Public School
Parents & Citizens Association / MINUTES
16 July 2014

Meeting opened at 7.40pm

1. Introductory Matters
Welcome & Recording of Attendance / Kerri McCaw, Craig Partridge, Caitlin Moroney, Tracey Morris, Rebekah Flynn, Rebecca Muddle, Shawn Armitage, Mark Lilley, Catherine Witcomb, Troy Andrews
Apologies / Allison Richards, Tanya McNaughton, Carly Clarke
Minutes of Last Meeting / Minutes of the previous meeting be taken as read and moved as correct.
Moved C Witcomb. Seconded C Moroney. CARRIED.
2. Reports
Principal / ·  Calendar – A busy term with parent/teacher interviews, rehearsals for the school production, education week and book fair, P&C pyjama party etc.
·  Education week open day – will be held on Tuesday 29 July from 9.20am with open classrooms and an assembly in the morning followed by a picnic lunch.
·  School Planning 2015 - 2017 – We are now moving into the next phase of school planning for the next 3 years. This process involves a rigorous internal review to see where the main areas of need are. We look at external and internal data involving student results, assessments and evaluations. We need to talk and consult with students, staff and the community through surveys, interviews and focus groups to gather information to inform this plan. Early in term 3 I am hoping to meet with parent representatives to share findings so far, discuss future focus areas and get their input on what we need to change or include in the school plan. These representatives may come from the P&C group or it may be something we do at a P&C meeting. Already agenda items such as ethics classes, policy updates (PSSA sport, antibullying) have been discussed and may become part of our plan moving forward.
·  Balance Swimming Program – We commence the swimming program for stage 2 this Friday. There are still up to 10 places available so even if parents haven’t completed payment it is not too late to do so.
·  Student Insurance – For information on insurance for public school students go to and refer to supporting students, student wellbeing and then to accident insurance for students (see end of minutes). P&Cs are able, through P&C Federation, to purchase Student Injury Insurance at a cost based on the number of students ($4.85* per student 1-499). The P&C has not purchased this insurance or done so previously.
·  Pyjama Party – Thank you T McNaughton for organising the flier. Some minor changes were made and the updated flyer will be circulated soon.
·  P&C Federation Executive Changes – There have been some important changes to the NSW federation of P&C associations. I have attached some information which provides additional information about these changes and some actions. Suggested information for school newsletters is included at the end of the minutes, see also P&C Federation Reform questions and answers.
·  Religious education Implementation – Policy states that students not participating in religious education undertake activities that neither compete with special religious education or are they lessons in the curriculum.
·  Mid-year reports and end of year certificates - A discussion was held about the reports distributed at the end of term 2, including the perception that comments may be copied and pasted, be broad and not personal for some subjects and a general comment not being included, and the end of year certificates to each student in 2013. This feedback will be considered as part of the planning process for 215-2017.
Q – Can the school do something to support Jeans for Genes day, eg wearing jeans for a donation?
Jeans for Genes day coincides with the P&C pyjama party on Friday 1 August. The school and P&C are conscious of the amount of fundraising already being undertaken this term.
Q – Can the soccer balls be pumped up again?
Mr Wells may have already attended to this.
Q – How is the 5/6 team teaching going now it has been in place for 2 terms?
Feedback from teachers is positive. Parents can discuss any questions about the classes in their parent/teacher interviews. Students and parents will be able to provide input/feedback as part of the planning process.
Q - The P&C has received some feedback about this year’s school production having only a few main roles. Besides the chorus, how are other students able to be involved?
Mr Partridge will discuss with organisers.
Treasurer / K McCaw advised:
·  No June report.
·  There is one uniform bill to be paid and the cheque from Holiday Coast Credit Union to be banked.
Canteen Committee / T Morris advised:
·  Pie drive profit was $269.80. Caramel tarts may not be included in future pie drives unless the packaging is changed. Pricing will also be reviewed as the profit margin is small given the amount of work involved.
·  The red day went well with slushies very popular. No feedback received on the slushie day.
·  Roster for term 3 was distributed late last term.
·  The roster for this term is mostly filled, with a volunteer required for 2 September.
·  The AGM will be held in November and is being advertised in the school newsletters.
Uniforms / K McCaw advised:
·  An invoice of $199.82 to be paid.
·  The uniforms ordered in term 2 have arrived and will be distributed by the end of the week.
·  An order was placed over the holidays for low stock winter uniforms and hats.
Correspondence / C Moroney advised:
·  A copy of the new Constitution of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW, to which we are affiliated, has been received. The constitution can be viewed at
3. General Business and Other Business Arising
Fundraising / Birthday cards
·  91 boxes sold.
·  Profit of $685 from $2500 in sales.
·  Feedback received that families want different designs.
Mulch sales
·  Still mulch for sale.
Pyjama party and movie night
·  Tickets will be on sale through the office from Monday.
·  Popcorn and popcorn buckets have been organised.
·  Choc tops (vanilla and butterscotch) will also be for sale for $3.00. This will be added to the flyer. The canteen will need to empty and move the chest freezer up to the hall for the choc tops until after the school production.
·  Volunteers will be needed for the BBQ, sales and supervision on the night. Request to be included in the newsletter.
·  Request to be included in school newsletter for refrigeration mechanic to look at hall freezer that is not working.
School performance and P&C stall
·  Being held in September.
·  Volunteers will be needed for the P&C stall (sales of programs, popcorn, choc tops etc).
·  Details to be discussed at August meeting.
Masters BBQ
·  P&C are running the BBQ at Masters Heatherbrae on Saturday 6 September (Fathers’ Day weekend).
·  Volunteers will be needed on the day.
Fathers’ Day stall
·  To be held in the first week of September.
·  Louise Cowan has offered to donate some coffee packs for the stall.
·  Motion to spend up to $1,350.00 to purchase gifts for stall. Moved K McCaw. Seconded R Flynn. CARRIED.
Sports court / K McCaw advised:
·  New quote of $4400 obtained to remove trees, including debris removal.
·  As this is significantly lower than the original quote, the go ahead has been given for this stage of the project and the trees are expected to be removed by mid-August. This is likely to occur during school, requiring barricades to keep students away from that area.
·  Brad Leggett is looking at the fence to advise what will be involved in its removal.
·  Hanson’s Quarry will be approached to supply fill. It is hoped this will be donated or supplied at cost.
·  Alternative suppliers are being looked into for the rings.
Soccer goals / ·  Students have requested soccer goals.
·  A discussion was held about the types of goals available and the pros and cons of portable and fixed goals.
·  The department rules on goals
Action items:
·  Mr Partridge to ask school parliament what size and style of goal students would like.
·  R Flynn to research what is available.
Handball – barriers for hall / S Armitage advised the most cost effective barrier to stop balls rolling under or going over the hall railings at the southern and eastern ends is full height chain mesh (similar to the tennis court fence).
Concern was expressed about the aesthetics of this look.
It was suggested a barrier to the top of the rail would be 75% with a lesser visual impact.
Action item: S Armitage to cost out mesh to rail height.
Direct deposit for school payments / Carried forward to next meeting.
Authority to Sign Cheques / N/a
Agenda items / Any items for inclusion in the agenda should be emailed to Kerri McCaw on
Next Meeting / 7.30pm Wednesday 13 August 2014 in the school library.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Accident insurance for students

