Service User Report for RCPsych Meeting on 9 May 2013
- 27 February & 14 March Training of first year post-graduate social work students at RGU
Along with other service users and carers, I had been invited to be interviewed by small groups of students with a view to improving their interviewing skills, particularly concerning their ability to empathise with their clients, relating to them as fellow human beings rather than in some condescending way. The idea was to try to avoid them hiding behind their perceived professional authority.
- 12 March RCPsych Service Users (Recovery) Forum Meeting, London
With the two new co-chairs, Dougie Pickering and Maurice Arbuthnot, an interesting dynamic emerged from the start, but an equally refreshing debate emerged from the advent of so many new representatives. Amongst the issues raised were the Francis report on Mid Staffs NHS Foundation Trust, the drive by commissioning GP’s to keep work within Primary Care (Implications for private providers and charities; access to psychiatrists for those who cannot afford private treatment?) Professional boundaries: 14 vignettes to illustrate potentially compromising circumstances. Gagging orders within the NHS. Moves to “harmonise” categories of mental illness across DSM V and WHO ICD-10, believed to be mainly for purposes of calculating insurance premiums/categories. Pros & cons of telehealth. RCPsych International Congress, Edinburgh 2-5 July.
- 15 March SMHAFF Glasgow
This year, the launch of SMHAFF is to be at Eden Court in Inverness. Aberdeen & Moray are to link up with Highland to share ideas. The theme this year is “Reality” (or “Realities”, depending on your world view!) In Aberdeen, we have invited a group of Media students at RGU to make a short film to be screened (hopefully) alongside a main film at the Belmont Cinema. Main film: Running from Crazy suggested (Documentary about Mariel Hemingway).
- 18 March SRN Murrayfield, Edinburgh
Inspirational keynote speech by Rachel Perkins. Multiple perspectives delivered efficiently by PechaKucha technique (Power Point slides on a timed loop. Power dynamics changing from us & them to “we”.
- 20 &27 March Student selection panel, BA Social Studies
Kidney machine: Scenario designed to reveal potential prejudices where students firstly have to advocate for their client, then debate as a group which person (from six) deserves to get the treatment. Ageism, homophobia and the inability to forgive past misdemeanours became apparent.
- 23 March VOX outreach meeting in Aberdeen
Very successful. Challenging statements were taken on board: self-stigma can be an issue. Would anyone feign mental illness just to get fed in a psychiatric hospital? Graham Ogilvie’s caricatures were excellent, encapsulating dilemmas and controversial statements. The live band, “No hot ashes” went down well. The group of local participants will be contacted via email with caricatures appearing online. Either as Vox Aberdeen or by another name of their choosing, they will continue to be supported by VOX in arriving at their chosen path. Many thanks to Graham Morgan for his inspirational speech and examples of how HUG got started.
- 25 March VOX Communications Sub Group
Various issues arose. One was the ethical dilemma faced when reading comments on social media that tend to suggest a friend is behaving in a manner dangerously close to hypermanic / suicidal. What action should be taken? Equally concerning was the apparent lack of professional boundaries on social media. Is a judiciously targeted caution enough, or should their behaviour be reported?
- 10 April BA Social Studies Course Management Team
There was to be a five year review. The Scottish Social Services Council would be coming in March 2014. A move to a more multidisciplinary approach is welcomed to counter the culture of tending to work in silos. Students have to show evidence of information sharing with students from other disciplines. 40 and 60 day placements went OK, but 80 day final placements raised concerns since students found it hard to function independently. Recruitment of “multiple deprivation 20” students. Provision of summer school, help with communications and study skills, learning support. Staff to engage in simulated practice for clinical skills.
- 16 April Post Grad Applied Social Studies students: Writing as Therapy
Following on from “narrative therapies” whereby clients are encouraged to tell their stories (and have them listened to/reaffirmed), I was invited to discuss with the students the notion of “Writing to heal”, as advocated by Dr James Pennebaker. Many would argue that writing can be immensely therapeutic, acting as a kind of catharsis/exorcism for the traumatised individual, provided it comes at a time when the individual is ready to undertake it, and not too soon after the event.
- 22 April VOX Focus Group Event on Psychosis, Norton Park Conference Centre, Edinburgh
This is a continuation of the group who are helping to put together a training package for NHS staff who are seeking to gain a greater understanding of the experience of psychosis. A number of service users have contributed to this and it is hoped to produce a collection of short film clips in the near future.
- 24 April RCPsych Special Committee for Professional Practice and Ethics, London
Hopefully, by the time of the meeting on 9th May, I will be able to give verbal feedback on my first meeting.
- 30 April Royal Cornhill Hospital MHTS Service Users’ and Carers’ Group
I shall be attending the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland and, again, will give verbal feedback.
John Sawkins, 16 April 2013.
Commitment 2 Work
Psychosis Events :- Edinburgh - 22nd April (Caps psychosis project)
Glasgow - 26th March (Mental Health Network GG)
Bipolar Events :- Edinburgh - 27th March (Bipolar Scotland)
Aberdeen TBC
Anxiety & Depression:- Highlands - 22nd March
Edinburgh TBC
Workplace Mental Health Focus Group :- 19th March SUSE (Scottish Unionof Supported Employment
Social Media/IT and Mental Health
Within Mental Health questions have been developed covering usage of social media and IT with an eye on clinical care. Two sessions have taken place in Glasgow (18th March) and Dumfries (20th March) with 2 more to be arranged. To be fed into work ongoing within Scottish Government.
Suicide & Self Harm Engagement strategy
Key questions and summary produced for members
Mental Health call for evidence (UK)
Review of Service User report written and presented by Joyce Mouriki at the evidence session (19th March)
Action to be taken to support more Service User representation within Board areas.
Diversity Program
Community Leadership Programme has been approaching & meeting with various main stream equalities organisations and Mental Health Service Users interested in the Leadership program. Three mainstream organisations are now confirmed and will be linked in with three metal health service users groups.
Older people strand (Age Scotland linked with FDAMH)
Young people strand (Young Scot linked with ACUMEN
Minority Ethnic Women (Mental Health Network GG linked with AMINA
Each organisation will put two community activists to take advantage of the leadership program opportunity
Has been agreed a full day training for the community leaders delivered by the Scottish Community Development Centre & Community Health Exchange. There will also follow a half day training delivered by VOX and Mental Health Foundation on basic research methods & diversity.
Dougie Pickering - VOX