602 Pecan Street P. O. Box 367 Bastrop, Texas 78602
(512) 303-4597 August 27, 2006
Larry Foster, Minister Curtis Fleming, Involvement Minister 581-8448
Inspired Reading
Elders: For spiritual needs call:
Bill Carrasco Home 512-303-0325
Mobile 512- 284-0448
Ted Bowers Home 830-839-4403
Mobile 512-988-0541
Jimmy Copeland Home 512-303-0084
Mobile 512-284-1492
Ron Morris Home512-321-1238
Mobile 512-796-3528
Deacons: For ministry needs call:
Bruce Bearden / Worship 581-7488
John Donnell / Finance 321-1416
Allen Gann / Negotiation on Finance 303-6212
Mark Klym / Missions 321-1256
Howard Livengood / Benevolence 321-5169
Wayne Miller / Communications 601-2368
Ozie Monroe / Teens 417-6201
Ken Parker / Worship 303-1692
Pete Serna / Building & Grounds 303-5199
Juan Vinton / Teens 303-4743
Sunday A.M. Bible Study 9:45 a.m.
Sunday A.M. Worship 10:45 a.m.
Sunday P.M. Worship 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday P.M. Bible Class 7:00 p.m.
Visitors and members—we are glad you are here!
We welcome you and appreciate your presence! Visitors, if we do not pick up your information card, pleaseput it in the collection plate. We are glad you are here to worship God! We aim to worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:13).
Look at the birds
of the air; they do not
sow or reap or store
away in barns, and yet
your heavenly Father
feeds them.
Are you not much
more valuable than
Matthew 6:26 NIV
Please be considerate of
others by turning off the
ringer on your cell phone
before Bible class and
worship services. Also,
if someone needs to reach
you in an emergency, he
or she may call you here at the building.
Prayer List
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
Remember our shut-ins: Crystal Breeding, Nancy Carrolyn Friedrich (Houston), VedaHemphill (Austin), Frances Hornsby,JackOllie Small andCharlie & Lois Morris.
Harold McDonald was transported to Seton Central on Thursday evening. He was released about 1 a.m. Friday morning as the doctors determined that his condition was not life threatening as was feared and they could see no reason to have surgery. They did find a high level of creatinine, which shows a diagnosis of kidney insufficiency and numerous “PVC” that are a heart rhythm dysfunction; however, there was no apparent damage to his heart. Harold says “my Cardioman sez “Heart” is OK (so far) NO TIA” and to say “Thanks so much for your prayers.” His main doctors saw no significant changes the lab reports from those taken in June and no embolism found in heart or lungs or kidneys.
Larry Foster solicits your prayers while he is away doing seminars on "Archaeology and Bible Cities" in Riga, Latvia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Berlin, Germany and Gdansk, Poland.
Bruce Bearden’s grandmother, Clara Dollar, has bone marrow cancer. She is 85 years old and lives in Shreveport, Louisiana. The doctors do not expect her to live very long.
Mary Monroe requested prayer for hermother, Elizabeth Ray.
Dona Meginnis’ sister Carol’s back surgery has been rescheduled for August 29. Dona would like for her to get her strength back up so she can have the surgery as she is in a great deal of pain.
Susie Gann requested prayer for Estelle Moya, a coworker of hers, who has had open-heart surgery, female surgery and had surgery again. So far she is doing well. She almost bled to death after the second surgery this year.
Mary Monroe had a MRI, but her knee is not healed enough from the surgery so that she can have surgery on the other knee.
Heather Proctor’s 86-year-old grandmother, Helve Ludi, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease last week. Heather writes, “It looks like I’ll be flying to New Jersey in the next few weeks to help relocate her to Arizona (with my folks). A lot of work is ahead of us, to include selling her house. Please pray it sells quickly and all goes well.”
Evelyn Johnson is undergoing radiation.
Wayne Miller has been put on medication that should make him much better. He should be symptom free in 4-6 months. His tests are scheduled for September 18. He has meds, but no name for his ailment. The doctors are watching his liver.
Veda Hemphill is back at home in Austin.
Continue to remember Sammy Miller, the six-year-old nephew of Leslie Leach.
Aline Gilbert’s mother has cancer. She has chosen to have hospice instead of treatment due to her age and health. She will be 88 in September.
Bruce Bearden’s dad is traveling in India for several more weeks.
