947 W 1010 N Department of Literacies and Composition

Apt 412 Utah Valley University

Orem, UT 84057 Orem, UT 84058 Phone: (801) 310-6137 E-Mail:


PH. D (Rhetoric/Composition and Linguistics), Arizona State University, Tempe

AZ; 1996-2001. Degree awarded in 2001

Dissertation Topic: Studying the Studies: Representations of Basic Writers in 3 Premier Journals From 1970-1999. Chair: Dr. Duane Roen

MTESL (Master’s in Teaching English as a Second Language), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 1993-1996. Degree awarded in 1996

Applied Project: Dialogue Journals in the ESL Classroom. Project Director: Dr. James W. Ney

PH. D in English (American Literature), Jadavpur University, India; 1984-1991. Dissertation topic: Feminist or Feminine: A Comparative Study in Attitudes in the Fiction of Eudora Welty, Katherine Anne Porter and Carson McCullers. Chair: Dr. Indrani Haldar

M. A. in English, Jadavpur University, India; 1982-1984

B. A. in English, Calcutta University, India; 1978-1981.


Bengali: excellent speaking, writing and reading ability

Hindi: excellent speaking, writing and reading ability

French: Reading knowledge


Associate Professor (Basic Writing), Utah Valley University, Orem, UT; 2014-Present. Teach three basic composition courses per semester, plus scholarship and service

Assistant Professor (Basic Writing), Utah Valley University, Orem, UT; 2008-Present. Teach three basic composition courses per semester, plus scholarship and service

Senior Lecturer, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 2007-2008. Taught three composition courses per semester, plus service

Lecturer, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 2001-2007; Taught three composition courses per semester, plus service

Graduate Teaching Associate, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 1993-2001; taught two first year composition courses per semester


ENGH 890: Basic Writing and Reading 1 (Utah Valley University)

This course teaches students to model the different stages of writing, and to distinguish between formal and informal writing. It also emphasizes development of academic reading skills.

ENGH 990: Basic Writing and Reading II (Utah Valley University)

This course requires students to write informative, persuasive and multiple-source essays. It helps students to understand peer review and collaborative writing processes. It prepares them for other writing intensive courses by asking them to write for various academic audiences. It also emphasizes development of academic reading skills.

ESL Level 4: Advanced Composition (Utah Valley University)

This course teaches students advanced writing strategies and prepares them for general writing courses.

WAC 101: First Year Composition: Basic Writing (Arizona State University)

The Stretch Program is a two-semester, six-credit-hour sequence of classes that "stretches" English 101 or English 107 over two semesters. These connected Stretch Program classes (WAC 101 followed by English 101 for native speakers of English; WAC 107 followed by English 107 for international students) provide students the opportunity for extended experience at working with many and various ways of both reading and writing. Students usually have the same teacher, work with the same group of students, and often even have the same classroom for both semesters.

WAC 107: First Year Composition: Basic Writing for ESL Students (Arizona State University)

See above

ENG 101: First Year Composition; Reading and Writing Academic Prose (Arizona State University)

This course aims to increase students' ability to develop ideas, to express ideas effectively, and to engage different literacies. It gives special attention to expository and persuasive writing. A substantial amount of writing is required.

ENG 102 -- First-Year Composition: Research Writing (Arizona State University)

This course is designed to help students develop sophisticated, situation-sensitive reading and writing strategies. Students make arguments in formal and informal settings. Special attention is given to evidence discovery, claim support, argument response, and their applications to academic debate, public decision making, and written argument. A substantial amount of writing is required.

ENG 105 -- Advanced First-Year Composition (Arizona State University)

This course is an intensive, one-semester writing course that folds the work of the two semester sequence into one. The course emphasizes the ability to weigh different pieces of evidence against one another and to engage in intellectual dialogue with the authorities represented by that evidence.

ENG 107: First Year Composition: Reading and Writing Academic Prose for ESL Students (Arizona State University)

This course is for international students for whom English is a foreign language, or who come from countries where English is not the first language. English 107 "counts" the same as English 101

ENG 108: First Year Composition: Research Writing for ESL Students (Arizona State University)

Following English 107, students take English 108, which fulfills the same requirement as English 102.

ENG 215—Strategies for Academic Writing (Arizona State University)

This is an advanced interdisciplinary writing course emphasizing critical reading and thinking, argumentative writing, library research, and documentation of sources in an academic setting.

ENG 216: Persuasive Writing on Public Issues (Arizona State University)

This is an advanced interdisciplinary writing course emphasizing major contemporary public issues. Students study the logic by which writers construct arguments; the various means that writers use to persuade an audience; the conventions of evidence, claims, and argument in persuasive discourses.

