Animal Farm Final Project

In Animal Farm, power to influence government is something that the average citizen (farm animal) doesn't have. I want you to imagine that you are living in a world that doesn't give you the power to significantly influence your society. Devise a way to protest this injustice. Beware; apathy has taken over your people. You want to motivate them and start a movement. How you do this is up to you. You could pursue anything from picketing to anarchy or revolution. You may also protest a specific topic or issue. This issue may be real (poverty) or it may be fictional (government is using dinosaurs for population control). Once you have planned your fictional protest/revolution, your group must fulfill the components of this project while demonstrating your knowledge of the text:

1. Manifesto that describes your cause. (Minimum of 1 page word-processed)

2. Informational pamphlets, handouts, or brochures that you would distribute. (Must be computer generated and color)

3. List and images of celebrity supporters (alive, dead, or fictional) and, in writing (2 paragraphs), describe what their contribution is to your cause. [You will need two supporters]

4. Props (picket signs, logos, slogans, banners, buttons) [You will need 2 or more]

5. News broadcast describing the protest/revolution (radio or TV) describing how your protest is carried out and the result. Please make arrangements to have any videos uploaded to You Tube, etc.

This is an all-encompassing project that will be delegated among group members. Everyone must pull his or her own weight. There will be a peer review included in the final grade.

Your group will present your information to the class.

You will evaluated on the following:

·  Content

·  Organization/Sophistication (it must be QUALITY and a product representative of your age group)

·  Grammar/Mechanics

·  Peer Evaluation

Essential Questions:

·  What responsibility do I have to society?

·  What kind of world do I want to live in?

·  What must I do to create the world in which I want to live?

·  What makes a good leader?

·  Will I be a leader or follower?