Honors Spanish III

Kimberly Schmidt

Room 121 4th hour

Phone-(636)464-4429 Ext. 5469

Honors Spanish III is a one-credit yearlong course offered to students in grades 9-12.

After completing Honors Spanish III and/or Honors Spanish IV, students may take the CLEP test and earn college credit if they achieve a satisfactory score recognized by the college or university that they will attend. There are 33 subjects that a student may test in and possibly receive college credit which will save time and money for their education. The CLEP test is administered by the National College Board and has been in existence for over 40 years. Satisfactory test scores are accepted by 2,900 colleges and universities. There are over 1700 test centers with Jefferson Community College being the closest to Windsor High School. Cost of the test is $80 with testing center charging $20-$25 administrative fee. For more information please visit clep.collegeboard.org and/or contact me.

Prerequisite for Honors Spanish III: Successful completion of Spanish I and II with a minimum grade average of “C.

Development of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural awareness continues.

Students will continue learning grammatical concepts and enhance their vocabulary. There will be much emphasis on speaking, writing, and reading in the target language.

Spanish III students will be using the book, “Navegando III”, which incorporates many activities within the lessons. There will also be many supplemental materials given out and students will also be given web links that should aid in learning the Spanish language. Students are encouraged to take the books home, practice their vocabulary and also utilize their communication skills. Good attendance and completing daily work is essential to the student’s success in learning Spanish.

Students should bring a binder or to organize notes, supplementary materials, and graded assignments accompanied with a writing utensil to class every day. Homework is to be completed and turned in at the beginning of the class hour. No late work will be accepted. No exceptions. Make up work is allowed for missed days as outlined in the Windsor C-1 handbook.


Be on time and prepared.

Be respectful of others (peers, teachers, and yourself).

Be an honest and positive participant.

Be food, drink, and cell phone free.

Be accountable to the rules in the Windsor C-1 handbook.


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100-93% A 82-80% B- 69-67% D+

92-90% A- 79-77% C+ 66-63% D

89-87% B+ 76-73% C 62-60% D-

86-83% B 72-70% C- Below60% F

25% of grade will be based on daily assignments and positive student participation. 75% of grade will be based on quizzes, end of unit summative assessments and performance events (may include oral conversations, written compositions, and projects). Students are allowed one retake per semester if they want to improve an unsatisfactory quiz or end of unit assessment grade. No retakes are allowed on written or spoken performance events.

Electronic devices are not to be used in the classroom unless an educational assignment requires the use of such devices and instructor has given prior permission. Students may not use websites for free translation in class or outside of class. Students will be given a grade a 0 and will face the consequences of academic dishonesty as outlined in the Windsor C-1 Handbook.

I am available for tutoring before and after school and during advisory.