Draft Local Area Plan for Te Henga (Bethells Beach) and the Waitākere River Valley

This draft Local Area Plan (LAP) represents the outcome of conversations with the local community, iwi, the Waitākere Ranges Local Board, Auckland Council and its Council Controlled Organisations, and other groups with an interest in Te Henga (Bethells Beach) and the Waitākere River Valley.

Consultation events were held between July 2014 and February 2015 to develop a vision and action plan for the area’s future within the context of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008. Two successive discussion documents were circulated for community and stakeholder feedback andthey now form part of this draft LAP. The LAP will provide a long-term (30 year) direction for Council, iwi and community action in the area.

The Waitākere Ranges Local Board wants the local community and stakeholders to have their say on this draft LAP. The feedback period is from 29 April to 25 May.

Your feedback will form a submission that will be considered by the Local Board. If any submitters wish to speak to the Local Board in person to support their submission, hearings will be scheduled in early June. A report will then be tabled at a Local Board meeting which will include details on the number of submissions, a summary and an analysis of the submissions, and the changes to the draft LAP that are proposed as a result of the submissions.

Individual submitters will be informed of the date when this report is presented to the Local Board, and may request a hard copy of the summary and analysis of submissions.

For further information please contactClaire Liousse, Principal Planner at:

Claire Liousse, North West Planning, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142

Telephone: 021 951 749 or 09 890 8445

To have your say on the Draft LAP for Te Henga (Bethells Beach) and the Waitākere River Valley, please complete this form and return it no later than Monday 25 May 2015.If you need to attach additional paper, please ensure you number the pages and write the corresponding question number.

Please send freepost to:

Auckland Council

Freepost Authority [NUMBER]

Private Bag 92300

Auckland 1142


Alternatively, you can give us your views online at

This feedback form asks your opinion on nine aspects of the draft Local Area Plan. Each question provides a reference to a page in the draft Plan where the relevant information is set out.

1A. LAP boundary (page 5)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with the proposed boundary? (Indicate your choice with X)

1B. Why do you agree/disagree?

1C. What changes would you suggest?

2A. Heritage Features (page 6)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with the description of the heritage features of the area? (Indicate your choice with X)

2B. Why do you agree/disagree?

2C. What changes would you suggest?

3A. Statements of Existing Character and Amenity (page 13).

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with these statements? (Indicate your choice with X)

3B. Why do you agree/disagree?

3C. What changes would you suggest?

4A. Statements of Future Character and Amenity – 30-year vision for the future (page 15).

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with this vision? (Indicate your choice with X)

4B. Why do you agree/disagree?

4C. What changes would you suggest?

5A. Outcomes and actions: Cultural Heritage (Page 16 and detail page 26)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with the proposed outcomes and actions for Cultural Heritage?

5B. Why do you agree/disagree?

5C. What changes would you suggest?

6A. Outcomes and actions:Visitor Management and Parks (page 18 and detail page 28)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with the proposed outcomes and actions for Visitor Management and Parks?

6B. Why do you agree/disagree?

6C. What changes would you suggest?

7A. Outcomes and actions: Community and Economic Development (page 20 and detail page 33)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with the proposed outcomes and actions for Community and Economic Development?

7B. Why do you agree/disagree?

7C. What changes would you suggest?

8A. Outcomes and actions: Roads and Walkways (page 22 and detail page 38)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with the proposed outcomes and actions for Roads and Walkways?

8B. Why do you agree/disagree?

8C. What changes would you suggest?

9A. Outcomes and actions: Ecology and Ecosystems (page 23 and detail page 41)

Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Don't Know
Do you agree with the proposed outcomes and actions for Ecology and Ecosystems?

9B. Why do you agree/disagree?

9C. What changes would you suggest?

10A. Pleaseadd any other comments you have regarding this draft Local Area Plan.

The WaitākereRanges Local Board has decided that hearings will be held for people who wish to support their written feedback with a verbal presentation in front of the Local Board.

11A. Do you wish to presentyour views in persontothe Waitākere Ranges Local Board to supportyour feedback?

Please circle your response:Yes / No

Please provide your contact details so we can contact you if we need to clarify your feedback, keep you informed about this consultation, or contact you if you have indicated that you would like to present your feedback in person to the Local Board at a hearing.


Email address:

Postal address:

Phone (Daytime):

Privacy Note: Please be assured that on completing this form, your personal details will be kept confidential.

Thank you very much for providing your feedback.

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The Panel provides an opportunity for Auckland people to have their say on a range of issues and to be a sounding-board for future policies and decisions.

We are recruiting people to the panel on a regular basis, with the aim of growing the panel so it is statistically representative of the population of Auckland.

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