Aubrey Barrington’s aunt, Emma Jones, has cancer again. She is 81. This is the third time that she has had cancer and each time it has been in a different place. She lives next door to them.
Please remember Eloise Barrington’s nephew, Dave Graybill, who has Addison’s disease and complications.
Continue to remember Charlie and Lois Morris. They need our prayers and our help. They have new phone numbers. Call to check on them if you can. Charlie is 923-8176 and Lois is 923-8177.
Praise & Thanksgiving To GOD
We are excited to announce that Lee Angell placed membership with us last week. She brings her granddaughter Leslie Howell. We welcome them!!!
On Monday Terri Wiginton was taken to the emergency room in Round Rock. The doctors were hoping to avoid surgery, but if she needed surgery, she would probably be transferred to Seton. Joyce’s prayer was that she might heal without surgery. The news as of Saturday is that she was doing better and might get to go home then. Joyce says, “Thank you for your prayers—they worked!”
“My mother was released from the hospital late last week after having a very bad reaction to some medicine prescribed to her after having knee surgery. She is just about back to normal and is very thankful for being in the thoughts and prayers of others. God bless every single one of you.”
Dean Schoonmaker
Thank you so much for your personal prayers and for the prayers you prayed for me at quilting. Last Tuesday I got good news about my tests, as I do not have cancer or kidney stones. I can choose whether or not to have surgery and am trying to decide about that now. It is wonderful to know I can count on you to pray for me.
In Christian love, Mary Helen Bowie
Larry Foster wanted to say thanks to all 18 of our men who took the time to come to the Men’s Leadership Retreat. Special thanks to Ronnie Morris, John Donnell and Greg Crump for setting up the meals. Also, special thanks go to the clean up people including Smitty Covey, Gordon Cooley, Juan Vinton, David Waldron and others who are not mentioned. It was a great retreat!
Brothers, pray for us.
I Thessalonians 5:25
Kris Bacon, sister of Frieda Mundine
Kevin Barrington, nephew of Aubrey & Eloise Barrington
Paul Chambers, Army, Tina Chambers’ brother
Mateo Gomez, Marine, Debra Vinton’s cousin
Nathan Dennis, Air Force, grandson-in-law of Rex & Jeanne Mays
Justin Stuart, Air Force, grandson of Earl & Jeanette Hawk
Tim Klym, Navy, son of Mark & Nancy Klym
John Michael Ornelas, Army, Juan Vinton’s nephew
O.J. Ornelas, Air Force, the Vinton’s nephew
Candace Russo, Army, Ft. Eutis, VA, granddaughter of the Hawks
Mark Saldana, cousin of Frieda Mundine
William Von Langehannig, grandson of Ollie & Jack Small
Sew Bee It. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18
If you have been thinking about coming to quilting, this is a great time. We are starting a block of the month on September 5. Even more exciting news is that the quilting machine is up and running primarily thanks to Rex Mays who worked on it and figured out what we were doing wrong! As a matter of fact, one of the twin-sized quilts for the Children’s Home is now quilted and we are so thankful for the machine and for the help!!! We hope you can join us on Tuesday at 10 a.m. You might also want to look at the info about the Shop Hop in September and the Houston International Quilt Festival if you get a chance. It is on the bulletin board. It was good to have Rhonda Bayne and Joyce Fletcher with us last week!
Junior Thingwas last Sunday afternoon. It was great to see all the kids have fun and be together! Thanks to Curtis and Keri, Michelle, Brad and Sonya, Lee and Elfreida for staying and helping Larry.
Teens Second Sunday Celebration is Sunday, September 10, in Smithville from 4 until 8 p.m.
Not So Secret Brothers
The next meeting is Saturday, September 9, from 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. for breakfast, fellowship and Bible study. Please put this on your calendar. Remember that the men plan to meet on the second Saturday each month.
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
The Beardens will not have a teen devo at their house on Sunday, September 10, as that is the date for the Second Sunday Celebration.
The Sunday, October 1, evening service is to be a short devotional followed by a Brainstorming Session on how to reach out and find new families.
Sunday, October 15, is the date for "Friendship Sunday”. Please be cultivating a friendship.
Drama Class meets Sunday night from 6 to 7 p.m. for 3rd through High School. Contact Jana Diebel if you have questions.