ENG 217-Personal and Exploratory Writing (Arizona State University)

This is an advanced interdisciplinary writing course emphasizing theories, methodologies, and issues of composing non-fiction prose. Students practice and study selected biography, autobiography, memoir, the personal essay, and the recording and transcribing of oral narrative.

ENG 301 — Writing for the Professions/Technical Writing (Arizona State University)

This is an advanced interdisciplinary writing course emphasizing workplace and technical communication and editing appropriate to diverse professions.

Many of these courses taught in electronic classrooms and/or in a hybrid format

Substitute Teacher, School District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1992-1993. Substituted for grades 9-12.

Instructor, St. Mary’s Convent, Calcutta, India. 1984-1991. Taught English, Social Science, Grades 9-12.


Basic Composition

English as a Second Language

Technical Communication

Computers and Composition


Associate Director, Writing Programs, Arizona State University; July 2004-July 2008. Duties included dealing with classroom concerns, mediating in teacher-student disputes, maintaining the Writing Programs Guide, assisting with day-to-day operations of Writing Programs.

Co-Chair, ESL Committee, Arizona State University; August 2001-July 2008. Duties included working with ESL teachers, maintaining ESL textbook list and ESL Blackboard site for teachers, and generally dealing with ESL-related issues within Writing Programs.

SERVICE: Utah Valley University

Member, Dean’s Faculty Scholarship Award and Dean’s Faculty Service Award Committee, February 2017

Member, Shared Governance Committee, Utah Valley University, Summer 2016

Chair, Rank, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Basic Composition, Utah Valley University, 2016-present

Reviewer, UCUR and URSCA applications, 2015-2017

Member, Rank, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Basic Composition, Utah Valley University, 2014-present

Member, Scholarly and Creative Activities Council, University College Representative, Utah Valley University, 2015-present

Hiring Committee member (for 1 Assistant Professor of Basic Writing), Department of Basic Composition and ESL, Utah Valley University, February 2013

Library Liaison, Department of Basic Composition and ESL, January 2011-Present

Mentor, Dr. Jacqueline Preston, Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Composition and ESL, Fall 2011-Present

Member, University College Dean's Faculty Scholarship Award and Dean's Faculty Service Award Committee, 2013

Member, Dean’s Faculty Scholarship Award and Dean’s Faculty Service Award Committee, February 2012

Member, University College Scholarship Committee, May 2012

Member, Standard Operating Procedures Task Force, Institutional Review Board, Utah Valley University, Summer 2011-Spring 2012

Member, University College Task Force, Spring 2011-present

Member, Hiring Committee (for 1 Assistant Professor of Basic Writing), Department of Basic Composition and ESL, Utah Valley University, 2012

Member, Hiring Committee (for Administrative Assistant III position), Department of Basic Composition and ESL, Utah Valley University, June 2011

Member, Hiring Committee (for 1 Assistant Professor of Basic Writing), Department of Basic Composition and ESL, Utah Valley University, May-July 2011

Member, Faculty Excellence Awards Committee, Utah Valley University, 2011

Member, University College Vision Committee, Utah Valley University, 2010

Mentor, Dr. Regina Clemens-Fox, Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Composition and ESL, Fall 2010-Spring 2011

Chair, Hiring Committee (for 2 Assistant Professors of Basic Writing), Department of Basic Composition and ESL, Utah Valley University, May-July 2010

Member, Institutional Review Board, University College Representative, Utah Valley University, 2008-Present

Advisory Committee member, Tutoring and Academic Skills Services, Utah Valley University, May 2010-May 2011

Co-organizer, Scholarship Seminar Series, University College, Utah Valley University, 2009

Speaker, ESL graduation, Utah Valley University, April 2009

Member, Faculty Excellence Awards Committee, Utah Valley University, 2009

SERVICE: Arizona State University

Chair, ESL Lecturer Search Committee, Arizona State University, 2008

Co-presenter, WAC 294 (Peer Tutoring), Writing Center, Arizona State University, September 24 and October 18, 2007

Co-presenter, WAC 294 (Peer Tutoring), Writing Center, Arizona State University, February 12, 2007

Member, Instructor Search Committee, Arizona State University, Spring 2006

Member, Business Instructor Search Committee, Arizona State

University, Spring 2006

Member, Faculty Associate Search Committee, Arizona State University, Spring


Chair, ESL Textbook Committee, Arizona State University, Fall 2005

Arizona State University Speaker's Bureau and ASU Media Guide and Experts

List, 2005

Member, Instructor Search Committee, Arizona State University Spring 2005

Member, Business Instructor Search Committee, Arizona State University Spring


Member, Faculty Associate Search Committee, Arizona State University Spring


Presenter, New TAs, Arizona State University, February 2005

Member, Main Campus Board of Equal Opportunity, Arizona State University, 2003-2006

