Last Updated – 13th June 2016


Issue / Action Taken
Road-Sweeping/Dirty Road surfaces / 20/11 – Clerk contacts Streetscene and Developers (Redrow and Bovis) to complain about state of road surfaces (mud). Redrow previously stated that Highways on new development are Bovis responsibility.
23/11 – Bovis Homes reply to say that on-site team have been informed and will take action where necessary. Forwarded to Steve Lewis of CWaC planning Dept.
25/11 – Response from Streetscene that they would investigate. Ref No: 101003590817
3/2/16 – Further complaints from residents regarding street cleaning.
4/2/16 – Bovis reply to say that they are street cleaning every weekday.
22/2/16 – Clerk phones Kerrie Brice to inform that residents still have concerns regarding street cleaning and that the pavements along Chester Lane/Sandy Lane are being obscured by overgrown grass.
02/04/16 – Cllr reports state of roads on Chester Rd and Sandy Lane to CWaC with photos.
2/5/16 – Resident informs on FB that Road sweeping has taken place with a Road Sweeper over weekend. However, this was at 5am in the morning.
3/5/16 – A second resident informs that Road Sweeper has been in Huntington over weekend but has dislodged manhole cover. Cover has been replaced.
18/5/16 – Clerk contavcts CWaC to confirm that work has been carried out on A55 bridge and Chester Lane. Clerk asks CWaC top investigate whether work has been carried out to high standard.
20/5/16 – Cllr reports that Gutters on A55 bridge has been cleared but further work needed by road-sweeper to clear debris and dirt.
Pavement Clearance / 20/5/16 – Clerk contacts CWaC to ask them to cut back grass and overgrown weeds which are now encroaching on pavement along Chester Lane.
Complaints about Safety Concerns on Saighton Camp / 23/1/16 - Residents complain about safety concerns they have regarding new fencing causing obstruction to traffic. Cllr Walker asks that Parish Council investigate on their behalf.
25/1 - Clerk contacts Developers.
4/2/16 – Clerk follows up email sent last week. Bovis agree to investigate and devise Action Plan
6/6/16 – Residents complain regarding parking on Saighton Camp by contractors, which they believe is a safety risk for both fellow drivers and pedestrians with cars parked on pavements. Cllr majority ask Clerk to contact Bovis.
7/6/16 – Bovis contact Clerk to say that the site manager has been informed and Contractors have been asked to not park on pavements and on dangerous corners or near junctions
8/6/16 – Resident informs Clerk that parking is still an on-going issue. Clerk will highlight as on-going issue to Cllr’s.
Overgrown Trees in Huntington (Follow-up) / Reported Overgrown trees obscuring light along Caldy Valley Cycle Route.
29/10 CWaC (Laurence Scott) confirms all were currently in process of being investigated.
23/11 – Send further email to Laurence Scott to enquire when faulty lights/overgrown trees will be rectified.
18/12 – Clerk contacted to inform that overgrown trees on Caldy Valley Road now been trimmed back. Clerk witnessed trimming of trees on Caldy Valley ROAD but needs to confirm whether cycle track also been dealt with.
22/2 – Laurence Scott emailed to inform that the overgrown trees reported are NOT the ones which have been dealt with.
06/04 – Laurence Scott emailed again to say that trees have been attempted BUT not to an adeqoute standard and a mess was left, causing injury to a dog’s paw.
06/04 – Reported online.
Suspected substance abuse/Anti-Social Behaviour at Jubilee Field / 16/12 – Cllr submitted her weekly Inspection report on J. Field and noted empty deodorant cans etc and queried suspected substance abuse. Clerk reported to PCSO Tom Norton.
17/12 – PCSO contacted Clerk to say that he would be inspecting area at time of gate closure each night and also looking for evidence of ASB or drug use
18/12 – PCSO has patrolled area last two nights with no visible signs of any ASB or drug use. This will continue to be monitored.
25/1/16 – Clerk speaks with PC Malone and PCSO Ton Norton and asks them to continue monitoring Jubilee Field. This will better inform Councillors of whether gate closures are needed.
24/5/16 – Fire deliberately started at Jubilee Field. Damage to Safety Flooring. Appeal on Facebook to ask for any information. Police informed and incident is logged as a crime. Quotes to be obtained by Clerk and presented to Cllr’s at June meeting.
