How to prepare your Organisation…

Assessment criteria:Information and advice:

1. Agency program structure has been discussed and agreed between Agency and Finance AAUs /
  • Estimates Memorandum (EM) 2013/25 was issued on
    19 July 2013 by Finance regarding program structures for the redeveloped CBMS.
  • Agencies have been asked to review their programs and to discuss any necessary changes with their AAU.
  • Protocols and timeframes for these engagements are outlined in EM 2013/25.

2. Each program (Departmental and Administered) maps to one outcome and one sub function /
  • EM2013/25 explains that all programs will need to map to one outcome and one sub-function in the redeveloped CBMS.
  • If new programs need to be created to meet this requirement, this will be conducted in alignment with the protocols and timeframes outlined in EM 2013/25.

3. Agency users have made a decision regarding the type of token (hard or soft) they will require to access CBMS
  • The redeveloped CBMS will operate a dual factor authentication process – a user id and password plus a token.
  • Agency users will have the choice of accessing the system via a one-time password (OTP) physical token (hard token) or aOTP software application (soft token)that can be downloaded onto a smart phone or tablet device.
  • A backup for the token component will be available to users via an SMS generated code.
  • To avoid a double up of licensing fees for Finance, users will need to choose whether they intend to use a hard token or soft token.
  • Prior to the ‘CBMS Go Live’, Agency CFOs will be asked to select the type of token for each user. We will also be seeking mobile phone numbers for the SMS back up option at the same time.

How to prepare your Organisation…

Assessment criteria:Information and advice:

4. Agency has confirmed users allocation to roles in the redeveloped CBMS /
  • Prior to the ‘CBMS Go Live’, Agency CFOs will be provided with a bulk approver form to confirm the current CBMS users in their agency who will be transitioning to the redeveloped CBMS. This form will only provide approval of current users and current access to be transferred to the new system. The form will show how the existing CBMS roles will map to roles in the redeveloped CBMS to assist with this exercise.
  • Once existing users have been transitioned, new user roles will be approved and allocated on an individual basis, in line with current practice.
  • New users in an agency, or for a module or component of the system, will be required to complete a CBMS access form and have it approved by their CFO.

5. Responsibilities for data entry (i.e. where the Portfolio Department enters data on behalf of small Agencies) discussed and agreed. /
  • Some Agencies currently have arrangements in place to enter data on behalf of small Agencies.
  • The Project will require confirmation from the relevant CFO that these arrangements will continue in the redeveloped CBMS so that the correct access and security roles are provided.
  • Finance will seek this confirmation as part of the bulk approver form.

How to prepare your People…

Assessment criteria:Information and advice:

1. Users are aware of and understand their role description for the redeveloped CBMS /
  • The Project will provide clear advice about how the existing CBMS roles will map to roles in the redeveloped CBMS and what each of the new roles involves.
  • The roles in the redeveloped CBMS will not vary much from current system roles.
  • Agency CFOs will be responsible for approving access for all users within their Agency to the system.

2. Users are aware of the training they will need to complete to be granted access to the redeveloped CBMS /
  • CBMS Training will be delivered “just in time” prior to system components going live.
  • All users will need to complete some form of training to gain access to the CBMS.
  • Further advice on training requirements, including course outlines, are detailed in the Fact Sheet: CBMS Training (LINK).

3. Users have applied for access for their new role within the redeveloped CBMS and have the required security clearance. /
  • All users will need apply to access the redeveloped CBMS (even if they have current CBMS access). This process will help us ensure that we have the right users assigned to the right roles and that the correct training has been undertaken in the redeveloped system.
  • CBMS users will need to ensure they hold a current security clearance to access the redeveloped system. Further advice regarding security and access will be issued at the end of SIT.

4. Users have received their access token and logon credentials /
  • Users will be provided with access tokens and logon credentials once their CFO has approved access.
  • Users will need to ensure they have received their Access token and logon details in order to undertake e-learning courses on the redeveloped CBMS.

How to prepare your People…

Assessment criteria:Information and advice:

5. Users have undertaken the required training and know how to access user support material /
  • eLearning
    All users will need to complete the CBMS Overview eLearning course and the eLearning introductory course(s) for any CBMS module they need to access. More information is available in the Fact Sheet: CBMS Training:
  • Instructor-led training (ILT)
    New users will be required to undertake ILT courses in addition to the introductory eLearning courses for the modules to which they need access. ILT courses will be delivered by experienced Finance trainers, and will cover a more in-depth exploration of the CBMS module and relevant processes, including hands-on experience of the system through relevant exercises. ILT courses are also available to existing users, where the schedule permits. More information is available in the Fact Sheet: CBMS Training

6. Users know the redeveloped CBMS Service Desk Support arrangements /
  • Current CBMS Service Desk Support arrangements and contacts can be found on the Finance website and on the CBMS Portal.
  • Updated Service Desk and Support details will be distributed to Agencies prior to the redeveloped CBMS going live.

