Syllabus - CEN 6016_80721
Instructor: Dr. Bob Roggio,
Office Hours: Mon and Wed 12-2pm and 4-6pm
Other times by appointment
Office: Building 15 Room 3220
Office phone: 620-2985 – But I rarely answer this phone.
Use email, please.
Class Time: Mondays, 6:00 pm – 8:45 pm
Class Location: Building 15 Room 2203
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing
Textbook titles: (These books will be used for both Software Engineering courses.) – Get latest editions, should they become available
Use Cases – Requirements in Context, by Kulak and Guiney
Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-321-15498-3 Published in 2004. Use latest edition.
The Rational Unified Process – An Introduction latest edition, by Philippe Kruchten, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-321-19770-4
Agile Project Management with Scrum, by Ken Schwaber, ISBN 978 – 7356-1993-7, 2014.
Important Dates:
Exam Schedule in general is: (
See UNF Calendar for Thanksgiving dates and Christmas Break.
My web page:
Tests and Grading: Two Exams - each 20% of final grade; total 40% of grade.
Project Deliverables and Presentations - 40% of final grade
This includes the physical deliverables, presentations,
updates to previous deliverables, logging / tracking activities, effective and total use of Rational Team Concert (RTC), and everything to do with the deliverable.
Journals, Discussions, Presentations, home works, etc. 20% of grade.
Make-up tests will not be given unless an extreme documented emergency arises.
Presentations will be evaluated and graded.
Deliverables / Presentations: There will be approximately five deliverables which will are documented under separate links found elsewhere on my web page. Every attempt has been made to have a complete description of each deliverable in this link. However, if I have not been clear or if you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask. We will also discuss the deliverables during class time.
Grade Guidelines:
0. Every one wants an A. Unfortunately this rarely happens – although it has! But here is the simple key to your ‘earning’ an A – and, I might add, more importantly, learning the material that is essential to your success as a graduate and professional in this field.
If you are one who misses classes to study for other courses or for other reasons, these are NOT classes that you want to miss. There is simply too much material passed on. If you must miss class, then do NOT assume that the slides are substitutes for the lecture. They are not.
Each major exam will be worth 100 points. All examinations will be announced. There will be no pop quizzes,
My lectures will come from these slides, which are updated every semester with the latest information. They are not sufficient in themselves as sources of study. Bring your copies to class and mark on them as I discuss the materials in class. These slides are on my web page for you so you don’t have to write volumes of notes during lecture and you can listen. Take advantage of this opportunity.
Read the accompanying textbooks as appropriate. My exams will include materials from the readings not specifically covered in classroom lectures.
You will be selling yourself short and not get the full impact of the lectures and the broadening presented to you in the readings. These readings are the ‘latest.’ They are critical to understanding the material and are designed to supplement classroom discussions.
‘Front-end’ everything. This means to jump on assignments once they are in scope. Don’t put them off! Don’t depend totally on your partners for their parts of the project and just ‘assemble’ them. This is a recipe for failure for sure. Allow time. If you front end and work smart, there is time to resolve problems, ensure your deliverables look as if they came from a single source – and not five sources, and there is time to ask questions and resolve problems BEFORE the due date. Again, work smarter – not harder.
Don’t be foolish and wait until exams are announced and then start to study. This material cannot be memorized. It requires an ‘understanding’ and a ‘maturity’ that can only come from studying, listening, discussing, and ‘sink time.’ Study at least two hours per lecture per week aside from project work and reading. This is really needed. Ask former graduates of this course sequence.
Now for the specifics:
1. Students must average at least 70% in the examination and earn at least a 70% average in the project deliverables/presentations in order to pass the course - (Grade “C” or better). Based on peer evaluations, individuals composing a team may very well not receive the same grade on each deliverable. Each member must contribute in meaningful ways.
2. Each test will be worth 100 points. All examinations will be announced. There will be no pop quizzes, but I may elect to administer a series of approximately twenty point quizzes (announced), as stated. The sum of these quizzes ‘may’ be used to replace one of the two major exams, but not the third exam. We will discuss in class.
3. Additional guidance for the projects and their associated documentation are provided in separate documents, as mentioned, and discussed in great detail at that time.
Course Philosophy:
Planning your workload is critical. Teams will be formed and the establishing of a team leader, and agreed-to meeting dates, the apportioning of tasks, integration of results, inspections/appraisal of individual results prior to incorporating these results into an evolving document, and a host of related tasks will typify your activities during this course. The dynamics of your team will influence the degree of success of your project.
You will note that a number of books are required. They are essential reading. Articles may/will supplement the books.
This is the first of a two course sequence for Information System and Software Engineering majors. This is the most important course / sequence in your entire program! No matter what kind of software you are working with, you will need a “process,” the ability to work in a team setting and (as time goes on) object technology. You will need the disciplines and skills presented in this course. This is what most of you will be doing in the workplace.
Successful completion of this course will require a serious time commitment by you. The time required for your work can be considerable, as each task that you will undertake can require many hours of work. In some cases, you may spend an evening behind a computer working with a tool trying to model some requirements or, perhaps, some relationships among requirements, and be "stuck" on a single problem. This is not unusual - although it is frustrating. It is therefore essential that you budget your time accordingly, as the worst thing that you can do is to plan to complete your program the day (or night) before your part of the project is due. This is very clear to me when I evaluate your efforts and you will, I am sure, incur the wrath of your teammates.
Much of this course will involve our getting together to discuss your projects. Feel free to schedule times when we can all meet. I will be available as much as possible in addition to the scheduled office hours to assist you.
Should unforeseen emergencies arise, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Computer and Information Sciences office upstairs at 620-2985. But again, email works best for me.
Contacting Me and Netiquette:
I am very interested in your success in this course, and will respond to emails within 24 hours or sooner. Here’s the etiquette needed:
I am delighted to answer your questions as much as possible. If your question is of a general nature and I think it is a point that I have not made clear in class, with your permission, I will post my response to the entire class. I will be careful to ensure that your question (and my response) would not be an embarrassment to either of us.
I do ask for the respect I will happily give to you. Initiating an email to me as, “Yo, Suh, Hey, Roggio” or some such combination is not acceptable and will be ignored. I will always address you with respect. You may call me Dr. Roggio, Professor Roggio, Mr. Roggio, Sir, etc. as I will address you too. I may take the liberty of using your first name. If you do not wish this, please let me know. Thanks!
Project Work Periods:
From time to time, it will be necessary for me to be out of town. In most cases, this is to deliver papers at conferences. During these times, I will either have a test proctored or I will record the presentation ahead of time using the new engineering recording studio. We will discuss this in class as the dates arrive. They will be posted.
Lastly, please review the Project Deliverables and the Required Reading List. Specific deliverables will be discussed, specified, and announced clearly. These are the ‘living documents’ and they will likely change a bit as we progress through the semester(s). The Deliverables outline the … deliverables. The required readings are required. I may elect to have short discussions / presentations on some of the topics. If so, credit will be assigned.
Good luck, and have fun!