Serving In The Arts
I’m interested in using my artistic, technical and organizational skills and passion for the arts to teach, touch and transform lives.
If you find something you’re interested in, we recommend you try a First Serve. First Serves are a “no obligation-try it once just to see if you like it” experiment. You’ll check out a position by shadowing a veteran volunteer or maybe even trying your hands at the job. Next analyze your experience. Did you enjoy it? Doesn’t feel right, no good at it? Try something else.
If after looking through this list of serving opportunities nothing seems like the right fit for you, then we recommend you check out the other possible areas of interest.
If you need assistance figuring this out contact Beth Mathews, our volunteer champion.
Yes to serving somehow is the answer that will make your life have maximum impact.
In Worship Arts Weekend Services Team
(includes musical/dramatic artists and support team for weekend adult services)
Stage Manager: Oversee the action onstage during weekend services. No experience necessary. Training is provided.
Time Commitment: Approx. once monthly for the 3 weekend services.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow the stage manager. To schedule contact Les Barnett at or 513.934.1618.
Actor: Use your acting skills to create a greater impact of the weekend teaching message. Scripts are provided.
Time Commitment: Varies; when cast in a skit time commitment is for all services, plus rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Presentation and some acting skills. You’ll be asked to audition.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow an actor. To schedule your first serve contact Cathy Glista at or 435-9966 ext. 122.
Camera Operator: Help present the weekend sermon message with excellence and a wow factor that will lead many to Christ and life change. Need people with the touch for tech to serve in a variety of venues for our weekend services. Complete training available. Open to ages 16 and up.
Time Commitment: One weekend every 4 weeks for the 3 weekend services.
Special Skills Required: No experience necessary, will train.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow a member of the tech crew. To schedule contact Dana Harrah at or 626.5392.
Lighting Technician: Help present the weekend sermon message with excellence and a wow factor that will lead many to Christ and life change. Need people with the touch for tech to serve in a variety of venues for our weekend services. Complete training available. Open to ages 16 and up.
Time Commitment: One weekend every 4 weeks for the 3 weekend services.
Special Skills Required: No experience necessary, will train.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow a member of the tech crew. To schedule contact Dana Harrah at or 626.5392.
Computer Graphics: Help present the weekend sermon message with excellence and a wow factor that will lead many to Christ and life change. Need people with the touch for tech to serve in a variety of venues for our weekend services. Complete training available. Open to ages 16 and up.
Time Commitment: One weekend every 4 weeks for the 3 weekend services.
Special Skills Required: No experience necessary, will train.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow a member of the tech crew. To schedule contact Dana Harrah at or 626.5392.
Sound Technician: Help present the weekend sermon message with excellence and a wow factor that will lead many to Christ and life change. Need people with the touch for tech to serve in a variety of venues for our weekend services. Complete training available. Open to ages 16 and up.
Time Commitment: One weekend every 4 weeks for the 3 weekend services.
Special Skills Required: No experience necessary, will train.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow a member of the tech crew. To schedule contact Dana Harrah at or 626.5392.
In Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry Bible Study Technical Assistant: Coordinate audio and visual aspects of the Women’s Bible study.
Time Commitment: Thursday from 8:30-11:15 a.m. or 6-8:30 p.m.
Special Skills Required: Familiarity with audio / visual equipment is great, but we’ll provide training.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow an experienced member of the tech crew. To schedule your First Serve, contact Judy Gonsior at or 436-0060.
In SouthBrook Kids Children’s Ministry(birth – 4th grade)
Host/Storyteller: Use your “up-front skills” to help teach a group of elementary or preschool kids. In the script provided, you will bring the Bible to life for the SouthBrook Kids.
Time Commitment: One weekend/month for all services, may include a rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Creative acting skills. You’ll be asked to audition.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow a host/storyteller. To schedule your first serve contact Laura Fayette at , 435-9966 ext. 162.
Actor: Use your creative acting skills to present adventures in the Bible for kids in elementary and preschool. Scripts are provided.
Time Commitment: One weekend/month for all services, plus rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Presentation and some acting skills. You’ll be asked to audition.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow an actor. To schedule your first serve contact Laura Fayette at , 435-9966 ext. 162.