Member, Textbook Selection Committee ENG 101 and ENG 102, Arizona State University, Fall 2003

Table Leader, ABOR Tri-University Proposal: Evaluating Learner-Centered Education through Outcomes Assessment of Student Writing, June 2003

Member, Faculty Associate Search Committee, Arizona State University, Spring 2003

Member, Instructor Search Committee, Arizona State University, Spring 2003

Co-Chair, Stretch and ESL Committee, Arizona State University, 2001-2008

Faculty Ambassador, Arizona State University, 2002-2003

Grader/Consultant, Literacy Assessment Project, Office of University Evaluation, Arizona State University, Spring 2002

Reader, Printer’s Devil essay contest, Arizona State University, 2001

Chair, 3rd session, Linguistics/TESL Conference, Arizona State University, 24th March, 1998.

SERVICE: Professional

Manuscript Reveiwer, Cengage, February 2017

External Reviewer, Dr. Subrata Bhowmik’s application for Promotion, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

Manuscript Reviewer, Teaching English in the Two Year College, December 2015-present. Reviewed 1 manuscript so far.

Manuscript reviewer, Pearson English course materials. August 2015

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Basic Writing, “From Falling Through the Cracks to Pulling Through.” April 2015

Online Mentor for NCTE Proposals, 2013

Manuscript Reviewer, The Mayfield Handbook. March 2012

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Basic Writing, “Strategic Relationship Building and the Empowerment of Writing Faculty.” February 2012

Reviewer, 40 Model Essays. Bedford/St. Martin’s, May 2011

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Basic Writing, “ESL Curriculum Revision: Focus on Integration and Fluency Proving Effective.” February 2010

Member, NCTE College Section Steering Committee November 2009-October 2013

Member, Richard Ohmann Award Committee (NCTE) 2009-2010. Read all lead essays in College English and select an essay to receive award for significant contribution to scholarship, research, theory or pedagogy in English Studies

Reviewer, The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing 5th ed., May 2009

Reviewer, The DK Handbook. Pearson/Longman, February 2009

Reviewer, Writing Logically, Thinking Critically 5th ed. Pearson/Longman, February 2008

Reviewer, My Guide to Writing, Longman Publishers, October 2007

Reviewer, Writing in the Modes of Discourse, Pearson/Longman, October 2007

Reviewer, Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers 5th ed. Bedford/St. Martin’s, August 2007

Reviewer, Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings across the Disciplines 4th ed., Thomson/Wadsworth, February 2007

Reviewer, The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing 4th ed., Pearson/Longman, January 2007

Reviewer, Inventing Arguments, 2nd ed., Wadsworth/Thomson Higher Education, August 2006

Manuscript Reviewer, Essays on Writing, Longman Publishers, July 2006

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Basic Writing, “Using a Dictionary in the Writing Process,” February 2006

Manuscript Reviewer, Global Issues, Local Arguments, Allyn & Bacon/Longman Publishers, November 2005

ESL Reviewer, A Writer’s Reference 5th ed. By Diana Hacker, June 2005

Discussion Leader, Research Network Forum, Conference on College

Composition and Communication, San Francisco, March 2005

Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Basic Writing, “Aspects of Background

Experience that Generation 1.5 Students Share with Native-Speaking Peers,”

October 2004

2004-Present. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Basic Writing

2002-Present. Member, Editorial Board, Center for Research on Developmental

Education and Urban Literacy monograph series, General College, University of


2001-Present. Member, Editorial Board, Basic Writing e-Journal

Manuscript Reviewer, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, “Learning English Motivations and Assessments of Elementary School Students in a Remote Area—Makung Elementary School District, Penghu County, Taiwan, Republic of China” August 2004

Manuscript Reviewer, Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy monograph, Best Practices on Access and Retention in Higher Education, March 2004. Manuscript titled “Retention and Graduation of Black Students: A Comprehensive Strategy.”

Contributing Bibliographer, The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Basic Writing 2nd edition, 2004

Reviewer, Sticks and Stones, Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 2002

Contributing Bibliographer, The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Basic Writing, 2002

Reviewer, Conference on Basic Writing CCCC Fellowship 2002

Telementor, Developmental Writing Project, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, 2000.

Reviewer, Free Falling, Bedford/St. Martin’s Press, 1998.

Contributing Bibliographer, Conference on College Composition and Communication 1997 Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric.


Attended ePortfolio Training Workshop, Utah Valley University, May 2013

Attended Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research conference, San Diego, CA, December 2010 (for IRB training purposes)

Attended Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence workshop, “Using Turnitin,” Utah Valley University, December 2009

Attended Faculty Development workshop, “A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning,” Utah Valley University, September 2009

Attended Utah Valley University Faculty Summer Seminar, May 2009