs.

Chief Foley asked what our method would be for determining traffic counts. It was determined that the City of Mustang does not own a traffic counting device. Mr. Coleman pointed out that a traffic counter would also help with economic development.

Different traffic count devices were discussed.

Mr. Coleman suggested that the Commissioners review this information before the next meeting and staff will present a finalized policy for approval. The policy would then be placed on the City Council agenda for approval.

2. Request for 4-Way Stop Signs at E. Lewis Lane and E. Perry Lane

Chief Foley stated that he had reviewed the data in this area. There’s a hodgepodge of how things have been done in the past that is inconsistent in different places. The intersections in this area have a varied amount of pedestrian and vehicle traffic depending on the school schedule. One fourth of the intersections in this area have 4-way stop signs.

Ms. Helsel indicated that police department staff indicated that there have been no accidents at this intersection in the past five years.

Mr. Coleman asked if there are stop signs on Lewis. Chief Foley stated that there are. Mr. Mengers confirmed this.

Mr. Mengers pointed out that Perry is the main entrance into Meadowbrook and The Meadows. It is also the shortcut to bypass all the Mustang Road traffic. Drivers can pick up some speed there. They don’t have the distance to go really fast, but they are going above the 25 mph speed limit.

Chief Foley stated that his primary concern is the school-aged pedestrian traffic in the area. Mr. Mengers pointed out that most children walking to school from the Meadows, will come down this street.

Mr. Coleman stated that it sound like this is more of a speed issue than an ingress/egress problem. Mr. Mengers suggested that if you put a stop sign on Perry here, you may get people complaining that people are peeling out after stopping there.

Chief Foley suggested that since we don’t have any pedestrian or vehicle incidents in this area. Chief Foley pointed out that stop signs are not meant for slowing vehicles down, but for establishing right of way.

Mr. Coleman made a motion to deny this request. Mr. Mengers seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

3. Request for 3-Way Stop Signs at W. Alamo Way and N. Ponderosa Way.

Chief Foley indicated that he received a call from a citizen in this area about this intersection. The least traffic volume directions have stop signs, the highest traffic count direction has no stop sign. Basically people have to give right of way to the highest volume travelers. The citizen was concerned that drivers on Alamo going north on Ponderosa go fast because they know they don’t have to stop.

Mr. Coleman stated that this is a tricky intersection, because drivers going west on Alamo may assume that drivers coming east will have to stop as well.

Chief Foley suggested that if a stop sign was placed on Alamo going east, it would have to be placed in the green belt right-of-way easement area in someone’s front yard near their mailbox. However, he pointed out that there is a similar sign on N. Savannah Terrace and E. Richmond Terrace.

Mr. Coleman suggested that it might be better to take down the stop sign going westbound on Alamo.

Mr. Ingram suggested that a “stop ahead” warning sign be placed before the stop sign, if one is placed on Alamo going eastbound.

Mr. Mengers asked if there had been any accidents at that intersection. Chief Foley said that he wasn’t aware of any.

Mr. Coleman made the suggestion that the Commission table this item and meet with the City Manager about it.

Mr. Coleman suggested that no action be taken on this item at this time, and the item may be brought back with different wording at a future meeting.

There was no action taken on this item.

4. Enforcement and Signage for Prohibition of Use of Truck Engine Brakes/Jake Brakes in City Limits.

Chief Foley informed the Commissioners that the city has an ordinance that restricts the use of Jake Brakes in the city limits. The city has a few signs that prohibit their use, but there is no sign at either end of S.H. 4 or S.H. 152.

His concern is that there is an ordinance on the books that is not necessarily being enforced. He does not want his department criticized for not enforcing a law. He would like the signs to be placed and full enforcement take place if the ordinance is to remain in place.

Mr. Coleman asked Chief Foley how many signs he would need. He suggested that we could probably find signs in the area, like speed limit signs or stop signs, where we could place these signs.

Chief Foley stated that he would do an inventory of signs needed. He would like the Traffic Commission ultimately to make a recommendation to Council regarding this item.

Mr. Coleman made a motion to bring this issue to City Council for their discussion to determine whether or not to install the signs. Mr. Mengers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Adams and seconded by Chief Foley. The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 11:00a.m.



