Employee Performance ReviewGoodwill Industries of LSC

Performance Review – Human Resource Benefits Specialist


Employee Name: / Employee ID:
Job Title: / Hire Date:
Department: / Date in Position:
Manager: / Date Review Given:
Salary Adjustment: / Yes / No / Prior Review Date:


Our goal is to assist the employee in the performance of his/her duties by presenting a constructive appraisal of his/her strengths and areas needing improvement. Also, it is our desire to develop these strengths by providing as much training as possible in order to achieve greater job satisfaction and performance.


Based on the previous performance review, briefly describe the goalsidentified for the employee. Were the goals achieved? If no, then why not?
Goal #1:
Goal #3:


EXCELLENT: Performance consistently exceeds all job requirements; exceptional knowledge of the work; has expanded all job duties significantly beyond normal job expectations.
ABOVE STANDARD: Performance often exceeds some of the job requirements; takes initiative and identifies and suggests improved methods and procedures; anticipates and identifies potential problems.
STANDARD: Performance is fully acceptable; each of the job requirements is met in a competent manner; knowledgeable; needs little direct supervision.
BELOW STANDARD: Performance is inconsistent; additional skills are needed; needs more direct supervision.
UNACCEPTABLE: Performance does not meet many of the basic requirements necessary to perform the job adequately; performance is clearly below job demands; needs constant and direct supervision; improvement is required.
The following areas are important to the success of an individual performing the duties of a Human Resource Benefits Specialist. Properly performing the duties of this position are critical to the mission of Goodwill Industries of Lower South Carolina. As the individual with oversight for issues regarding employees well being in addition to providing guidance on labor relation issues, less than standard performance cannot be tolerated. It is important to note, that some areas of this position are much more vital to the success of our Agency and are given a higher weight in the overall evaluation process.


Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Quality of Work
/ 25 / 20 / 15 / 5 / 0
Maintain benefit data for all employees. Responsibilities include: posting all benefit deductions to Traverse employee records for deductions in payroll, administering 401 (K) plan in conjunction with the Finance Department, forwarding life and disability and all application conversion/portability notices and information to terminated employees in compliance with ERISA guidelines.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Professional Competence and Job Knowledge
/ 25 / 20 / 15 / 5 / 0
Process all insurance applications, HIPAA certificates, cancellations and terminations, as well as maintain necessary correspondence with all insurance providers. Maintain on line job postings and application process. Assist with the preparation of any and all web site and traverse reports on an as needed basis.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Consistency
/ 25 / 20 / 15 / 5 / 0
Responsible for creating and issuing monthly Health & Welfare Report to the Accounting Dept. for cost analysis by department. Responsible for verification and submission of all monthly insurance invoices.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Interpersonal Skills
/ 25 / 20 / 15 / 5 / 0
Conduct monthly benefits orientation of all new employees to include both JWOD and non-JWOD. Assist with development, production and use of orientation materials.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Accuracy and Compliance
/ 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0
Report all information for terminated employees with insurance coverage to Carrier. Maintain compliance with all HIPAA and COBRA regulations. Ensures integrity of all confidential and/or secured files. Comply with all Agency policies, procedures and safety standards throughout work areas and maintain same to meet CARF, Department of Labor and other regulatory standards.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Teamwork
/ 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0
Serve as back up for other Human Resource personnel and explore new ways of improving workflow, and efficiency of job. Always contributing to an environment of teamwork.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Communication Skills
/ 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0
Provide friendly and informative answers to employees concerning benefits, insurance claims problems, deductions and other personnel or insurance questions. Serve as a liaison between insurance providers and employees. Assist with development, production and use of orientation materials to ensure all employees understand the benefits offered to them.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Creativity
/ 15 / 10 / 5 / 2 / 0
Offers innovative ideas and recommendations that contribute to meeting departmental objectives as well as agency goals and objectives. Provides assistance as needed to peers and throughout the agency to include exploring new ways of improving workflow and efficiencies.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Attendance
/ 15 / 10 / 5 / 2 / 0
Conforms to scheduled work hours and breaks to include following procedures for reporting absences and tardiness.
Factor to be Rated / Excellent / Above Standard / Standard / Below Standard / Unacceptable
  1. Personal Appearance
/ 15 / 10 / 5 / 2 / 0
Dresses in a neat and professional manner consistent with the company’s personal appearance and/or uniform policy as stated in the employee handbook.
Overall Performance Rating
This rating is determined by finding the Total of the numerical ratings given in Parts 1 through 10.
Unacceptable 0 - 40
Below Standard 41 - 82
Meets Standards 83 - 124
Above Standards 125 - 167
Excellent 168 - 205
Employee’s Strengths: Indicate strengths by using specific examples of work performance.
Areas of Improvement: Indicate areas needing improvement with specific examples of problems that have occurred.
Supervisor Comments:
Employee Comments:
Employee Training Needs Self-Assessment (To be completed by the employee)
PURPOSE: It is our desire to develop your strengths to achieve greater job satisfaction and performance. In order to help you do this, we need to know what training opportunities you think would assist you achieving them.
I think the training opportunities listed below would help me in developing my strengths:
Goals, Objectives and Training Programs
Identify specific developmental activities and future training opportunities that will capitalize on strengths and/or strengthen areas needing improvement. Indicate a target date for completion of future training and development activities.
Goal #1 / Completion Date:
Goal #2 / Completion Date:
Goal #3 / Completion Date:
Goal #4 / Completion Date:

Verification of Review

By signing this form, you confirm that you have discussed this review in detail with your supervisor. Signing this form does not necessarily indicate that you agree with this evaluation.
I, acknowledge receipt of review, and my signature does not necessarily indicate agreement.
Employee Signature / Date
Manager Signature / Date

Developed by: C Scarborough Confidential and Proprietary to Goodwill Industries of LSC Rev: 01/28/10/00

Performance Review.HR Benefits Specialist Page 1 of 6