Here are 5 things I've read recently:


A. The date and time you read it.On-going consultationof the book over several weeks

B. Bibliographic/URL/retrieval details.O’Leary Z (2010)The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project. Sage.

C. How/where you found it.Onthe reading list of acoursefor which I was external examiner.Ithen ordered it for the library

D. What you do with it.Ihave a new module‘Research Practice’(MSc),Iuse it to find material for the lecture notes; most of the lectures concern specific researchtechniques, eg ethnography.


A. The date and time you read it.On-going consultationof the book over several weeks

B. Bibliographic/URL/retrieval details.Robson, C., (2001)Real World Research, 2nd edition, Blackwell

C. How/where you found it.Browsing the library shelves (several years ago)

D. What you do with it.Same as‘1’above

3) A. The date and time you read it.On-going consultationof the book over several weeks

B. Bibliographic/URL/retrieval details.Bell, J., (2005)Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first time researchers, OUP

C. How/where you found it.As‘2’

D. What you do with it.As‘1’


A. The date and time you read it.On-goingreading and commenting

B. Bibliographic/URL/retrieval details.Buzinkay M (2011)Second Life: an ethnographic study. PhD thesis in preparation

C. How/where you found it.It was emailed to me

D. What you do with it.I give comments to the PhD student. I useit as an example in RP classes


A. The date and time you read it.February6, 1400-1500

B. Bibliographic/URL/retrieval details.Millen, L., Edlin-White, R., & Cobb, S. (2010) The Development of Educational Collaborative Virtual Environments for Children with Autism. To appear:Proceedings of the 5thCambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology, Cambridge 2010

C. How/where you found it.Emailed to me by a research student

D. What you do with it.Used it as a ref in a research bid. Willuse it as a ref in a paperI’m trying to write. Will pass it on to level 6 project students and a PhD student.
