Publications Using the HMD as of August 2016
Table of Contents
Journal Articles
Books and Book Chapters
Dissertations and Theses
Official Reports
Technical Reports, Working, Research and Discussion Papers
The following comprises a list of publications that rely on data from the Human Mortality Database. It resorts to the Google Scholar web search engine[1]using “Human mortality database” and “Berkeley mortality database” as the search expressions. The expressions may appear anywhere in the publication (title, abstract, body). This version of the HMD reference list concentrates on scholarly articles and books, dissertations, technical reports and working papers published from January 1997 up to the end of August 2016. The list also includes all publications by the HMD team members based on analyses of HMD data. Note that the list is probably not exhaustive as there may be additional HMD-related publications that remain unknown to us because they are not included in Google Scholar[2].
The publications are grouped into five categories:1) journal articles,2) books and book chapters, 3) dissertations and theses, 4) official reports, 5) technical reports and working papers. This list does not include conference papers to keep it manageable.
Journal Articles
- Aad, G., Abbott, B., Abdallah, J., Abdelalim, A. A., Abdesselam, A., Abdinov, O., … others. (2012). Search for squarks and gluinos using final states with jets and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in proton–proton collisions. Physics Letters B, 710(1), 67–85.
- Aarts, E. H. L. (2015). Rationality, Decision Flexibility and Pensions.
- Abel, E. L., & Kruger, M. L. (2006). The healthy worker effect in major league baseball revisited. Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal, 14(1), 83–87.
- Abel, E. L., & Kruger, M. L. (2006). The healthy worker effect in professional football. Research in Sports Medicine, 14(4), 239–243.
- Abel, G. J., Bijak, J., & Raymer, J. (2010). A comparison of official population projections with Bayesian time series forecasts for England and Wales. Population Trends, Autumn(141), 92–111.
- Abio, G., Patxot, C., Sanchez, M., & Souto, G. (2015). The Welfare State and the demographic dividend: A cross-country comparison.
- Abrisqueta, P., Pereira, A., Rozman, C., Aymerich, M., Gine, E., Moreno, C., … others. (2009). Improving survival in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (1980-2008): the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona experience. Blood, 114(10), 2044–2059.
- Acosta, K., & Romero, J. (2014a). Indirect estimation of infant mortality rate in Colombia, Bank of the Republic - Regional Economy. (In Spanish: Estimación indirecta de la tasa de mortalidad infantil en Colombia.
- Acosta, K., & Romero, J. (2014b). Recent changes in the leading causes of mortality in Colombia, Bank of the Eepublic -Regional Economy. (In Spanish: Cambios recientes en las principales causas de mortalidad en Colombia (No. 012216). Banco De La República - Economía Regional.)
- Adamska-Mieruszewska, J. (2013). Znaczenie ryzyka d\lugowieczności dla stabilności systemów emerytalnych. Zarządzanie I Finanse, 2(5), 5–16.
- Adashi, E. Y. (2009). Global maternal mortality: An unspeakable yet avoidable human tragedy. The Medscape Journal of Medicine, 11(1), 22.
- Adda, J., Banks, J., & Von Gaudecker, H. M. (2009). The impact of income shocks on health: evidence from cohort data. Journal of the European Economic Association, 7(6), 1361–1399.
- ADLER, M., ANDERSSON, G., AVDEEV, A., BACCAÏNI, B., BARBIERI, M., BARROW, L., … others. (2002). Referees/Examinateurs. European Journal of Population, 18, 417–418.
- Aganbegyan, A. G., Gorlin, Y. M., Dormidontova, Y., Maleva, T. M., & Nazarov, V. (2014). Анализ Факторов, Влияющих На Принятие Решения Относительно Возраста Выхода На Пенсию (Analysis of Factors that Influences on Decision About Retirement Age).
- Agrisani, M., & Di Palo, C. (2014). Managing the Baby Boomer Demographic Wave in Defined Contribution Pension Systems. Politica Economica, 30(1), 51–72.
- Aguado, A., Lopez, F., Miravet, S., Oriol, P., Fuentes, M. I., Henares, B., … Peligro, J. (2009). Hypertension in the very old; prevalence, awareness, treatment and control: a cross-sectional population-based study in a Spanish municipality. BMC Geriatrics, 9(1), 16–22.
