
Society for Early Modern French Studies

39th Annual Conference, 5-7th September 2016

Wadham College, Oxford


Monday 5 September

14.00-14.20Arrival and Registration


14.30-15.30Session 1: Eternity and Atemporality

Alysha Janée Allsman (University of Colorado, Boulder)

The Politics of Eternity in Seventeenth Century French Religious Texts

William Dinning (St Edmund Hall, Oxford)

The atemporality of Pascal’s Pensées

15.30-16.00Tea / Coffee

16.00-17.00Session 2: Molière

Jean Luc Robin (The University of Alabama)

Temps et poétiques : la dramaturgie dilatoire chez Molière

Éric Turcat (Oklahoma State University)

Dom Juan ou le temps du libertinage

17.15-18.45Session 3: Holy Living

Joanna Barker (Durham University)

Time Sanctified

Mette Birkedal Bruun (University of Copenhagen)

Time well spent: Devotional Schedules and temporal Discipline

Lars Nørgaard (University of Copenhagen)

Les petits carnets and Mme de Maintenon’s everyday religious life


Tuesday 6 September

From 8.00Breakfast in Hall

9.00-10.30Session 4: Tragedy

John Lyons (University of Virginia)

Tragedy and the Weight of Time

Joe Harris (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Killing time? Revenge, procrastination, and the ‘Hamlet principle’ in Corneille

Paul Hammond (University of Leeds)

Time and Tragedy in Racine’s Andromaque


11.00-12.30Session 5: Imaginative Prose

Lise Leibacher-Ouvrard (Université d'Arizona, USA)

Entre prophétie et prospective: Michel de Pure, de La Précieuse

(1656-1658) à Epigone, histoire du siècle futur (1659).

Isabelle Moreau (University College London)

The Politics of laziness

Ann Lewis (Birkbeck, University of London)

Shifting Frames of Reading: Illustrating Rousseau’s Julie, ou La

Nouvelle HeloïseThrough Time.

13.00Lunch in Hall


15.30-16.00Tea / Coffee

16.00-17.00Session 6: Present and Past

Cédric Ploix (St Hugh’s College, Oxford)

Time control and time perception in modern translations of

Molière's comedies

Pierre Zoberman (Université Paris 13)

Reading the Past: Between Historicism and Anachronism

17.15-18.15Keynote Paper

Neil Kenny (All Souls College, Oxford)

Families over time: literature, inheritance, social status

18.15Drinks Reception, Cloister Garden (Antechapel if raining)

Sponsored by Taylor & Francis Ltd, publishers of

Early Modern French Studies

19.15Conference Dinner, Old Library

Wednesday 7September

From 8.00Breakfast in Hall

9.00-10.30Session 8: Poetry

Timothy Chesters (Clare College, Cambridge)

Thinking Fast and Slow in Maurice Scève and Some Others

Adam Horsley (University of Nottingham)

The Good Times and the Bad: the Optimism, Pessimism and

Nostalgia of François Maynard

Allen Wood (Purdue University)

Anticipation, the Future and La Fontaine’s Fables


11.00-12.30Session 9:The End

Thomas Worcester (College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, USA)

Jesuit Time in Early 17th-Century France

Richard Maber (Durham University)

Time: for amendment of life, or gathering rosebuds? A Jesuit

moralist and the paradoxes of mortality

Philippa Woodcock (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers/

University of Warwick)

A matter of time: strategies for prompt and delayed burial in

seventeenth-century Maine

Concluding remarks, Michael Moriarty, Chair of the Society