IBC 634: Strategies & Techniques of Behavior Change in Primary Care

Critical Reflection Paper Rubric

Criteria/Points / Excellent / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Paper Structure/Writing Style
Length (not including title and reference pages) / N/A / 5-7 pages
(1 point) / Less than 5 pages
(0 points)
Organization / Content is well organized
(2 points) / Content is organized but not well sequenced(1 point) / Content is disorganized or missing
(0 points)
APA Format / Correct APA format with only 1-2 grammatical and/or spelling errors. References cited and/or reference list only contains 1-2 errors
(2 points) / Very good attempt at APA format, with only 3-5 grammatical and/or spelling errors. References cited and/or reference list contains 3-5 errors
(1 point) / Poor attempt at APA format with more than 6 grammatical errors or APA format not used; grammatical & spelling errors great enough to confuse the meaning of sentence and/or paper. References not cited in body of paper and/or no reference list
(0 points)
Paper Content
Introduction / Introduction is clear, logical, and relevant to the issue; creative or catches the interest of the reader
(3 points) / Introduction is broad, general, and vague; does not catch the interest of the reader
(1.5 points) / Introduction is disorganized or no introduction is evidence
(0 points)
Evaluation of Website / All of the below elements are present in the website critique:
-Ease of use
-Quality of the information provided by website
-How engaging the materials were
-Overall strengths/weaknesses
-Utility of website for promoting behavior change
-Recommended website enhancements
(8 points) / 4-5 elements are present in the website critique
(5 points) / Fewer than 4 elements are present in the critique
(3 points)
Integration of References / References are integrated throughout paper to support/provide justification for student website critique. Cited primary sources and included course texts and outside sources
(3 points) / Integrated references with limited rationale so that literature does not clearly support student opinion. Citations consist of mostly secondary sources
(1.5 points) / No references were integrated into the paper
(0 points)
Conclusion: / The conclusion reflects the student’s overall impression of the website, and ties everything together
(3 points) / Conclusion is brief and does not make a persuasive case for use/non-use of the website.
(1.5 points) / Conclusion reflects inability to tie together relevant pieces of the paper or no conclusion is provided
(0 points)

Additional Comments:

Total Points: ____/22