D2N2 ESIF – Tell us about your Big Idea for jobs and growth?

About You
Name (Lead contact)
Name (day to day contact)
Organisation Name
Address (inc postcode)
Contact details
Legal status of your business/organisation
Partnership/Limited Company/Local Authority
Company/charity registration if applicable)
VAT Registration (if applicable)
Project Details – What do you want to do and when?
Description of your Big Idea
Briefly in no more than 250 words, explain your Big Idea
Location of the project (D2N2 wide/ ward/district etc
Partners – name any that you are currently working with to develop ideas
Is your idea commercially sensitive? * / Yes/No
* When your idea is being considered, we may find similar or
complimentary activities submitted by another
business or organisation. Would you be willing to collaborate in order that D2N2 can deliver the best and strongest economic activity?
Estimate value of the project (Total project costs)
How much EU funding would you be requesting?
Up to 50%
What other sources of funding do you have and where will this be from?
Why is the idea needed? Explain briefly in no more than 250 words
What will be achieved by delivering your Big Idea? Explain briefly in no more than 250 words
Stage of Development e.g.
  • Project ready to go
  • Under development
  • Concept being discussed
  • Idea only

Fit with D2N2 Strategy – EUSIF, Strategy
Does your idea fit within any of the 4 Priority Objectives? /
  1. Skills
  2. Business Support/Access to Finance
  3. Innovation
  4. Infrastructure

Does your idea contribute to any of the Economic Growth Sectors (list all) /
  1. Low Carbon
  2. Life Sciences
  3. Transport Equipment Manufacturing
  4. Visitor Economy
  5. Food & Drink Manufacturing
  6. Construction
  7. Creative industries
  8. Logistics

Does your idea contribute to any of the ESIF Thematic Objectives /
  1. Innovation
  2. ICT
  3. Enhancing the competitiveness of SME’s
  4. Low Carbon
  5. Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility
  6. Promoting social inclusion and combatting poverty
  7. Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning

Outline contribution to job creation (FTE)
Value for Money (outputs v cost)

* D2N2 shall treat the information contained in this outline as commercial in confidence. However, there may be instances where D2N2 may wish to work with partners e.g. through Sector Groups or Local Authority Officer Groups in order that the strongest projects can come forward and be developed. D2N2 officers will seek permission from organisations submitting ‘Big Idea’ templatesbefore any further development of proposals take place.


Richard Kirkland

ESIF Coordinator