Council- 2015-2016
November 2, 2015
Redstone Parent Council –-November 2, 2015
Wendy ThompsonPVoting:
Karren Lee
Jeff Young
Howard Shin
Walton Rajah
Jeff Young
Yvette Nazarian
Zenobia Schlichter
Yanghua Xiang
Xiaobing Li
Niki Koutsovasilis
Pam Chang / Non-Voting:
Tina Cheung
Steve Yip
Jae Chung
Tanya Emmanuel
Bahar Jalili
Michelle Cain
/ Visitors:
Ms. Rudman
May Fong
Vincy Ho
Juan Jaime Barreto
Previous minutes
Karrenmoved to accept minutes
School Administration –Wendy Thompson (Principal)
Item / Issue / Action / Comment1 / Remembrance Day / Information / Assembly will be held on Nov 11th at 10:30. There is not a lot of space for
parents to attend but if you are looking for a community experience to
participate in you may.
Thank you to Mr. Inglis and Mrs. Evans for
organizing the assembly.
2 / York Region Police presentation / Information / VIP - YR Police will be coming into the school to present info to students on
various issues (cyber bulling, crime and the consequences).
3 / School Council Forum / School Council forum was postponed due to labour dispute. It will be rescheduled.
4 / Pizza Pizza Status Update / Information / Pizza distribution is running smoothly. There are not as many complaints. There was an improvement in slice sizes. Pizza will be delivered a little later in hopes that it will be
This term pizzas sales raised $6990.00 in profit. It is projected that $21,000 will be brought in through pizza sales.
In upcoming Friday’s Weekly, parents will be asked to speak up if they prefer Little Caesar’s Pizza.
5 / School grounds / Information / Wood chips were laid in the outdoor classroom.
Over the next year, the logs will be taken out and large stones will be put in place. Cost need to be explored by Wendy Thompson.
Board will come in the spring to remove the bush at the front of the school so the front will look more balanced.
The front garden needs to be redone as
weeds are coming through. Students on the Greenies/Eco Team and volunteers will help green it up. Michelle Cain has offered to help with the weeding. Vinegar was suggested in killing the weeds.
On November 7th, the sewers in the school yard will be filled in to fix the grading.
6 / Staffing update / Information / Ms. Cancelli’s last day was on Monday November 2nd.
Mrs. Alvarez back in Grade 2 class.
6 / Pro Grant / Information / This grant is funded by the Ministry of Education. The maximum is $1000 where the school submits a proposal that recommends anything that brings the community together. The money must be used by the end of the following school year.
Council to look at setting up a plan and submitting an
application for the grant. The deadline is May 2016. Possible events include:increasing math scores, family math night, and snuggle up read.
Michelle Cain and Pam Chang to work on proposal ideas.
7 / Tent / Information / Folding tent broke at a track meet. Parents will research the cost of a tent that folds up easily and has sides. The tent needs to be purchased by the beginning of June 2016.
8 / Soccer field / Information / Astroturf is too expensive ($2M). Astroturf also has ongoing maintenance fees.
Other option is to resod and stay off that area for a year. Another option is to resod a certain area and have kids not play in that area whereby we can look at temporary nets and/or pillars. Wendy Thomspon will explore further.
Teachers report
Item / Issue / Action / Comment1 / No report
Treasurer report –
$5247 in the account
Less $3000 for 2 more payments to Milk Lady
Therefore, we are left with $2200
Shooky did the deposit as of November 2nd.
The profit from Pizza sales will be used:
- Mountable Smartboards for 3 classrooms
- Reading Program A-Z: $100/class
- Greening in parts of the school – regular upkeep of the school
- Few other items such as math development items
Executive Council –Jeff and Karren
Item / Issue / Action / Comment1 / Rainy day games / Previously there were 3 to 4 rainy day games per class.
Example of games on for a wish list:
- Apples to Apples
- Decks of cards
- Snakes and Ladders
- Sorry
- Party games
- Reading games
2 / Milk Program / Information / No milk program update. Jeff Young to send a quick email to May Fong. New term is approaching and we need to prepare for communications to go out the 1st or 2nd of December.
Volunteers are needed to come and tally the milk program monies. Kick off will be on January 11th. School starts up again on January 4th.
Pam Chang has tentatively volunteered to come in to tally the milk program monies.
3 / Fundraising / Information / We need to collect some prizes.
Last year, the following monies were allocated to each category:
Technology $3000
Welcome to Kindergarten $500
Grade 8 bags $1000
Agendas $2500
Performances $0
Literacy $0
Math $0
Canopy $0
Rainy day games $0
Wendy Thompson indicated that manipulatives were procured 2 years ago
4 / Agenda funding / Vote / Karren motioned to vote as to NOT having agendas funded by council
Agreed: 9 votes
Undecided: 2
5 / Rainy Day games and Agenda funding / Decision / Wendy Thompson offered that Rainy Day games will come out of Pizza profits and donations.
Technology includes items such as ipads and Chrome laptops.
Decision: Agendas and Rainy day games will not be funded by are off the list of fund raising.
Communication needs to go out to let parents know that Agendas will not be funded next year.
Other business –
Next meeting: December 7, 2015with start time at 6:30 pm. Wendy Thompson will provide dinner and will send out email to inquire about dietary restrictions.
Meeting was adjourned –Walton Rajah
Seconded – Howard Shin
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