Math 7 Accelerated with Dr. Kim room 901

562-920-1801 ext 3901

Course Description: This course will follow the California Common Core State Standards for 7th grade Accelerated Mathematics. Students will learn a balance of conceptual understanding, problem solving and facts/procedures in mastering each standard. Student will work as individuals and in groups to explore each topic making real world connections.

·  Bring supplies DAILY
·  Lined paper
·  Recommend a separate 3-ring binder as there will be a large number of handouts
·  Sharpened pencils with erasers
·  Colored pencils and highlighters
·  Rulers
·  Irvine Math Project, Go Math, and supplemental materials will be provided / CLASSROOM RULES:
·  Be in seat BEFORE the bell rings.
·  Treat other people with respect.
·  Do not interrupt the learning process.
·  Electronic devices are off, except for instructional or other school-related purpose as determined by the teacher.
·  Hall passes are to be used in emergency situation only.
·  Students are responsible for completing their daily homework assignment and correcting it.
·  Homework will be stamped each day on the Homework Assignment Sheet.
·  Homework must be done in PENCIL. Work done in anything other than pencil will receive no credit.
·  Incomplete and late work will receive a partial credit. / UNIT TEST/QUIZ
A test will be given for every Unit covered, typically 2-4 weeks. A mid-unit assessment will be given ½ way through the unit.
Make-up work is available for only excused absences. Tests and quizzes cannot be made up if your absence is unexcused. Absent homework/class work must be presented for credit within a week of returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to check for any missing assignments.
70% of overall grade:
unit tests
performance task
30% of overall grade:
tickets out the door
projects / GRADE SCALE
90% and above: A
80% to 89%: B
70% to 79%: C
60% to 69%: D
59% and below: F
Afterschool tutoring is available in the library. Please check the tutoring schedule as it does change due to availability.
I will be available after school on Tuesdays through Thursdays. Please inform me if you are planning to come in case of scheduling conflicts with other meetings. / CONSEQUENCES
Discipline policies enforced are those of the Bellflower School District.
·  Verbal Warning
·  After school Detention
·  Referral
·  Conference with Parents
A referral can be given at any time depending on the seriousness of the situation.


Math is a core course and a passing grade is required for participation in end of year activities and the promotion ceremony.


1.  Monitor student’s progress online at

2.  Be involved, know when they have a test or quiz and help them study.

please keep for your own records

Math 7 Accelerated with Dr. Kim room 901

Parent/Guardian and Student Signature Page

Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the syllabus and classroom expectations laid out in this document.


Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Printed Student Name Date Printed Parent/Guardian Name Date