paws n pals doggy Daycare Pet Personality Profile/Contract

Owner Information

Address: / Phone:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Email Address:

Pet Information

Pet Name: / Breed:
Personality Traits:
Date of Birth: / Gender: / Altered?
No / Pet’s History?
How long in home? / Adopted?
How many people in home with pet?
Men Women Children / Age range of members in/around home?

Veterinarian information

Name: / Phone:
Address: / State: / Zip:

Health/Grooming Information

History of health concerns (including but not limited to allergies, surgeries, injuries etc.):
Current Medical Issues: / Regular Grooming Schedule/Techniques:

Extended Pet information

Is your dog frightened by any noise?
No / If yes, please explain:
Is your dog frightened or anxious around anything?
No / If yes, please explain:
Has your dog ever growled or snapped at anyone?
No / If yes, please explain:
Does he/she share food or toys?
No / If no, please explain:
Can you take his/her food or toys away without retaliation?
No / If no, please explain:

Training Information

Has your dog ever had any formal obedience training?
No / If yes, where and when?
What commands does your dog know? / Are those commands verbal or hand signals? / Do you walk your dog on the left side or the right?
What kind of collar do you use to walk your dog?
Is it effective in keeping them under control?
Does your dog know any hand commands?
No / If yes, please explain:
Does your dog know any bathroom commands?
No / If yes, please explain:
Does your dog know any play commands?
No / If yes, please explain:
Does your dog have any quiet commands?
No / If yes, please explain:


By signing below the Owner agrees to pay our doggy daycare rates and all costs incurred by Paws n Pals Doggy Daycare including but not limited to medication administration, behavioral assessment fee, pick-up and delivery services, veterinary care, boarding and any other special services requested.
The Owner authorizes Paws n Pals Doggy Daycare to seek whatever emergency medical care may be necessary while we care for their pet(s). The Owner’s veterinarian will be selected when possible to provide care unless it is an emergency or after-hours care is necessary. The Owner will be responsible for reimbursement to Paws n Pals Doggy Daycare for all medical costs.
Paws n Pals Doggy Daycare will not provide doggy daycare services unless the Owner makes available current vaccination documentation for our records. By signing this contract, the Owner certifies that all information provided to us about their pet(s) is accurate and true.
Required Immunizations for dogs: DHLPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza), Bordetella, H3N2 Canine Flu, H3N8 Canine Flu (Recommended) and Rabies.
Signature: / Date:

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