A week or so ago you should have received in the mail a comment card requesting your input on our Vacation Bible School Bible Day Camp. Please return it. Please do not sign your name. We would appreciate your honest feedback. So many of you were involved and we would like to have your involvement on this also. So far, out of about 50 cards sent out, only 10 have been returned. Thanks to those who attended the meeting. Please think about and pray about VBS for next year. We would like to hear what you have to say to make our efforts better.
CHOSEN TO SERVE– August 27, 2006
AnnouncementsRonnie Morris
A. M. Welcome & Prayer Kenneth Staples
Lord’s Table A.M. Head—Max Proctor Sr.
Max Proctor Jr. David Waldron
Vincent BushJames Smith
Lord’s Table P.M. Bill JohnsonLarry Cowfer
Prayer A.M. Jim Leek
Jim Bowie
Prayer P.M.Ozie Monroe
Curtis Fleming
GreetersFamilies of Curtis Fleming & Rex Mays
Singing A.M.Bruce Bearden
Singing P.M.James Smith
Please contact Bruce Bearden if you are unable to serve.
Lee Angell &
Leslie Howell
260 Colorado Dr.
Cedar Creek, TX
The Healthy Weight Support Group started a challenge. This is how the Challenge works:
1. Beginning weigh in dates will be today if you have not weighed in already. We will take measurements and weigh in. The group will not know your numbers. 2. Breakfast/meetings will be every Sunday morning before class in the kitchen. We will meet for coffee and breakfast. Bring your own food—coffee will be provided. If you don’t like coffee, bring something for yourself. We will talk about our week, do a little lesson, weigh in, take measurements and then dismiss for class. If you miss the morning meeting, you can weigh in sometime Sunday. 3. We will appoint “Accountability Partners”. We will put all names in a hat and draw a partner. This partner will be your personal support “Friend” for this challenge (we will switch names for future challenges). This person will have your contact information and you will have his or hers. You have the responsibility to contact your partner daily and check in either by phone or email and let her know how you are doing and if you need any support. 4. This first challenge will be two months long and will end October 22. On that last weigh in day, we will determine who has lost the most weight and will win a special prize. We will also award a prize to the “Reserve Challenge Champion.” 5. We will meet on Sunday and Wednesday nights to walk together for exercise. We may pick one of the nights to do an aerobics class. We may also be able to have a babysitter for the kids while we work out. The assignment for today is to write, in essay form, why you gained those extra pounds. Be honest and search your soul. Do not sign or put your name on your writing. If you have any questions, contact Jana at 922-3377 or email .
September Birthdays & Anniversaries
1Alex Robinson ‘93
Max Proctor
3Michelle Moore
4Kenneth Staples
Evan Mundine
6Marty Pierson
7Allen Bartosch
10Leslie Howell ‘95
11Wyatt Diebel
Patricia Lentz
Dean & Tamara Schoonmaker
16Kat Smith
17Pete Serna
Courtney Glenn
Maria Flowers
20Brad & Sonya Burson
21Jamie Zivley ‘88
23Karen Jones
Heather Proctor
24Tamara Schoonmaker
Solomon Staples ‘04
25Roy & Tammy Williams ‘93
27Andrew Flowers, ‘54
28Robert & Karen Jones
29Kathy Nees ‘92
30Wayne Miller
Bulletin: Please send info to Mary Helen Bowie at 303-9733, 470-6698 or or Mary McDonald at or 303-1401 or Heather Proctor at . It is wise to send your message to two people who are doing the bulletin to make sure your message is received.
The Ladies’ Class is pleased to announce that we will be meeting this quarter on Wednesday evenings. We feel this will be an opportunity for some of our ladies that want to attend the Ladies’ Class but their schedule wouldn’t work with Tuesday evenings.
Mission Statement
The Bastrop Ladies Class is dedicated to improving the spiritual life of each lady, helping her to realize her full potential as a child of God through study, prayer, edification and fellowship.
As you can tell from our mission statement our class is dedicated to providing a thorough study. This quarter we will use the book Contagious Joyby Christa Kinde to enhance our study.
“Yearning for a more joyful outlook on Life?”
Be part of this 13-week study and learn about our birthright as a believer that joy can flow out of our hearts and into our lives and it catches the attention of those around us. “Joy is infectious, transmittable, spreadable and catching. In a word, joy is contagious.” If you have any questions, please contact Becky Grau at 308-0937. Please let me know if possible if you would like to be part of this enlightening study. Thank you!
Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Matthew 8:20 NIV