Street Cleaning / 18/12 – Cllr emailed Clerk to inform her of Litter ‘Hot Spots’ in the following areas:
1.  The cycle track from the old Post Office down to Caldy Valley Rd.
2.  The footpath through from that stretch of the cycle path to Primrose Close.
3.  The footpath linking Primrose Close with Foxglove Close.
4.  The stretch of footpath on Gorse Way from the Citroen garage (Hartwells as was) to the junction with Sedum Close. The left hand side walking from Chester Rd is really bad, rubbish in the shrubbery, dog mess on the edge & grass. The very aged rubbish proves it is not cleaned regularly.
Clerk emailed Street scene to ask how often litter picking is taking place in Huntington and whether these ‘hot spots’ as listed above could be cleaned regularly, even if other areas of Huntington are not cleaned so frequently.
21/12 – Clerk phoned Streetscene to follow up online reporting. Email sent to Streetscene to confirm phone call. REF NUMBER: 101003657585
11/1 – Clerk emails and phones to enquire when litter-picking is due to take place. ‘Job sheets’ were not available but someone will get back to me to confirm.
13/1 – Karl Siteine (Environmental Officer (CWAC) informs Clerk of both Streetscene Co-ordinator for Huntington (Kerrie Brice) and Environmental Area Supervisor (Chris Rose). Clerk emails Chris Rose and leaves message for Kerrie Brice to inform of litter.
22/2/16 – Clerk phones Kerrie Brice to inform that residents still have concerns regarding litter in the hot spots listed above.
06/4/16 – Online report to highlight 101 cases of litter along Chester Rd, over A55 bridge and down Sandy Lane
06/4/16 – Phoned Kerrie Brice to report all of the above
06/4/16 – Emailed Laurence Scott to report all of the above
07/4/16 – Formal Letter of complaint sent to CWaC regarding above
18/4/16 – In ref to litter on side of road, Clerk told it is Highways issue and not Streetscene. Promised that work will be undertaken in coming week
May – Cllr informs that dead leaves are still on side of road
Dog Fouling / Please see previous Work Programme for previous work involved in this:
18/5/16 – Cllr is provided with Stencil to apply to pavement. ((Will then be passed to Clerk to do further)
United Utilities Solar Panel Installation / 19/1/16 – Following Parish Council Meeting, Clerk arranges to a telephone apt on 22/1 with UU Project Manager of the Installation, Mr David Hopkins to gain further insight. Clerk writes to residents to inform.
21/1/16 – Parish Council inform residents that they will be asking UU to consider Landscape proposals and a meeting with residents.
22/1/16 – Clerk has meeting with UU manager. Informs Council that a Landscape Architect will be visiting site and landscape proposals will be drawn up. A consultation will then take place with residents and Parish Council representatives. Clerk writes letter to inform all residents who attended Parish Council meeting.
23/1/16 – Parish Council receives Copy of letter from Chester MP to inform them that he has also written to UU.
1/2/16 – Clerk receives 2 phone calls from residents, wishing to thank the Council for their hard work in this matter.
7/3/16 – Clerk phones United Utilities to enquire about the Landscaping proposals and when consultation with residents should be expected. UU to phone back with answer.
18/3 – Meeting arranged with UU. 2 Cllr’s to attend
30/3 – Both Cllrs have visited residents homes to see view of Solar Parks
1/3/16 – 2 Cllrs plus Clerk attend UU meeting.
5/4/16 – Notes from meeting distributed by Clerk for approval by 2 Cllr’s.
9/4/16 – Final Draft of Notes t be approved by Cllrs
18/5/16 – Meeting Notes circulated to all Cllr’s and Public
18/5/16 – Parish Council receive UU letter, outlining response to meeting
5/5/16 – At Cllr’s request, Clerk contacts Mr Carroll asking for what stage the landscape proposals are at, a timetable of expected events and asking whether landscape architects would like to visit residents to witness the view. Clerk informs Residents.
9/5/16 – Cllr agrees to meet with Landscape Architect as resident now on holiday. Clerk phones Mr Carroll, who informs that a 2nd edition of Landscape plans have been submitted last week BUT UU still not happy with them as deemed unsuitable. Landscape architects have been asked to redraw a 3rd edition of plans which are due on 13/5/16. Mr Carroll stated that there is no need for Architects to visit Residents affected, despite both Parish Council and residents requesting them to do so.
