Teaching Goals on Coach Pitch Games

Our goal is to make the game enjoyable and to teach the basic rules of baseball. We want the kids to start to learn to anticipate, react and make plays both in the field and on base. Try to keep the kids in the field focused by challenging them between plays to think about what they will do when the ball comes to them. Look to make force-outs, tag outs and double plays on fly outs at all bases.

Meet with the opposing coach before the game to agree on any rule adjustments that either coach may suggest.


·  Field base path should be 60 feet (modify as needed)

·  Pitching mount to plate should be 40 feet (modify as needed)


·  Before each game, the coaches shall decide who will make the safe/out calls. Recommend that it be a coach from the team at bat.

·  The games should be a minimum of 3 full innings in length. Both coaches must agree more innings.

·  A half inning lasts one time through the batting order.

·  Every player will be allowed to play each position during the season.

In the Field

·  All players will play the field: 6 or 7 in fielders (includes pitcher, catcher and player on second base) and the rest outfielders. Outfielders should be on the outfield grass and only come into the infield as back-up on a play.

·  If less than 9 players attend a game, then fill infield first, then the catcher, then outfield.

·  A CORI’d coach or child’s parent will help catcher’s get the equipment on and off.

At Bat

·  Batters and base runners must wear helmets.

·  No strike-outs. Let the child get 8-10 swings at good pitches (about 2 glove fulls), then bring in the tee. An at-bat should not last more than about 90 sec.

·  No walks. No bunting.

·  No swinging bats while on-deck waiting to hit.

On Base

·  On balls hit to the outfield, base runners will be able to take 2 bases. Ball is in play and players may be tagged out.

·  Base runners do not advance to second on overthrows to first.

·  Players need to retreat on fly outs or they can be forced out.

·  Players may tag-up and advance one base on the caught hit.

·  No leading.

·  No stealing.


·  A coach from the team that is batting shall be on the mound pitching. The Coach does not field any hit balls.

Mid-Season Options

Starting at the 5th game, the following rules may be instituted at the pre-game coaches meeting.

·  Players will be allowed to pitch to the opposing team after the first 4 games of the season. Player pitching will be phased in (starting with one inning and working up to all three). The pitcher may throw up to 6 pitches to each batter, and then the coach must pitch to the batter.

·  3-out inning: after 3 outs or 5 runs, the inning is over.

·  4-strike outs: The batter will be out after 4 swinging strikes at good pitches. Coach umpire can decide when pitch is “good”