- Ahcan, A., Medved, D., Olivieri, A., & Pitacco, E. (2014). Forecasting mortality for small populations by mixing mortality data. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 54, 12–27.
- AHlboM, A., Drefahl, S., & Lundström, H. (2010). Den \a aldrande befolkningen. Läkartidningen, 107(48), 3048–51.
- Ahmadi, S. S., & Gaillardetz, P. (2014). Two Factor Stochastic Mortality Modeling with Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution. Journal of Data Science, 12(1), 1–18.
- Ahmadi, S. S., & Gaillardetz, P. (2015). Modeling mortality and pricing life annuities with Lévy processes. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 64, 337–350.
- Ahmadi, S. S., & Li, J. S.-H. (2014). Coherent mortality forecasting with generalized linear models: A modified time-transformation approach. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 59, 194–221.
- Ahn, N., Génova, R., Herce, J. A., & Pereira, J. (2003). The AGIR Project. WP1: Bio-Demographic Aspects of Ageing, Data Description and Findings for Ten EU Countries, Madrid.
- AIM, S., FULLA, S., & Laurent, J. P. (2005). Mortality Fluctuations Modelling With A Shared Frailty Approach. Paris Actuarial Congree.
- Akhtar-Danesh, G.-G., Finley, C., & Akhtar-Danesh, N. (2016). Long-term trends in the incidence and relative survival of pancreatic cancer in Canada: A population-based study. Pancreatology.
- Akhtar-Danesh, N., Elit, L., & Lytwyn, A. (2014). Trends in incidence and survival of women with invasive vulvar cancer in the United States and Canada: a population-based study. Gynecologic Oncology, 134(2), 314–318.
- Akhtar-Danesh, N., Elit, L., & Lytwyn, A. (2015). Further Insights Into Long-Term Trends in Relative Survival of Vulvar Cancer Patients: A Population-Based Study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 25(1), 125–130.
- Akhtar-Danesh, N., & Finley, C. (2015). Temporal trends in the incidence and relative survival of non-small cell lung cancer in Canada: A population-based study. Lung Cancer, 90(1), 8–14.
- Akhtar-Danesh, N., Lytwyn, A., & Elit, L. (2012). Five-year trends in mortality indices among gynecological cancer patients in Canada. Gynecologic Oncology, 127(3), 620–624.
- Akin, S. N. (2012). Immigration, fiscal policy, and welfare in an aging population. The BE Journal of Macroeconomics, 12(1).
- Akleyev, A. V., Akushevich, I. V., Dimov, G. P., Veremeyeva, G. A., Varfolomeyeva, T. A., Ukraintseva, S. V., & Yashin, A. I. (2010). Early hematopoiesis inhibition under chronic radiation exposure in humans. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 49(2), 281–291.
- Akopian, A. S. (2013). The De-Stalinization of Health Care as a Necessary Condition of Modernization. Sociological Research, 52(4), 57–83.
- Aksan, A.-M., & Chakraborty, S. (2014). Mortality versus Morbidity in the Demographic Transition. European Economic Review, 70, 470–492.
- Akushevich, I., Kravchenko, J. S., & Manton, K. G. (2007). Health-Based population forecasting: Effects of smoking on mortality and fertility. Risk Analysis, 27(2), 467–482.
- Akushevich, I., Kravchenko, J., Ukraintseva, S., Arbeev, K., & Yashin, A. I. (2012). Age Patterns of Incidence of Geriatric Disease in the US Elderly Population: Medicare-Based Analysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60(2), 323–327.
- Alai, D., Chen, H., Cho, D., Hanewald, K., & Sherris, M. (2014). Developing Equity Release Markets: Risk Analysis for Reverse Mortgages and Home Reversions. North American Actuarial Journal, 18(1), 217–241.
- Alai, D. H., Arnold, S., & Sherris, M. (2015). Modelling cause-of-death mortality and the impact of cause-elimination. Annals of Actuarial Science, 9(1), 167–186.
- Alai, D. H., Ignatieva, K., & Sherris, M. (2014). A Multivariate Forward-Rate Mortality Framework. UNSW Business School Research Paper, (2014ACTL08).
- Alai, D. H., Landsman, Z., & Sherris, M. (2015a). A multivariate Tweedie lifetime model: Censoring and truncation. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 64, 203–213.
