Blends Spinner
This activity can be played in groups of 1-4. For each group you’ll need a set of word cards, markers, scissors, a pencil, a large paperclip and a spinner (I needed 6 sections for the blends I chose. If you need a different number of sections, try Google.)
I find using a pencil and paperclip is the easiest way to make a spinner that actually spins. The student just holds the pencil in the center of the spinner with a paperclip underneath. Then they can flick or push the paperclip to make it spin.
Write the blends you will be using in the sections on the spinner. Since I am not a fan of cutting, I would suggest having your students cut apart either the Concentration Word Cards or the Real Word Challenge Word Cards, depending on which version you will be playing. Add in some reading practice by having them read the word on each card as they cut!
Concentration Version
Blends Spinner Concentration is simpler and more straightforward. The cards should all be set face down in an array. Print the cards on thick paper or add a sticker to the back if the students can read the words through the card. The first student spins the spinner and flips up one card, looking for the word on the card to begin with the blend the spinner landed on. If the blends match, the student keeps the card. If not, the student flips the card back over. Either way, it is the next player’s turn and the game continues until all the Word Cards have been collected. The student with the most Word Cards wins!
Real-Word Challenge Version
Blends Spinner Real-Word Challenge is more advanced. The cards should be set face down in a pile. The first student spins the spinner, and then flips over the top card. The student puts together the blend the spinner shows and the ending on the card. If it is a real word, the student keeps the card. If not, the card is returned to the bottom of the pile. Either way, it is the next players turn and the game continues until all the Word Cards are collected. The student with the most Word Cards wins!
Option 2: To make putting the words together a little easier, the students can write the blends on the word cards and then read the words. In this option, players keep whatever Word Card they turn up since it will be written on, but players only get points for real words. Play will continue until all the Word Cards have been used and the player with the most real words wins!
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