Algebra II Class Syllabus


Mrs. Lacy



Phone:361-777-4251 ext. 6006

Planning Period: 3rd Hour


Students are expected to:

  • Report to class punctually with necessary materials
  • Come to class prepared to learn 
  • Be respectful of oneself, peers, and adults
  • Follow class rules (posted in the room)
  • Use pencil on assignments, unless otherwise directed
  • Follow all policies and procedures outlined in the G-PHS

Student Handbook

  • Perform at optimal standards everyday


Cell phones should never be used in class. By math department policy, all cell phones will be collected on test days and held in the front of the classroom under teacher supervision and will be returned when the last student completes their test.


Nine Weeks Grades will be determined as follows:

40% Daily Work

40% Unit Tests and Projects

20% Nine Weeks Tests

Daily Work will include bell ringers, homework, quizzes, and other daily activities. Homework will be given on a regular basis and will be checked at the beginning of class on its due date. Students should always show work to receive full credit.

Either a Unit Test or Project will be given at the end of each unit. Tests will be announced in advanced and may contain information from units previously covered.By Math Department policy, if a student does not pass a unit test, he or she may have an opportunity to attend tutoring, complete extra review work, and retest after school within 5 days of receiving the failing grade. It is the student’s responsibility to make these arrangements with the teacher.

A cumulative Nine Weeks Test may be given at the conclusion of each nine-week period.


When you are absent, you are responsible for making up all work missed, including Bell Ringers. You must check the “Missed Work” folder for any notes or handoutsgiven during class, and refer to the class calendar for specific details on homework assigned. If an assignment is not turned in on the specified due date, the student may not receive full credit. In the case of an excused absence, the student is awarded a day for each day’s absence to submit the make-up work and earn full credit before a reduction is taken.

*** If you miss a quiz or test, it is your responsibility to schedule a time with me for you to make it up.


Regardless of the grades you make, if there is ever a concept with which you struggle, I strongly encourage spending some time in tutoring. I am available to help before and after school most days. You are welcome to attend any math teacher’s tutorials which are available Mon.-Fri. before and after school.


Students:I encourage you to communicate with me via email ()only under the condition that your email is professional and directly related to my course. Please provide your name and your reason for contacting me in the subject line; example: “John Doe- Systems”

Parents/Guardians: As you know, you will have access to your child’s grades in Skyward. You can expect grades to be updated frequently along with my teacher webpage, which may be accessed through the Gregory-Portland High School webpage by clicking on “Staff Directory”  ”Teachers and Departments,” and then the hyperlink of my name. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email, my teacher webpage, or by calling my work number (361) 777-4251 ext. 6006. I look forward to meeting you at some point throughout the year!

Algebra II Scope and Sequence

1st Semester / 2nd Semester
Foundations of Functions / Square Root Functions, Equations and Inequalities
Linear Relations and Functions / Polynomial Functions (theorems)
Equations and Inequalities / Rational Equations and Inequalities
Inverse and Composite Functions / Exponential Functions, Equations & Inequalities
Systems of Equations & Inequalities / Logarithmic Functions, Equations & Inequalities
Polynomial Operations / Conic Sections
Complex Numbers / Trigonometry
Quadratic Functions, Equations and Inequalities / Final Review

Algebra II

J. Lacy


The policies and procedures listed in the course syllabus for Mrs. Lacy’s Algebra II class and the G-PHS Student Handbook are designed to optimize the learning environment and ensure success throughout the school year.

Please read the statement below, sign in the appropriate space, and provide the listed contact information.

This document should be removed from the syllabus and returned no later than Friday, August 25, 2017.


We have read, understood, and agree to abide by all the procedures and policies as listed.


Print student’s name


Student’s signatureDate

Student Email Address (if applicable):______


Print parent/guardian’s name


Parent/Guardian’s signatureDate

Parent/Guardian Contact Information


Email Address (please print): ______

Phone Number(s): Cell: _(______)______

Other: _(______)______