Context Clues 7-10

Directions: read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross sentence clues or your prior knowledge. Then, explain what clues in the sentence helped you determine the word meaning.

1. Universal: Jim wanted to ask Janet to the dance, but he felt it a universally acknowledged truth that popular girls like her didn’t go with unpopular guys like him.

2. Extraordinary: Kevin knows how to shoot from the field, but Alvin’s jump shot is extraordinary.

3. Establish:Even though peace between the two formerly warring nations had been established for years now, the solider still woke cold from dreams of battle.

4. Scrupulous: I wanted to just set the table and be done with it, but my mother scrupulously arranged each napkin, dish, and utensil until they were in perfect alignment.

5. Consent: Jake asked his mother for permission to go to his friend Rodney’s dance party, stating that his grades had improved, and he was quite pleased when she consented.

6. Vexed: When Jose found out that his little brother Emilio carelessly broke Jose’s Xbox disc tray, Jose was vexed and sure let Emilio know it.

7. Tact: Jane could have easily offended Bertha when she informed her that the dress did not fit her well, but Jane used tact and consideration when choosing her words, so Bertha understood without being hurt.

8. Emphatic: Her parents really wanted her to attend the local university, but Shaniqua argued her case so emphatically and with such great passion, that her parents gave Shaniqua their consent

9. Amends: After Brian broke Darcy’s heart this last time, he will have to make some serious amends if he ever wants to win her back.

10. Conjecture:Stanley tried to determine the meaning of the vocabulary word, but there were so few clues in the sentence all he could do was hopelessly conjecture as to what the word might mean.

11. Ascertain: The clues in the sentence were so helpful, Stanley was able to ascertain the meaning of the word beyond a shadow of a doubt.

12. Defer: Kyle really wanted to play basketball, but since it overlapped with the volleyball season (and since Carrie played volleyball), he would just have to defer his hoop-dreams until next year, when his relationship with her would be secure.

13. Disposition: Unlike his sister Cattie, who had a very calm and mellow disposition,John jumped on Sofas and ran through the house like an animal kingdom.

14. Amiable: If you go to the party wearing your best smile, laugh good naturedly, and try your dance steps out (even if you aren’t the best dancer), you will attract attention with your amiable disposition.

15. Scarce: Due to the scarcity of food in her territory, the mother lioness had to roam far from safe ground to find a meal for her child.

16. Fastidious: When John saw his report card, he was excited because he had all As and an A- in Biology; but when his fastidious mother saw his report card, she shook her head in disappointment.

17. Conceited: When Jana noticed her daughter Kylie starring at herself and posing in every reflection that they passed, Jana worried that Kylie was growing a bit conceited. .

18. Candor: After weeks of avoiding him, Annie finally found the courage to tell David that she wasn’t interested in him; and even though David was heart broken, he appreciated her candor.

19. Ostentatious: Amy wanted to wear the simple white dress to the dance but her friend Emilia kept pushing her to buy this big, puffy, golden ballroom gown as ostentatious as it was expensive.

20. Endeavor: John may have been excited about becoming an artist, but his mother was waiting to see if he’d see this endeavor through before buying him the expensive paint kit.

21. Provoke: I didn’t want to fight him, but he provoked me by insulting my family and I lost control.

22. Engross: The young child was so engrossed by the flashing lights on the toy train that when his mother asked him if he wanted a piece of chocolate cake, he didn’t even respond.

23. Deficient: Zach wanted to play football with the other kids but, with his horrible deficiencies in coordination, he couldn’t catch or throw the ball.

24. Benevolence: The children in the orphanage might have starved had it not been for the benevolence of the nuns, who sacrificed their own small salaries to provide food for the children.