Class 25: Citations(or, ‘the most painful topic’)

LAST Quiz :A Virtual World but Real Money::

What is a form of alternative 'money' or 'reward' that a company or industry could use to reward customers while saving money by establishing a partnership with some other business with 'cool' or 'positive' factor. Name the company, the partnership, and why this would be a good partnership for the main company.

For example: Coke rewarding w/soda caps that allowed free downloads of artists from ITunes)

HAND in HW 9 end of class or by email: 1 thesis + 3 arguments!

Today is last day to DROP with W! Two classes left!

This Thurs: 11/14: Group Activity

Tues 11/19: (changed) OptionalCONFERENCES!

Thurs 11/21: in class FINAL EXAM!

Tues 11/26:Research PAPERS DUE/ CLASS IS OVER


*honors project: 12/5 vs individual appt

Return Comp/Cont essays:

Scores from: 60 (120) – 100 (200)

Look at

a)Add all 10 HWs (A = 9, B= 8, C=7, D=6, F = 0) b)Add extra credit points
c) Add all essay scores
d) Add all quiz scores + extra credit points
e)Add presentation score from GBS

That’s subtotal before Research essay: ______

900 – Subtotal = how much min. you need to get on Research paper for A

800 – Subtotal= how much min. you need to get on Research paper for B

700 – Subtotal= how much min you need to get on Research paper for C

For example 90+ 466+ 80 + 80 = 716

900-716 = 184 pts for an A final grade (or a 92 on research paper)
800-716= 84pts(42 on research paper) for a B final grade
700-716= 16 pts (8 on research paper) for a C final grade

For example: 664 + 85 + 5 +8 = 762
900-762 = 138 pts for an A final grade (or a 69 on research paper)
800-762= 38 pts for a B final grade
700-762= -62 pts for a C final grade  could skip research paper and get C


If you have to take the final exam, that score replaces quiz points (for better or worse)

Last Chance at extra credit: group activity Thurs (0-6 pts), draft to learning center (+1), draft to online tutoring (+1),

MARCOC06(+3 on quiz score)

Learning Center workshops:

Another extra credit: (+5) Vet’s letter by 11/16 for Packages from home… see:

Right now: maybe taking final (today’s quiz could add 0 -8 pts):
A.B. (56 + 7= 63) Pts needed to reach 80: 17
M.B: definitely taking exam
L. F. (73 + 6 = 79) Pts needed to reach 80: 1
C.M.: (61 + 14=75) Pts needed to reach 80: 5
D.S.: (64 + 10 = 74) Pts needed to reach 80: 6
T.S. (70+9 =79) Pts needed to reach 80: 1



* Should have at least 2 evidence/examples of expert knowledge w/ citation (from book, websites, etc) –EACH piece of evidence (usually a quote) shows WHY we should believe your topic sentence. It is usually 1-3 lines long and directly supports your argument in some clear and specific way.

*A citation gives credit & identifies the source for a quote or paraphrase. Without source, you wouldn’t know fact.


A.)When using any specific fact you wouldn’t know without reading the source (This is expert knowledge) OR referring to something that has a copyright OR a non-common sense/ NOT easy to figure/ quantity/statistical value.
(eg “One of every 15 students in a class who have a cell phone will get brain, prostate or uterine cancer.” Vs “The new American Idol has 2 eyes.”)

B.) When using any fact that your audience could doubtand that doubt couldn’t be resolved quickly with a general fact check of a few people’s common knowledge

(eg “Though veggies are considered healthy, an avocado has as much fat as a bacon cheeseburger”)


The two main candidates running for President are Obama and McCain.

Gene Amondson is also running as a president candidate (Prohibition Party).

Obama is 46 years old.

Obama was kidnapped by Aliens in 1985 while McCain had an encounter with a UFO in 1999.

Obama was once kidnapped by Aliens, while McCain had an encounter with a UFO.

McCain has children in the military.

One of McCain’s son flew with the Navy, one is a Marine.

Obama has some family links with Jefferson Davis (of Civil War fame).

Obama is a junior senator from Illinois.

He assumed senate office on Jan 4 2005.

VERY IMPTWhen using any of the 11 types of expert knowledge, use word for word “in quotes” w/ citation. Paraphrasing stats, dates, figures, numbers etc is WEAKERthan word-for-word quoting


USE dot dotdot to skip out uneeded parts “One hundred people surveyed… support the modified education plan…proposed by Daryl Cumberset in 2011.” (Friedrich 22).

If more than 3 lines absolutely essential, then need to do block format
eg: WRONG: All were caught. Fifteen people were indicted under the RICO Law (Mathers 22).

Eg: OK: All were caught:“Fifteen people were indicted under the RICO law” (Mathers 22).

When researching, if you find one of these 11 things in support of (at least) one of your arguments, write them down “word for word” for quotes/evidence!

1) Authority “tip” or Topic Expert’s statement

2) insider/unknown info/”from the source” statements

3) Statistics

4) Dates

5) Detailed facts or detailed descriptions

6) Figures/Numbers

7) Quantities

8) locations

9) Exact ways

10) ultra specific who/what/when

11) case studies/examples/”In the Case of”

What is MLA?


If you have the author(s),use the Lname of the first/primary author (even if a webpage!). Search for authors on the website, article, etc.

For example (Armiter) or (Sloane).
ONLY IF No author use 2-4 words of the title in “quotes” [Do NOTforget “in quotes”]!
for example (“Ways to succeed”) or (“True Fear is”)

ONLY IF…No author, No title (and a website)  Use website/Institution name
for example (NAFCO Webpage) or (Institute for Cyberstudies)


? “quotequotequotequote” (“Resort to Violence”).

? “quotequotequotequote” (Benton 22).


