National Honor Society

Officer Application Form


Phone E-mail

Parent Contact Information:______

You will be required to submit to random drug testing. The drug testing consent form must be on file.

I would like to run for the office of (see responsibilities on last page):


______Treasurer______Reporter/Public Relations______Historian

______Project Coordinator

1)Look over the expectations for an NHS officer. Are you willing to commit time to the leadership of NHS?

2)Are you an officer in other organizations? List organizations and offices held this year. (Note: The bylaws of NHS state that the NHS President cannot be president of any other organization.)

3)Do you possess skills that uniquely qualify you to be a leader in NHS? Explain in a brief paragraph.

4)Are you willing to be held to a higher standard of personal conduct if you are elected as an officer? Why?

5)Do you have a vision for the future of NHS? What is that vision? (This includes ideas regarding future service projects.)

6)Remember! NHS is a very prestigious organization. To serve as an officer of this organization requires commitment and hard work. Officers need to be self-motivated individuals who have ideas for running the organization and need little guidance from the sponsors. You must be able to attend the meetings, pass all classes, and be present at NHS chapter functions. Briefly state why you want to hold this office:


Write and attach a brief speech (no more than 150 words) that explains to NHS members why they should elect you as an officer. Address officer standards/expectations, your community service experience, and the ways in which you can contribute as an officer of the organization. This speech will be delivered at our September 10th meeting.

I understand the requirements and responsibilities of being an NHS officer and agree to abide by them if elected.

Student SignatureParent Signature

National Honor Society

Officer Requirements and Responsibilities

All officers should exemplify the highest standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. As an officer, you are responsible for being a motivator and a MODEL to the entire chapter and community. You are expected to act responsibly at all times, keeping in mind that your actions reflect strongly on the integrity of the National Honor Society.

All officers need to possess the following traits:

  • Organized – able to maintain accurate records and keep track of important information
  • Responsible – able to follow through on plans, doesn’t procrastinate
  • Dedicated – willing and able to commit your time in order to attend officer meetings and fulfill the duties of your office
  • Enthusiastic – excited about making this chapter the best it can be

All officers are expected to:

  • Attend all chapter and officer meetings & wear your NHS shirt on meeting days
  • Assist with attendance at all NHS meetings
  • Communicate with members via email, Facebook, text message, etc. regarding meetings, due dates, and service opportunities
  • Be available before, during, and after meetings to set-up, prepare/deliver documents. Officers arrive 15 minutes early for meetings in order to prepare for the meeting
  • Attend and participate in NHS induction in the Spring
  • Keep your eyes and ears open for appropriate service opportunities
  • Participate in chapter service projects-At least one officer must be at each chapter project

At Officer Meetings:

  • President & Vice President type up the meeting handouts one week in advance and lead the meetings
  • Historian, Secretary, and Treasurer enter attendance and record community service hours
  • In late November & late March, every officer reviews community service hours and email members who have not logged the required hours


  • Create meeting agendas for officer and chapter meetings
  • Lead chapter meetings
  • Host induction ceremony & obtain keynote speaker
  • Offer community service and chapter project ideas
  • Represent chapter at other meetings as required

Vice President

  • Assume president’s duties when he or she is not present
  • Maintain attendance records and written excuses. You will be responsible for meeting sign-in sheets.
  • Attend and take roll at all chapter activities unless you have arranged for another officer to do so
  • Oversee the number of community service hours for all members
  • Monitor the tutoring program


  • Take minutes at all officer & chapter meetings & record & distribute these to officers and advisers
  • Create PPT outline for chapter meetings- send to advisers
  • Issue warning letters to members in need of disciplinary action or who have not completed the required service hours
  • Maintain records of membership status


  • Maintain financial records for the chapter
  • Oversee all fund raising activities and distributions


  • Update the calendar
  • Prepare a slideshow highlighting community service events over the past year for the induction ceremony in the Spring
  • Create flyers advertising NHS activities
  • Turn in meeting announcement form to office the Wednesday before each meeting
  • Prepare announcements for NHS events

Reporter/Public Relations Officer

  • Release news and information to local and regional news media
  • Submit items to the Historian for inclusion in the slideshow
  • Take pictures at all National Honor Society related events
  • Submit items for inclusion on the school website
  • Maintain the NHS website

Project Coordinators

  • Contact organizations about service opportunities
  • Communicate project information with advisers and members
  • Plan, implement, and supervise projects
  • Research prospective projects