From time to time there are media stories about whether children are insured for injuries they sustain during school-related activities, both at school and at events outside of school, such as excursions, sporting or other events.

The NSW Department of Education and Communities however does not provide, nor has it ever provided, accident or medical insurance for students enrolled in government schools.

Rather, the department is insured so that it can meet the financial impact of any legal liabilities arising from its activities.

For example, if the department or one of its staff is negligent and this causes a student to be injured, then the student will be able to legally recover damages from the department (and the department's insurance will cover the cost). However, if an accident occurs at a school and it is not caused by any wrongdoing or omission by the department, then the department's insurance does not cover the student.

The NSW Treasury Managed Fund provides cover for the department's day-to-day activities. The public liability component covers breaches by the department in its duty of care to students that result in claims for compensation.

Supplementary Sporting Injuries Benefits Scheme

The only cover provided by the state government is through the Supplementary Sporting Injuries Benefits Scheme. The Supplementary Scheme covers all students should they be permanently injured or die while participating in authorised school sporting or athletic activities such as school lessons, training and competitions. The Supplementary Scheme provides a capital benefit for particular permanent injuries meeting the minimum disability threshold or death. Benefits are paid regardless of pre-existing conditions or negligence. You do not need legal representation in order to make a claim for benefit.

The Supplementary Scheme does not cover dental injuries, reimbursement of medical expenses, legal expenses or costs.

For more information on the benefits paid and how to make a claim please visit the website, or call 4321 5392.

In addition, there are various forms of insurance for parents wishing to insure their child against accident. These include:

Student Accident Insurance
A group personal accident and sickness policy is available to government schools through the Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of NSW. Parents are unable to insure children individually. Each school (either through the principal or the school's parents and citizens association) is able to participate on a whole-school basis with the cost calculated on a set fee per student.

The policy covers a wide range of injuries and the permanent total loss of the use or functioning of certain body parts. Importantly, the policy partially covers injuries (such as neck, pelvic and back injuries) that are not covered by the sporting injury benefit scheme mentioned above although the levels of compensation are limited.

While the Sporting Injuries Insurance Scheme is limited to injuries that occurred during defined sporting activities, Student Accident Insurance typically covers a broader range of possible injuries. For example, where a student is injured falling down stairs, accident insurance coverage would be relevant, but sporting injuries insurance would not.

Private health insurance
Parents have the option of taking out private health coverage for their children. This is usually limited to the reimbursement of medical expenses and will not generally provide the breadth of cover provided by a specific student accident insurance policy.

P&C Federation Executive Changes

Suggested Content For School Newsletters

Reforms to P&C Federation

The NSW Parliament has introduced legislation to reform the NSW Federation of Parent and Citizens Associations, which has suspended operation pending Supreme Court action. While these reforms will not affect the day-to-day operation of individual school P&Cs, they will introduce a new executive structure which will ensure the Federation operates as a modern and representative body on behalf of school P&C Associations.

Each school’s P&C Association will be asked to vote for councillors and delegates who will represent their electorate at the Federation’s Annual General Meeting and councillors who will serve on the Federation’s Board of Management. More information will be available on the Department’s website at