Works Cited:

Benton, Alice. “Resort to Violence.” Alternative Behavior Studies. Vol3: 22. Pg
22. 10 Oct 2011.

“Sanity for Gun owners.” NRA Website. 11 Nov 2012. 4 Jan 2009.

DOES IT NEED a citation (Y/N), if so, “word for word” direct quote only or paraphrase ok?and how will it look:
1)There are many lies out there about Mr. Hammond. The truths we know include Hammondwas born in Dulce, Alabama, to parents John and Dana Funt, who were trapeze artists with Cirque de Soleil. FROM A BOOK titled Miss Charming's Guide for Hip Bartenders and Wayout Wannabes by Cheryl Charming, page 12,

2)He was a breech birth, and at one time the doctors thought that they would either be choosing the child's life or the mother's life, but not both.
FROM the TMZ website with the heading/title, “Breech Birth Hammond almost kills his mom during Childbirth”

3)Hammond would grow up to be the famous person we all know.

FROM People Magazine, gossip page, page 22

4)Among the several jobs Hammond tried before celebrity bartender were truck driver, speed dating host, meth counselor, and disney character.
FROM “Mr. Phoney’s Job History” from the Hollywon’t blog website by Jerry Tremble

5) On Oct 12 2001, Hammond showed up totally drunk, in his Mickey Mouse suit, to Disney World.
FROM “Mickey Mouse Got Wasted” California Examiner newspaper, picture and caption in the Entertainment section

7)Not surprisingly, the management at Disney World did not react very well to the Mickey Mouse they saw on their security cameras.
Said by Daniel Tosh, on Tosh 2.0 show, Comedy Central, July 12 2011

8)During the interview after this incident, in a recording obtained by LazyFootLazby for the Hammond biography Bartender to the Starsby Larry Chapman, Hammond said, "Yes, I was drunk. Yes I paid a little more attention to the mothers and older sisters than I did the little rat bastard kids. Hey, I'm Mickey. Mickey the freakin Mouse. You think after 50 years Mickey the Mouse would be happy to cohabitate with Minnie the Mouse? No way. Mickey needs love. Mickey needs some strange.”

9)As a last act of defiance, Hammond went to his bartender job at night wearing [the now stolen] Mickey Mouse head. This attracted the attention of several stars at the bar that night. This would become that one strange opportunity leading to his future career as "Bartender to the Stars."

FROM home page of

10) Hammondhad a natural way with people, making him a perfect bartender in the ego-stroked scenes of Hollywood parties.

FROM “Media Darlings” book by Jill Strayr, Goren Publishing, 2011.

12)Hammond died tragically, when he opened a ticking package addressed to “the star of this show,” while filming an episode of the Kardashians

From an interview you conducted with cameraman John Gyriot on Sept 2011.

II part 1. How do you put a quote w/ citation into a paragraph?

A. Direct Quote: (citation is needed at end of sentence)

Any good player can hit a ball hard with an aluminum bat, but it takes real talent to be consistent with a wood bat: “It take three to five years longer to build the same batting power when training with wood” (Abe 22).

B. In-line use: (no citation needed at end of sentence, just page#: since you start by mentioning the author and book/website/etc) Remember to underline title/website name.

In talking about aluminum bats, Coach Dave Van Horn of the University of Nebraska said in his book Baseball Dreams, “What new bats are going to do is change things as far-ranging as the line-up and recruiting” (7).

But wait, there’s more rules….FOUR RULES do/or die

A: *QUOTES should not “float alone” in a paragraph. Should be introduced by a few words, then a comma or a colon.

BAD: Betty Foster knew the secrets. “Forty people knew about the Roadhouse Scandal” (Abe 33).
BETTER: Betty Foster was not the only secret keeper: “Over forty people knew about the Roadhouse Scandal” (Abe 33).

B: Use two different sources within the same TPEOEO paragraph.

C: MOST quotes should be less than 3 lines long.
BUT If you MUST use a quote 4-6 lines long:Useblock format: indenting both sides of quote. For example:

A team can argue that aluminum bats may cost more per unit, but the lesser durability of wood when compared to aluminum can make non-aluminum bats a worse investment. Money spent, over the long term, can be seen as a loss. For example, at PhoenixCollege:

The PhoenixCollegesoftballl program considered investing in six aluminum bats for the

price of $250 each, while six wood bats would have cost $150 a piece. The wood bid won.

However, all 6 bats were shattered before the end of the season, for a replacement cost of
$900 more – a total higher cost with 1 more month left of potential broken bats (Miller 69).

D: REMINDER:Make sure Citation matches alphabetized Works Cited entry!
***If you have author’s Lname, *ALWAYS* use that for citation, even if website, etc.
eg: if your quote is from a website “World” article titled, “Growing Old,” with an author named, Bob Archer, citation should be (Archer)[NOT(“World”), NOT (“Growing Old”)] and Works Cited starts w/ Archer, Bob… etc


Look, just go ahead and use , okay????

Walk through assembly of a Works Cited in MLA

Don’t forget and Good luck!:

-- Re-read Research paper description to make sure you have the correct font, margins, # of arguments, # of sources.
--Make sure you have TITLE page + 3-4 solid pages of content in TPEOEO paragraphs + Works Cited page. NO WORKS CITED PAGE is -200 pts!!

--Choose 1 of the 3 thesis
--You need at least a book (or ebook) a peer reviewed journal and two more sources (one more source if you used extra credit)

--Research paper’s paragraphs in TPEOEO format (two quotes from two different sources)

--Excellent sample paper on health care better for prisoners at:

-- You have much less guidance and ‘hand holding’ on this essay to ‘test’ your independence: IF UNSURE: WritingCenter can help; next class optional conferences can help!