- Alai, D. H., Landsman, Z., & Sherris, M. (2015b). Multivariate Tweedie lifetimes: the impact of dependence. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 1–21.
- Alai, D. H., & Sherris, M. (2014). Rethinking age-period-cohort mortality trend models. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2014(3), 208–227.
- Alai, D. H., Sherris, M., & others. (2013). Modelling Cause-of-Death Mortality and the Impact of Cause-Elimination. UNSW Australian School of Business Research Paper, (2013ACTL08).
- Alai, D., Landsman, Z., & Sherris, M. (2013). Lifetime Dependence Modelling using the Truncated Multivariate Gamma Distribution. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 53(3), 542–549.
- Albanesi, S. (2012). Maternal health and fertility: An international perspective.
- Albarrán, D. G. (2015). Accounting for the Health Dimension in Western European Living Standards during the First Half of the 20th Century.
- Alber, J. (2005). Wer ist das schwache Geschlecht? Zur Sterblichkeit von Männern und Frauen innerhalb und au\s serhalb der Ehe. Leviathan, 33(1), 3–39.
- Alber, J. (2005). Wer ist das schwache Geschlecht? Zur Sterblichkeit von Männern und Frauen innerhalb und außerhalb der Ehe. Leviathan, 33(1), 3–39.
- Alders, M., Keilman, N., & Cruijsen, H. (2007). Assumptions for long-term stochastic population forecasts in 18 European countries. European Journal of Population/Revue Europ’enne de Demographie, 23(1), 33–69.
- Alessie, R., Angelini, V., & Van Santen, P. (2013). Pension wealth and household savings in Europe: Evidence from SHARELIFE. European Economic Review, 63, 308–328.
- Alho, J., Bravo, J. M. V., & Palmer, E. (2012). Annuities and life expectancy in NDC. Non-Financial Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World, 2, 395–436.
- Alho, J., Bravo, J., & Palmer, E. (2013). Annuities and Life Expectanc y in NDC. Nonfinancial Defined Contribution Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World, 395.
- Alkema, L., Gerland, P., Raftery, A., & Wilmoth, J. (2015). The United Nations Probabilistic Population Projections: An Introduction to Demographic Forecasting with Uncertainty. Foresight (Colchester, Vt.), 2015(37), 19.
- Alkurdi, N. (2011). Antimicrobial pharmacodynamics against MRSA in an in vitro infection model: comparing monotherapy to combinations under standard and altered conditions.
- Allemana, S., Sanera, C., Zwahlenb, M., Christa, E. R., Diema, P., & Stettlera, C. (2009). Long-term cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality in women and men with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus: A 30-year follow-up in Switzerland. Swiss Medical Weekly: Official Journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology, 139(39–40), 576.
- Allemani, C., Weir, H. K., Carreira, H., Harewood, R., Spika, D., & Wang, X. S. (2015). Queen’s University Belfast-Research Portal. Lancet, 385, 977–1010.
- Allemani, C., Weir, H. K., Carreira, H., Harewood, R., Spika, D., Wang, X.-S., … others. (2015). Global surveillance of cancer survival 1995–2009: analysis of individual data for 25 676 887 patients from 279 population-based registries in 67 countries (CONCORD-2). The Lancet, 385(9972), 977–1010.
- Allen, L. A., Yager, J. E., Funk, M. J., Levy, W. C., Tulsky, J. A., Bowers, M. T., … Felker, G. M. (2008). Discordance between patient-predicted and model-predicted life expectancy among ambulatory patients with heart failure. Journal of the American Medical Association, 299(21), 2533–2542.
- Alonso, A. M. (2008). Predicción de tablas de mortalidad dinámicas mediante un procedimiento bootstrapp. Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid.
- Alonso, A. M., Pérez, R. H., & Silva, E. (2015). Forecasting mortality rates: Mexico 2001–2010. Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications, 1(1), 22–38.
- Al-Refaie, W. B., Hu, C. Y., Pisters, P. W. T., & Chang, G. J. (2011). Gastric adenocarcinoma in young patients: A population-based appraisal. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 18(10), 2800–2807.