10/6/16 – Clerk contacts Mr Carroll of UU. Mr Carroll states that meeting with Landscape Architects is happening today and feedback to the Council will be on Monday 13th.
Transport Solution Working Group / 29/1/16 – Clerk writes to Mr Steve Lewis (CC: Mr Paul Parry) to request a meeting to discuss possibility of a Working Group to look at ways that the £4.2 million CEG contribution to transport solutions can be spent
12/2/16 – Clerk emails Paul Parry to follow-up email to Steve Lewis.
15/2/16 – Paul Parry (Highways Dept) contacts Clerk to inform her that the “The Parish Council originally proposed a Working Group in June 2014 and Cheshire West informed Parish Council that there would be no intentions of setting up a Working Group. This position remains unchanged”.
18/2/16 – Councillors receive email asking to check contact list for Parishes to contact regarding working group (as requested by Cllr Creswick). Cllr Creswick wishes to add Martyn Delaney (Boughton Councillor) to the list.
22/2/16 – Parishes contacted. Farndon, Rowton and Gt Boughton all reply to say that they have added it to their meeting agendas.
8/4/16 – Christleton, Farndon and Waverton have declined the invitation. Rowton have said they would like to join. No other responses.
Chester Road Hedge Trimming / 22/2/2016 – Cllr asks Clerk to report overgrown hedge to Streetscene. Reference number: 101003824487.
24/4/16 – Cllr does not wish hedge to be cut now due to nesting season. Clerk reports back to CWaC.
Severe Pot Holes on Meadow Lane / 7/3/16 – Complaint from resident. Clerk reports to Highways Dept of CWaC. Ref No: 4779266
9/3/16. Clerk speaks with the ‘Estate Dept’ of United Utilities. Query raised and Huntington Water Treatment Work Manager will phone me back once investigated. Ref Number: 84006051
1/4/16 – Mr Carroll of UU agrees to chase up complaint.
25/4/16 – Email UU to ask whether Pot Holes have been repaired.
9/5/16 – Clerk takes photo of severe pot hole and sends to CWaC. Also photo sent to UU.
1/6/16 – Email sent to UU to ask for update on their investigation into potholes on Meadows Lane.
9/6/16 – Clerk phones UU and asks to speak to the Estates Team. No satisfactory answer given so Clerk asks for it to be escalated. Management to phone me back by 14/6/16. Residents informed.
Speedwatch/30 MPH Signs within Huntington / Following complaints from residents, PC ask PCSO Norton and PC Malone to carry out speed analysis on Chester Rd. Clerk investigates speed analysis training for local residents. Appeal placed on FB for residents to come forward for training. No response although more residents do enquire as to whether Caldy Valley Rd can also be observed.
4/4/16 – Resident complains to CWaC and PC about speeding on Caldy Valley Rd.
4/4/16 – Clerk reports to PCSO Norton who responds to say he will carry out speed analysis on Caldy Valley Rd. Resident informed
5/4 – Resident contacts Clerk to thank PC and also inform that no 30MPH signs are erected on entering the 30MPH zone at Caldy Valley Rd. CWaC to investigate.
6/4 – Notice placed on FB to ask residents to come forward if they wish to be trained in Speed Analysis for Caldy Valley Rd as well as Chester Rd.
14/4 – Resident enquires on FB regarding why there are no 30 MPH signs along Chester Rd or on entrance to Gorse Way junction or nr Sainsburys. Clerk contacts Highways Dept.
20/4 – Graham Lowe (CWaC Highways Dept) informs that 30 MPH are not required along Chester Rd due to Highway Code stating lamp post distabces inform drivers of speed restrictions. All signage adheres to Highway Laws. Clerk informs resident.
22/4 – Resident asks why no 30 MPH near Sainsburys Junction. Clerk refers to Gt Broughton Clerk who will investigate
20/5/16 – Only 1 resident has asked to join Speedwatch Group. Email been passed to PCSO Norton. PCSO Norton now regularly carries out Speedwatch on Caldy Valley Rd and Chester Rd. Please see Police Report in PC minutes.
Identifying Highways/Footpaths in need of Repair / Parish Council to identify 5 of the worst Highways/Footpaths within the Parish and report to Cwac.

Future Agenda Items

·  Responsibility of Public Space on Saighton Camp

·  Council’s response to School Proposed plans once submitted

·  Clerk’s Pension following new Government Legislation