Jan 1 2013

Dear Sponsor,

The Bridle Bunch 4-H Horse & Pony Club is requesting your consideration of sponsoring our Hendricks County youth club. Your sponsorship will enable the Bridle Bunch Horse & Pony Club to provide funding for the many activities, workshops, equipment needs, participation awards and youth camps offered to our growing Horse & Pony Club--which currently has over 200 youth members. In return for your assistance and generous support, we wish to thank you by providing you with the following advertising opportunities:

All Sponsors will receive the following benefits:

·  Announcement of sponsorship and recognition at the open show events, as well as the 4-H Only event, and the Hendricks County Fair

·  Business name displayed on our Hendricks County Fair Sponsorship Sign

High Honor and Honor Sponsors will additionally receive the following benefits:

·  Business card size advertisement printed on the back of our 2012 show bill

·  Your business name, address, phone number, email address and a link to your website placed on our Bridle Bunch Club website, www.BridleBunch.com

Top Honor Sponsors will additionally receive the following benefits:

·  Opportunity to hang a banner or sign advertising your company at the open show events, as well as the 4-H Only event (Sponsor to supply banner/sign prior to the show. Call ------for additional information.)

If you have questions about our Club, please contact us. And, thank you in advance for your generous support.


Michele Russell

Hendricks County Horse & Pony Committee President

Please complete the form below, and return with your sponsorship check and business card to the address below.

I will gladly be a sponsor of the Hendricks County 4-H Bridle Bunch Horse & Pony Club! (Check level of sponsorship below)

______Top Honor Sponsorship – Any gift greater than $100 (please indicate amount $______)

______High Honor Sponsorship – $100.00 or equivalent donation ______)

______Honor Sponsorship – $75.00 or equivalent donation ______)

______Merit Sponsorship – Any gift less than $75 or equivalent donation (please indicate amount $______)

If sponsoring the Club on behalf of one of our members, please indicate the youth’s name here: ______

Designate which sub-club you want your donation applied to, can be split:

ð  Color Guard

ð  Hippology

ð  Judging Team

ð  General Club

ð  Leadership Team

Mail and make checks payable to: Hendricks County 4-H Horse & Pony Club

1484 N CR 900 E

Avon, IN 46123