University System of Maryland at Hagerstown

APRIL 11, 2008


A. Call to Order Chairman Kendall

B. Welcome from University System of Maryland Dr. Warner

Hagerstown Center

C. Committee of the Whole Chairman Kendall

1. Conferring of Regents’ Faculty Awards Chairman Kendall

Chancellor Kirwan

a. Teaching: Mr. Jinchul Kim, SU

b. Teaching: Dr. Susan Moeller, UMCP

c. Teaching: Dr. Joseph Okoh, UMES

d. Teaching: Dr. Jim Chen, UMUC

e. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Kenneth Lasson, UB

f. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Julie Zito, UMB

g. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Bartley Griffith, UMB

h. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Ira Berlin, UMCP

i. Mentoring: Dr. Robert F. Dombrowski, SU

j. Mentoring: Mr. Christopher Corbett, UMBC

k. Mentoring: Dr. John Pease, UMCP

l. Mentoring: Dr. Sheila McDonald Harleston, UMES

m. Public Service: Dr. Michael Scott, SU

n. Public Service: Dr. Edward Kemery, UB

o. Public Service: Dr. Robert Barish, UMB

p. Collaboration in Public Service: Dr. Russell R. Dickerson, UMCP

Dr. Robert Hudson, UMCP

2.  Approval of minutes from February 15, 2008 (action)

3.  Appointment of Nominating Committee (information)

4.  Chancellor Kirwan’s Report Chancellor Kirwan

D. Report of Councils

  1. Council of University System Presidents President Thompson
  2. Council of University Faculty Dr. Collins
  3. Council of University System Staff Dr. Wolfe
  4. University System of Student Council Mr. Ellis

E. Education Policy Committee Regent Florestano

  1. Board of Regents Statement of Guidance on the Development of Graduate Programs Concerning the Environment (action)
  2. New Academic Programs Proposals (action)

a.  FSU: B.S. in Information Technology

b.  FSU: B.S. in Nursing

c.  UMCP: M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Technology

  1. P-20 Update (information)
  2. Campus Crime Reports, 2006 (information)
  3. Status Report on Institutional Practices for Alcohol Education (information)
  4. USM Enrollment Projections, 2008-2017 (information)
  5. Biennial Report on Status of Agriculture Programs at UMCP and UMES (2006-2007) (information)

F. Finance Committee Regent Pevenstein

  1. Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2009 (action)
  2. USM Enrollment Projections: 2008-2017 (action)
  3. Proposed Amendment to the Exempt Staff Employees Salary Structures (action)
  4. University of Maryland College Park: 2007-2020 Facilities Master Plan Update (action)
  5. University of Maryland, College Park: Increase Authorization for the Renovation of Hornbake & McKeldin Libraries (action)
  6. University of Maryland, College Park: Increase Authorization for the Laboratory for Physical Sciences Addition (action)
  7. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Dental Student Clinics Management Contract (action)
  8. University System of Maryland: Minority Business Enterprise Activity Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 20, 2007 (information)

G. Audit and Inst. Assessment Committee Regent Gill

H. Effectiveness and Efficiency Work Group Regent Nevins

I. Capital Campaign Work Group Regent Gossett

J. Campus Safety and Security Workgroup Regent Mandel