- Altavilla, A. M., Mazza, A., & Punzo, A. (2014). An R Snippet for adaptive Beta Kernel graduation. An application to Italian mortality data. Rivista Italiana Di Economia Demografia E Statistica, 68(1).
- Álvarez, E., & García, W. (2012a). Determinantes de la innovación: evidencia en el sector manufacturero de bogotá. Semestre Económico, 15(32), 129–160.
- Álvarez, E., & García, W. (2012b). Innovation determinants: Evidence in the manufacturing sector in Bogota. Semestre Económico, 15(32), 129–160.
- Alvarez-Larrán, A., Pereira, A., Cervantes, F., Arellano-Rodrigo, E., & Hernández-Boluda J.C. (2012). Assessment and prognostic value of the European LeukemiaNet criteria for clinicohematologic response, resistance, and intolerance to hydroxyurea in polycythemia vera. Blood, 119(6), 1363–1369.
- Amaral, E. F., Queiroz, B. L., & Calazans, J. A. (2015). Demographic changes, educational improvements, and earnings in Brazil and Mexico. IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 4(1), 1–21.
- Amaral, E. F., Rios-Neto, E. L., & Potter, J. E. (2015). The influence of internal migration on male earnings in Brazil, 1970–2000. Migration and Development, 1–24.
- Ameijide S’anchez, A., & others. (2011). M\`etodes estad’\istics aplicats a un registre de c\`ancer de base poblacional. Incid\`encia, mortalitat, superviv\`encia i prevalen\cca del c\`ancer de bufeta urin\`aria a Tarragona. 1982-2002.
- Amiri, M. (2010a). exploration for the future in Europe (Submitted). Trends in Mortality from Ischemic Heart Disease, Stroke, and Stomach Cancer: From Past to Future, 93.
- Amiri, M. (2010b). mortality in seven European countries: exploration of future trends (Submitted). Trends in Mortality from Ischemic Heart Disease, Stroke, and Stomach Cancer: From Past to Future, 63.
- Amiri, M., Janssen, F., & Kunst, A. E. (2011). The decline in ischaemic heart disease mortality in seven European countries: exploration of future trends. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(8), 676.
- Andreev, E., Hoffmann, R., Carlson, E., Shkolnikov, V., & Kharkova, T. L. (2009). Concentration of working-age male mortality among manual workers in urban Latvia and Russia, 1970–1989. European Societies, 11(1), 161–185.
- Andreev, E. M., Jdanov, D., Shkolnikov, V. M., & Leon, D. A. (2011). Long-term trends in the longevity of scientific elites: Evidence from the British and the Russian academies of science. Population Studies, 65(3), 319–334.
- Andreev, E. M., & Kingkade, W. W. (2015). Average age at death in infancy and infant mortality level: Reconsidering the Coale-Demeny formulas at current levels of low mortality. Demographic Research, 33, 363–390.
- Andreev, E. M., Shkolnikov, V. M., & Begun, A. Z. (2002). Algorithm for decomposition of differences between aggregate demographic measures and its application to life expectancies, healthy life expectancies, parity-progression ratios and total fertility rates. Demographic Research, 7(14), 499–522.
- Andreev, K. F. (2004). A Method for Estimating Size of Population Aged 90 and over with Application to the 2000 US Census Data. Demographic Research, 11(9), 235–262.
- Andreev, K. F. (2004). A method for estimating size of population aged 90 and over with application to the US Census 2000 data. Demographic Research, 11, 235–262.
- Ang, J. B., Banerjee, R., & Madsen, J. B. (2013). Innovation and productivity advances in British agriculture: 1620–1850. Southern Economic Journal, 80(1), 162–186.
- Angelini, V., & Mierau, J. O. (2014). Born at the right time? Childhood health and the business cycle. Social Science & Medicine, 109, 35–43.
- Angrisani, M., & Di Palo, C. (2012). An extension of Aaron’s sustainable rate of return to partially funded pension systems. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 4(3), 213–233.
- Angrisani, M., & Di Palo, C. (2015). Controlling a demographic wave in defined contribution pension systems. Pure Mathematics and Applications.
- Angrisani, M., & Di Palo, C. D. (2012). An extension of Aaron’s sustainable rate of return to partially funded pension systems. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 4(3), 213–233.
