FACS: Family and Consumer Science Syllabus and Classroom Policy
Instructor’s Name: Mrs. Vickie Low
Phone Number: 417-582-5902 x3361
PLAN Period:
A Days 4th Hour
B Days 3rd Hour
Instructional Philosophy: To create an inviting learning environment that engages student’s creative thinking and interest in course content. Students will gain a strong foundation of knowledge through hands-on experience, class discussions, and individual work.
Course Description: Family and Consumer Sciences is an exploratory course designed to help students explore the basics of family life and living. A variety of topics will be covered, including leadership and team building; the importance of family;nutrition, wellness, and healthy choices; personal development; relationships and parenting; sewing, career preparations; and basic life skills. In addition to labs, course work will include formative and summative assessments in the form of daily activities, research, exams, and projects.
Course Outline:
- Introduction to FACS
- Clothing and Construction
- Positive Relationships
- Family & Parenting
- Basic Life Skills
- Housing and Interiors
- Career Preparations
- Nutrition & Wellness
- Elements, Skills, & Techniques of Basic Food Preparation
Course Goals:
- Introduce students to Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Demonstrate knowledge of textiles and construction through sewing.
- Demonstrate leadership and team building.
- Establish a positive self-concept and the skills to build positive relationships.
- Demonstrate positive communication and interpersonal skills.
- Analyze family as the basic unit of society and explain the progression of relationships and families, including parenting and child development.
- Analyze characteristics of positive and responsible parenting decisions.
- Demonstrate the ability to acquire, handle, and use foods to meet nutrition and wellness needs of individuals and families across their life span.
- Demonstrate knowledge of food preparation equipment and proper skills including measuring, technique, and cooking methods.
*Adapted from National FCS Course Standards (AAFCS) and Missouri FCS Course Standards (DESE).
Major Assessments & Projects: Summative Unit Assessments, which may be in the form of a traditional exam, project, presentation, performance lab, or other authentic form of assessment.
Make-up Assignments and Late Work Policy: Excused absences will be aloud make up assignments. For each day of absence, the student will receive one day to complete the make-up assignment. Late assignments will receive a 10% grade deduction for each day late.
Grading Policy: All standard Ozark Junior High grading policies will be followed. Grades in this course will be determined based upon student learning, through academic practice and assessment. Please check grades regularly and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I would be happy to meet with any student and/or parent to discuss progress in my class. Listed below is the standard scale used throughout the Ozark R-VI School System:
95 -100 = A, 90 – 94 = A-, 87 – 89 = B+, 83 – 86 = B, 80 – 82 = B-, 77 – 79 = C+, 73 – 76 = C, 70 – 72 = C-, 67 – 69 = D+, 63 – 66 = D, 60 – 62 = D-, 59 & below F
- Be respectful of others and their property.
- Listen to directions.
- Stay on task.
- Have a positive attitude
Weekly Assignments: Students will be given class time to complete assignments and assessments on a weekly basis. Students will be required to turn all assignments in on a timely basis and the policies in the syllabus listed above will be followed for missing or incomplete work. When entering into the Foods and Nutrition Unit, students will be required to have all work completed and turned in before participating in any foods or cooking labs and a passing grade will be required.
Late or Missing Assignments: Work should be turned in on time. If missing assignments are affecting your overall grade (below an 80%, B), you cannot participate in foods labs. You will be expected to catch up on missing work and an alternative written assignment will be given. Please make every effort to make responsible decisions when it comes to school work so that you can maintain class privileges. Because unpredictable circumstances do occur, exceptions may be made, depending on the situation.
Absence Policy: Students should strive to be in class every day. However, if you are absent, see the weekly schedule and look at what you have missed. An absence file box will be kept with extra handouts and information. It is your responsibility to keep up with any missed work.
·You must have me sign your admit slip the day you return to class.
·You have a one-day extension to turn in absent work per each day you are absent.
·You have one week to make up tests and labs.
·If something was due the day you were absent, it is your responsibility to turn it in the day you return to class.
Tardies: Be on time every day! If you are late, the school tardy policy will be enforced.
Leaving Class: When you leave class, you will fill out a pass card and get it signed by me. You can leave class when you need to if I sign the pass, but once it is full, you can no longer leave the classroom unless it is an emergency.
Consequences of Misbehavior: I trust that all students will remain respectful and behave according to class rules and procedures. However, if a student chooses to misbehave, privileges may be revoked at the discretion of the teacher and administration. As the teacher, I will strive to maintain a classroom environment that prevents any instance of misbehavior. I will give respect in order to get respect, and I am always willing to work with students and parents to receive optimum academic results. Please do not hesitate to come to me with any problems, questions, or concerns you may have. I look forward to a successful semester!
Additional Information:
·Respect, responsibility, and a good attitude are must in my classroom!!!
·If you need to contact me for any reason, please send an email, or leave a message with the office. I will get back to you ASAP.
·Tutoring is offered upon request and must be scheduled with me outside of class time.
- Folder
- Paper
- Pencil and eraser
- Shoe Box (I will let the students know when they need to bring this item in)
- 1.5 yard of cotton fabric (I will let the students know when they need to bring this item in)
Participation Points:
·As this is an elective class daily participation points will be given. Students will receive five points for being in attendance and participating every day. Students will not receive their points if they are absent for any reason; however, students who miss due to an excused absence (i.e. illness, funeral, school activity) will be given the opportunity to earn those points back throughout the semester. Students may also lose participation points for misbehavior and poor classroom conduct; these points will not be allowed to be made up.
·Point Deduction Breakdown:-2 Tardy, - 1 (+) for misbehavior, -5 for a discipline signature , -5 for absence
Parent/Guardian signature:
Student signature:
Due August, 2016
10 points