UCSD San Diego EXPORT Center


Conditions of Award

1.  Within 1 month of award notice, recipients are expected to submit a response to all reviewer comments on the “pink sheet” for which a response is appropriate; recipients must also submit a project timeline and a detailed copy of the budget justification to include a description of work to be performed by staff.

2.  The Grantee will provide “Progress Reports” to the UCSD San Diego EXPORT Center, throughout the funding year (progress report dates will be provided to awardee after the submission of all required documentation).

3.  The Grantee will be expected to attend a yearly meeting of the EXPORT Executive Committee Meeting to present description of study and/or final reports.

4.  The Grantee will give full or partial credit in any manuscript or other literacy materials to the UCSD San Diego EXPORT Center and the National Institute of Health (NIH) National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD). When submitting manuscripts or abstracts, the following acknowledgement should be used:

This publication/project/study was supported by Grant Number P60 MD 000220 from the National Center of Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institute of Health. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of National Institute of Health.”

5.  Copies of all accepted publications and abstracts should be submitted to Virginia Perrett, Project Coordinator, UCSD San Diego EXPORT Center, 9700 Gilman Drive – MC 0927, La Jolla, CA 92093-0927.

6.  The Grantee will provide evidence of IRB approval from either UCSD or SDSU.

7.  The Grantee will request in writing, permission from the San Diego EXPORT Center before making any changes in the project that differs from the objectives set forth in the original application.

8.  In order for Grantee to receive funds, the Grantee will provide to Kara Williams, EXPORT Center Program Manager, UCSD San Diego EXPORT Center, 9700 Gilman Drive – MC 0927, La Jolla, CA 92093-0927, the following information:

  1. Evidence of IRB approval from either UCSD or SDSU (which is required prior to receipt of award funds).
  2. A detailed budget justification (to include proposed project period dates and work to be performed by staff).
  3. The institutional Federal Tax I.D. # of the institution to receive the funds (fiscal agent).
  4. Name and telephone number of fund contact person who will be receiving monies and will be responsible for bookkeeping procedures.
  5. Outline of the “Research Plan”.
  6. The institutional Federal Tax I.D. # of the fiscal agent.

9.  The Grantee will use grant money for his/her project only and for no other purpose.


Grantee’s Signature Date


Faculty Program Leader (when applicable) Date

Grantee Name: ______(printed)

Address: ______



Telephone #: ( ) ______

Fax #: ( ) ______

E-Mail: ______

San Diego EXPORT Center Pilot Grantee Conditions of Award - Pg.1