Exhibit Information and Guidelines

Elementary Literacy Conference 2017

Conference Facilities
This year the exhibitors will be in the Schindler lobby area beforeand after the Keynote Speaker’s presentations and book signing form 8:00am-3:30pm.

Selection Criteria

Materials appropriate for this conference include educational information or services appropriate to the education of students Kindergarten through Grade 6 and other unique professional or personal items of interest to educators.

Completed applications (i.e., with payment) are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that we have more than one vendor of the same product line, preference is given to the first completed application received.


Consider presenting a concurrent session. It is understood that your session be educational in content and not a “sales pitch” for your products.


Provided are 3’ x 6’ uncovered tables, suitable for tabletop display. You are required to bring any necessary signage, electrical extension cords (three-prong), table drapes, hand cart/ dolly, etc. Limited standard electrical outlets are available. Indicate electrical needs on your form and submit early.

Fees and Refunds

Exhibitor fees are $75.00 per table or $140.00 for two tables and include; your table(s), all conference materials, one lunch and refreshments. Additional lunches may be ordered on the Exhibit Application form.

Exhibitor fees are refundable until March 24, 2017. If you are unable to attend, please call

319-273-5141. “No shows” will have the lowest

priority in selection for subsequent year.


Please complete andreturn with payment no later than Friday, March 24,2017


University EventsCoordination University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0801 Fax:319-273-7470

Call: 319-273-5141


The Elementary Literacy Conference is again offering the special opportunity for you to increase your visibility to conference attendees as a distinguished supporter. Your organization may choose from a variety of sponsorship levels, thereby amplifying your presence among conference attendees.



  • Name in theprogram
  • Special signage at your booth
  • Recognized at theWelcome


  • Name in theprogram
  • Special signage at yourbooth
  • Recognized at theWelcome


for Raffle Drawing
  • Name in theprogram
  • Recognized at theWelcome

UNI University Events Coordination requests this information for the sole purpose of registering you for this program. We do not routinely release any of this information to anyone outside our institution without express permission. We do ask you to fill out all items that apply to you. UNI is an equal opportunity educator and employer with a comprehensive plan for

UNI’s College of Education is proud to announce the 49th Annual

Elementary Literacy Conference

Friday, April7, 2017University of NorthernIowa

49th Annual Elementary LiteracyConference

Invitation To Exhibit

Dear Business Professional,

The University of Northern Iowa’s (UNI) College of Education invites you to exhibit your materials at the upcoming Elementary Literacy Conference to be held at UNI on Friday, April 7, 2017.

The conference attracts more than 350 dedicated literacy educators across the state who come to update and improve their skills and resources in early reading education.

This is an opportunity for you to showcase your merchandise, sell product to conference attendees, and keep 100% of your sales. Our conference does not keep any of the profit you make. Our only benefit from our exhibitors is the great value that your presence will add to the overall experience the attendees will experience at our well-known, high quality conference. We are purposely selecting a variety of businesses that will appeal to the hundreds of educators in attendance.

We are very interested in your presence at our conference. Please submit your application materials no later than March1, 2017. Further conference and exhibit details will be sent with your application notification in lateMarch.

Sign up today! Space is limited and on a first-come, first- served basis. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Tentative Conference Agenda

8:00 AMRegistration, ExhibitsRefreshments 8:15 AMAnne Sibley O’ Brien PresentationOne

Breakout 1

9:45 AMAnne Sibley O’ Brien PresentationTwo Breakout2

11:15AMBreakout 3, BookSigning

withAnne Sibley O’ Brien Lunch, Exhibits

12:45PMBreakouts 4, BookSigning

with, Anne Sibley O’ Brien

2:15PMBreakouts5,Exhibits, 3:30PMAdjourn, DoorPrizes

For more information please visit our website at:

This year’s keynoter

Anne Sibley O’Brien

This year we will feature Anne Sibley O’ Brien, author/illustrator; who has written and illustrated many picture books for young readers, includingThe Legend of Hong Kil Dong: The Robin Hood of Korea and A Path of Stars.