- Anson, J. (2010). Beyond Material Explanations: Family Solidarity and Mortality, a Small Area-level Analysis. Population and Development Review, 36(1), 27–45.
- Anson, J. (2012). Current Trends in European and Middle Eastern Mortality. Current Trends in European and.
- Anson, J. (2013). Surviving to be the oldest old—destiny or chance? Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 71–85.
- Antero-Jacquemin, J., Desgorces, F. D., Dor, F. ’ed’eric, Sedeaud, A., Ha\\ida, A., LeVan, P., & Toussaint, J.-F. (2014). Row for Your Life: A Century of Mortality Follow-Up of French Olympic Rowers. PloS One, 9(11), e113362.
- Antonio, K., Bardoutsos, A., & Ouburg, W. (2015). Bayesian Poisson log-bilinear models for mortality projections with multiple populations. European Actuarial Journal, 5(2), 245–281.
- Antonio, K., & Devriendt, S. (2015). Lang leven in België: een nieuwe prognose.
- Antonio, K., & Vellekoop, M. (2013). Single and multi-population mortality models for Dutch data.
- Antonova, L., Bucher-Koenen, T., & Mazzonna, F. (2014). Macroeconomic crunches during working years and health outcomes later in life.
- Arbeev, K. G., Akushevich, I., Kulminski, A. M., Ukraintseva, S. V., & Yashin, A. I. (2014). Biodemographic analyses of longitudinal data on aging, health, and longevity: recent advances and future perspectives. Advances in Geriatrics, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Online Publication, 1–14.
- Ardelt, M. (1997). Wisdom and life satisfaction in old age. Journal of Gerontology, 52B(1), 15–27.
- Arif, A. A., & Delclos, G. L. (2008). Occupational exposures and asthma among nursing professionals in the US. Annals of Epidemiology, 18(9), 712.
- Ariza Rodríguez, F. (2013). Incidencia de los riesgos técnicos en la solvencia de las compañías de seguros de vida:(concreción en el riesgo de longevidad).
- Aro, H. (2014). Systematic and Nonsystematic Mortality Risk in Pension Portfolios. North American Actuarial Journal, 18(1), 59–67.
- Aro, H., & Pennanen, T. (2011a). A user-friendly approach to stochastic mortality modelling. European Actuarial Journal, 1–17.
- Aro, H., & Pennanen, T. (2011b). Stochastic modelling of mortality and financial markets.
- Arora, S. (2002). Health, human productivity, and long-term economic growth. The Journal of Economic History, 61(3), 699–749.
- Attila, B., Anita, M., Krisztián, T., & Péter, V. (2015). A magyar nyugdíjrendszer fenntarthatóságáról/ON THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE HUNGARIIAN PENSION SYSTEM-THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS. Közgazdasági Szemle, 62(12), 1229.
- aus Indikatortabelle, B. (1999). 36 Commission on Macroeconomics and Health 2001. 37 Kremer und Miguel 1999. 38 Strauss und Thomas 1998. 39 Hutton und Haller 2004. Health, 2001(37).
- Austad, S. N. (2005). Diverse aging rates in metazoans: targets for functional genomics. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 126(1), 43–49.
- Austad, S. N. (2006). Why women live longer than men: Sex differences in longevity*. Gender Medicine, 3(2), 79–92.
- Austad, S. N. (2015). The human prenatal sex ratio: A major surprise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(16), 4839–4840.
- Austad, S. N., & Bartke, A. (2015). Sex differences in longevity and in responses to anti-aging interventions: a mini-review. Gerontology, 62(1), 40–46.
- Au\vsra, M. e. (n.d.). Kur ma\vziau „tradicin\.es “\vseimos: mieste ar kaime? Visiems, 14.
- Avanzas, P., Bayes-Genis, A., de Isla, L. P., Sanchis, J., & Heras, M. (2013). Summary of the Clinical Studies Reported in the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2013 (31 August–4 September, 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Revista Espanola de Cardiologia, 66(11), 879–879.
- Avdeev, A., Eremenko, T., Festy, P., Gaymu, J., Le Bouteillec, N., & Springer, S. (2011). Populations et tendances démographiques des pays européens (1980-2010). Population, 66(1), 9–133.
- Avdeev, A., & others. (2011). Populations and Demographic Trends of European Countries, 1980-2010. Population (English Edition), 66(1), 9–129.
