Lesson Planning Form

Catherine Cogdell-English Teacher-AhkvahDimona

Unit Topic / Unit 4 Book "Ten" –Eric Cohen Books
Development / Students will be able to interact with teacher and other student using modern technology

Lesson Characteristics:

Teaching Model / Frontal, pairs and/or groups of 4
Age group / 15 yrs 10th grade
Level (Mofet/Technological Atuda/level groups a,b,c) / 4 points and 5 points Bagrut
Lesson Duration / 45minutes
Topic Within Curriculum / Writing styles- Types of Essays
Sub- Topic Within The Curriculum / Essays and formal letters expressing opinions
21st Century Skills / HOTS / Understanding different Perspectives
Comparing and Contrasting

Plan’s Overview and Pedagogy

Skills From Curriculum
Thinking Strategies/ Required Skills / Paragraphing and complete essay , report writing, business letters
HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills
LOTS Lower Order Thinking Skills
Main principles and Concepts in the Lesson / How to structure basic essays and other compositions
  1. the first paragraph contains the main idea,
  2. the second /third paragraph is the body for facts and details .
  3. the final paragraph is the conclusion .
  4. Also that each paragraph must have connectors at the beginning of each paragraph for continuity.

Teaching Goals Within the Discipline / Writing- to- learn activities (focuses their attention on the subject being taught and formal writing: opinion or persuasion papers or business letters. Also best way to improve students reading ability.
Previous Knowledge on which the lesson is based / Sentence structuring. Pattern of organization
Previous Concepts / Outlining essay=learning how to organize and plan the essay
Tools and Equipment needed / Laptop computers , cassette player, barcov,
  • Teachers Rationale
/ Using the internet to reinforce –
The Lesson integrates into the following learning sequence /
  1. Prewriting
  2. Drafting
  3. Revising
  4. Editing
  5. Proofreading
  6. Sharing the pieces with others

Learning Materials Written and Computerized /
  • Student reproducibles
  • Internet website lessons
  • Power-point lessons

Addressing Diversity


/ Procedure
The Stage within the Learning Cycle
Student Instructions- Learning Activities / Teaching Instructions- Points to Note
/ Preceding to Lesson Activity (H.W.)
/ Opening-
Reference to Previous Knowledge-
Earlier Knowledge Provocation-
What is expected-
Guiding to Learning Question
Comprehension Stage/
Understanding The Predominant Principles in the Upcoming Main Task of The Lesson / Student finds ways to discover the way the message of the writer is being sent
/ Body of the Lesson
Presentation of The Main Task of the Lesson / Student will anticipate the order in which the material will be presented in order to put the facts of the essay into perspective
/ Construction
Experiencing- Computerized Exercise
Student Individual/ In-Pair/ Group/ Cooperative Coping Stage / Powerpoint, utube, google
/ Lesson’s Summation
Gathering of the ideas into a Main Idea
Reflection / Student will recognize that a paragraph is a group of sentences related to a particular topic or central theme. That every paragraph has a key concept or main idea. The main idea is the most important piece of information bout the concept of that paragraph
/ Homework/ Learning Products
Complementary Computerized Tasks For Individual/Collaborative Practice,
Discussion’s continuance Next lesson / Writing reflective essay- student will evaluate his or own work using an agreed upon rubrics.
/ Alternative assessment For The Given Task / Given a number of paragraphs, the student will underling the stated main idea and what they are able to conclude from the information

It is advised to spiral the body of the lesson in three stages: Task- Coping- Discussion.