Class: Second Grade Mathematics
Lesson Title: Addition with Varying Digits using a Dreidel
Text Reference: Silver Burdett Ginn 2nd Grade Mathematics and Internet Website -
Objective: Students will practice addition of 3-digit, 2-digit, and 1-digit numbers, individually with 90% accuracy.
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting / Materials and Supplies / Time1. Focus and
Review / “Can someone tell me how to add a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number? (Have someone demonstrate for the class on the whiteboard.) This week we have been talking about 3-digit numbers, so we are going to learn how to add 3-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers. / Whiteboard, Marker / 2 Min.
2. Statement of
Objectives / “Today we will practice our adding with the hundreds, tens and ones. We are also going to learn a Jewish game to help us with our adding.” / None / 1 Min.
3. Teacher
Input / “Does anyone celebrate Hanukkah? Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday in December; it is also known as the “festival of lights”. It is celebrated for 8 days, and games are always an important part for the children. One of the most common games uses a dreidel. A dreidel is like a top in that it spins. It has four sides with a Hebrew letter on each side. There are several variations to this game. For our purposes today we are going to assign each Hebrew letter a point value. Then we take turns spinning the dreidel with each person keeping record of what his or her points are. The points are: Nes-50; Gadol – 3; Hava – 5; Sham – 300. The words mean: Nes (N-miracle), Gadol (G-great), Haya (H-happened) and Sham (S-there, meaning in Israel). Put these words together and it says: “Great miracle happened there.” Both the letters and the dreidel are pictured at the end of the lesson plan. / Dreidel / 7 Min.
4. Guided
Practice / Demonstrate for the class how the game is played. Then divide into small groups and play. Students keep track of their points and practice their addition while they learn about a fun, traditional Jewish game. / Dreidel, Paper, Pencil / 10 Min.
5. Independent
Practice / Play the game on the internet. Use this website: www.
The first time have students play the game as the computer does it (without points). Second time – keep track of your score like we did in our own game of dreidel in class (in addition however the computer declares a winner). Have students turn in their score sheet with the added numbers and the total. / Computer, Paper, Pencil / 15 Min.
6. Closure and
Evaluation / Have students share a couple of their scores.
“Was it fun to add a game to practicing our math, especially a game that is so well known for the Hanukkah season?” / None / 3 Min.
Dreidel Hebrew Letters