How to prepare your Processes…

Assessment criteria:Information and advice:

1. Agency's business processes developed to collect and input data into redeveloped CBMS at program level for estimates. /
  • Agencies will need to ensure they can meet the new CBMS reporting requirements. This includes the ability to collect and input data by program, including any new programs identified during the program review process outlined EM2013/25.

2. Agency business processes developed to collect and input data into redeveloped CBMS at program level for actuals (monthly & annual) /
  • Agencies will need to ensure they can meet the new CBMS reporting requirements. This includes the ability to collect and input data by program, including any new programs identified during the program review process outlined EM2013/25.
  • Further information on program reporting requirements can be found:

3. Agency business processes developed to collect and input data into redeveloped CBMS at program level for appropriations/cash /
  • Agencies will need to ensure they can meet the new CBMS reporting requirements. This includes the ability to collect and input data by program, including any new programs identified during the program review process outlined EM2013/25.
  • Further information on program reporting requirements can be found:

4. Agency Cash Flow Model aligns with CBMS Derived Cash Flow Model (if not, differences are understood and defensible) /
  • Agencies will be expected to use the cash flow statement derived by the redeveloped CBMS wherever practicable.
  • Agencies have the ability to adjust the derived cash flow in specific circumstances: where material,adjustments must be agreed with Finance and are subject to a formal validation process.

5. Cash drawdowns and receipts can be collected by program /
  • Agencies will need to ensure they can meet the new CBMS reporting requirements. This includes the ability to collect and input data by program, including any new programs identified during the program review process outlined EM2013/25.
  • Further information on program reporting requirements can be found on the CBMS website

How to prepare your Technology…

Assessment criteria:Information and advice:

1. Agency IT has agreed access policy (desktop terminal or standalone access and firewall protocol) /
  • The redeveloped CBMS can be accessed via a web portal on a networked or standalone PC.
  • Agency IT areas will need to determine the most suitable access option for their Agency dependent on their network firewall and security settings.
  • An opportunity to test connectivity to the redeveloped CBMS Portal will be offered to Agencies in advance of the system ‘go live’ date.

2. Agency terminals meet redeveloped CBMS minimum technical specifications /
  • Information on the minimum technical specifications can be found in ‘CBMS Minimum Technical Requirements’:
  • A more comprehensive version of this document will be distributed after Systems Integration Testing (SIT) has been completed.
  • Please contact the Project if you would like to discuss any specific technical or security issues in relation to the redeveloped CBMS.

3. Agency has tested connectivity to redeveloped CBMS /
  • Agencies will be provided with an opportunity to test connectivity to the redeveloped CBMS prior to ‘Go-Live’.
  • It is anticipated that connectivity testing will be offered to Agencies in advance of the system ‘go live’ date.

4. Necessary changes have been made to the Agency's Financial Management Information System (FMIS) / Budget Systems. /
  • Some Agencies may need to make changes or upgrades to their financial and budget management systems in order to meet the redeveloped CBMS requirements.
  • Please contact the Project if you require any information to assist with this process.

5. Agency has tested outputs (flatfile templates) from Agency FMIS / budget systems to populate redeveloped CBMS requirements /
  • The final version of the flatfile templates for the redeveloped CBMS will be available on the CBMS web page after completion of SIT.

How to prepare your Data…

Assessment criteria:Information and advice:

1. Agency understands impacts of the Reference Data Set /
  • The Reference Data Set (RDS) outlines the data field requirements for the redeveloped CBMS.
  • Agencies should familiarise themselves with the RDS to ensure they can collect and provide the information that will be required. More information on the RDS can be found on the website

2. Assets and liabilities are aligned to the Agency program structure /
  • Agencies will need to allocate assets and liabilities that are shared across multiples programs to specific programs in the redeveloped CBMS.

3. Data cleansing activity required for Reference Data Set is completed prior to Cutover /
  • As outlined in EM2013/15 and further explained in EM2013/25, Agencies will need to cleanse their CBMS data and discuss any necessary changes to programs with AAUs.
  • An EM will be issued detailing the processes for establishing and migrating data into the revised program structures following completion of the changes.

4. Agency agrees with its data that will be migrated into the redeveloped CBMS /
  • The Project will be seeking ‘sign off’ from agency CFOs that the data is correct and aligns with their agency program structure
  • This will be undertaken approximately 6-8 weeks prior to going live.

5. Agency has reconciled data migrated from CBMS1 to redeveloped CBMS /
  • Once data has been migrated, agencies will be asked to undertake a reconciliation ofthe data in the redeveloped CBMS.