Vocalist: Lead the kids as they learn to sing and pray to God.
Time Commitment: One weekend/month for all services, plus rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Singing and presentation skills. You’ll be asked to audition.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow a vocalist. To schedule your first serve contact Cathy Glista at or 435-9966 ext. 122.
Elementary Dancer: Lead the kids by performing scripted choreography and helping to sing the songs. Open to teens age 10 and up.
Time Commitment: One weekend/month for all services, plus rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Enthusiastic attitude and ability to dance. You’ll be asked to audition.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow an elementary dancer. To schedule your first serve contact Cathy Glista at or 435-9966 ext. 122.
Props Coordinator: Use your creative skills and imagination to create and gather the various props/costumes used in our weekend program.
Time Commitment: flexible and varies based upon weekly needs
Special Skills Required: Creative, artistic and a McGyver-esque ability to turn nothing into something.
As your First Serve you can shadow the props person or try it on your own, your all. To schedule your first serve contact Laura Fayette at , 435-9966 ext. 162.
Technical Assistant: Coordinate audio / visual aspects of the weekend service.
Time Commitment: One weekend/month for all services, plus rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Familiarity with audio / visual equipment is great, but none are required. We will provide training.
As your First Serve you’ll shadow a tech assistant. To schedule your first serve contact Cathy Glista at or 435-9966 ext. 122.
In epic 56 (5th and 6th grade)
56 Teacher/Storyteller: Our teachers/storytellers are the people who love to bring the message of Jesus to life in a fun, interactive way.
Time Commitment: Once per month for both Sunday morning services and attendance at a once/month planning meeting.
Special Skills Required: Lots of energy
56 Host: Using a script, you’re the up-front person that guides the kids thru their learning experience.
Time Commitment: Once/month for both Sunday morning services, plus one mid-week rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Animated and fun
56 Bandleader: Oversee a band team and lead them on the weekends.
Time Commitment: Once/month for both Sunday morning services, plus one mid-week rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: Love of God, people and worship
56 Tech Support: Make the band sound good and control cool graphics and video. Training is provided.
Time Commitment: Once/month for both Sunday morning services, plus one mid-week rehearsal.
Special Skills Required: None
epic 56 First Serve: Your best bet for deciding if epic 56 is a good place for you to serve is to stop by any Sunday morning during the 9:30 or 11:15 a.m services.
To schedule your First Serve, contact Jarod Christman at or 435-9966 ext. 118.
In Middle School epic (7th and 8th grade)
Vocalist / Musician: Lead worship and signing for junior high students.
Time Commitment: Rotating Saturday evenings, plus one-hour midweek (Tuesday) rehearsal the week you’re serving.
Special Skills Required: Musical and vocal skills
Technical Support: Looking for people with some technical know-how to work the tech booth on Saturday nights.
Time Commitment: 2 hours/week
Special Skills Required: Familiarity with audio/visual equipment is great, but none is required. We will provide training.
Middle School epic First Serve: Your best bet for deciding if Middle School epic is a good place for you to serve is to stop by Saturday night from 5:30–6:30 p.m. You can observe all volunteer positions in action. You are welcome to stay for all or part of the service.
To schedule your First Serve, contact Jarod Christman at or 435-9966 ext. 118.
In High School epic (9th–12th grade)
Technical Support: Looking for people with some technical know-how to work the tech booth on Sunday nights.
Time Commitment: 2 hours / week
Special Skills Required: Familiarity with audio / visual equipment is great, but none is required. We will provide training.
Musician / Vocalist: “Rock on” Sunday nights, singing and leading worship.
Time Commitment: 3 hours on the Sundays you play
Special Skills Required: Play a musical instrument / Singing talent. You’ll be asked to audition.
High School epic First Serve: The best way to determine if High School epic is a good place for you to serve is to check us out a Sunday evening. We meet every Sunday from 7–8:00 p.m. for worship, teaching and fun…all to help kids draw nearer to God. Small groups meet at various times during the week. Join us for all or part of the service.
To schedule your First Serve, contact Ryan Massey at or 435-9966, ext. 133.