- Avraam, D. (2010). Study on the dynamics of human ageing and mortality.
- Avraam, D., Arnold, S. ’everine, Jones, D., & Vasiev, B. (2014). Time-evolution of age-dependent mortality patterns in mathematical model of heterogeneous human population. Experimental Gerontology, 60, 18–30.
- Avraam, D., de Magalhaes, J. P., & Vasiev, B. (2013). A mathematical model of mortality dynamics across the lifespan combining heterogeneity and stochastic effects, 48(8), 801–811.
- Aylward, L. L., Charnley, G., Goodman, J., & Rhomberg, L. (2008). Comment on “Chronic disease and early exposure to air-borne mixtures. 2. Exposure assessment.” Environ. Sci. Technol, 42(6), 2201–2201.
- Ayma Anza, D. A., Durbán, M., Lee Hwang, D.-J., & Eilers, P. (2015). Penalized composite link mixed models for two-dimensional count data.
- Ayuso, M., Bravo, J. M. V., & Holzmann, R. (2015). Revisando las proyecciones de población. Instituto BBVA de Pensiones.
- Azambuja, M. I. R. (2009). Influenza recycling and secular trends in mortality and natality. British Actuarial Journal, 15(S1), 123–150.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2001). Phenomenological theory of survival. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 297(1–2), 235–241.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2002a). An exact law can test biological theories of mortality. Experimental Gerontology, 37(7), 859–869.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2002). Law of universal mortality. Physical Review E, 66(1), 16107–1.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2002b). The law of invariant mortality. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 310(3–4), 501–508.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2003a). Conservation laws of metabolism and mortality. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 329(3–4), 436–450.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2003). Why humans die – An unsolved biological problem. arXiv Preprint Q-Bio/0310035.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2004a). Dynamics of mortality in protected populations. Arxiv Preprint Q-bio.QM/0403007.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2004b). General invariance principle in biology yields different physical laws. Arxiv Preprint Q-bio.QM/0403008.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2004c). Immortality as a physical problem. Arxiv Preprint Q-bio.QM/0403008.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2004d). Universal mortality law and immortality. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 341, 629–637.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2004). Universal Mortality Law, Life Expectancy and Immortality. arXiv Preprint Q-Bio/0405025.
- Azbel’, M. Y. (2005). Exact law of live nature. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 353, 625–636.
- Azbel, M. Y. (2007). Non-coding DNA programs express adaptation and its universal law. arXiv Preprint arXiv:0704.3826.
- Azomahou, T. T., Boucekkine, R., & Diene, B. (2009). A closer look at the relationship between life expectancy and economic growth. International Journal of Economic Theory, 5(2), 201–244.
- Babel, B., Bomsdorf, E., & Kahlenberg, J. (2008). Future mortality improvements in the G7 countries. Life and Pensions, 2(2008), 31–37.
- Babel, B., Bomsdorf, E., & Schmidt, R. (2007). Future life expectancy in Australia, Europe, Japan and North America. Journal of Population Research, 24(1), 119–131.
- Bahna, M., & Tížik, M. (2006). Slovenský archív sociálnych dát SASD–možnosti infraštruktúry pre výskum v sociálnych vedách. Sociológia-Slovak Sociological Review, (5), 415.
- Bajkó, A., Maknics, A., Tóth, K., & Vékás, P. (2015). A magyar nyugdíjrendszer fenntarthatóságáról.
- Baker, D. D. P., Leon, J., Smith Greenaway, E. G., Collins, J., & Movit, M. (2011). The Education Effect on Population Health: A Reassessment. PoPulation and develoPment Review, 37(2), 307–332.
- Balasooriya, U., Li, J., & Low, C. K. (2012). On Interpreting and Extracting Information from the Cumulative Distribution Function Curve: A New Perspective with Applications. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, 26(1), 19–28.
- Balassone, F., Cunha, J., Langenus, G., Manzke, B., Pavot, J., Prammer, D., & Tommasino, P. (2011). Fiscal sustainability and policy implications: a post-crisis analysis for the euro area. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 3(2), 210–234.
- Balevich, I. (2010). . Outsourcing Pension Longevity Protection. Reorienting Retirement Risk Management, 1(9), 179–198.
- Bálint, L. (2012).