NCLC 2016-2017 Member Timeline

Goal / Activities / Outcomes / Process Evaluation / Outcome Evaluation
Improve Literacy in the State of NC / Member training
Individual support / Increased literacy skills (K-12 and adult)
Improved tutoring ability / Training agendas
Training evaluations
Member End of year survey / Member End of year survey
Adult self evaluations
Bader test
Strengthen the Volunteer Base in NC / Member training
Individual support / Increase in organizational capacity
Improved volunteer management skills / Training agendas
Training evaluations
Member End of year survey / Member End of year survey
Volunteer satisfaction survey
Organizational Capacity Retrospective pretest
Appreciate cultures different from one’s own culture / Member training
Conferences and Workshops / Increased cultural competency / Training agendas
Training evaluations
Member End of year survey / Member End of year survey
Develop and foster community partnerships / Member training
National Service Day
Conferences and Workshops / Increased understanding of how to build relationships in the community / Training agendas
Training evaluations
Member End of year survey
Description of Service Day activities / Member End of year survey
Foster a sense of community responsibility and volunteerism / Member training
National Service Days
Conferences and Workshops / Increased sense of making a difference
Increased understanding of the importance of volunteerism / Training agendas
Training evaluations
Member End of year survey / Member End of year survey

North Carolina LiteracyCorps Program Evaluation Plan

North Carolina LiteracyCorps Member Program Evaluation Plan

Mission: Improve NC literacy rate
Goal / Activities / Outputs / Outcomes / Process Evaluation (Monitoring) / Outcome Evaluation
Improve organizational capacity / Members assess organizational capacity (beginning and end of year)
Members work on relevant organizational capacity projects / Increased organizational capacity (10 sites) / ·  Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan
·  Member Binder
·  Site Organizational Capacity Retrospective Pretest / Site Organizational Capacity Retrospective Pretest
Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan
Improve volunteer capacity / Members/sites provide volunteer trainings / 1350 volunteers will be managed by the organization or NC LiteracyCorps / Increased organizational capacity (10 sites)
Improved volunteer skills / ·  Volunteer Satisfaction Survey
·  Google Spreadsheet
·  Binder / Volunteer Satisfaction Survey
Increase literacy skills / Members and volunteers provide tutoring services / 800 K-12 learners will complete program
650 ED Adults will receive courses or training / Increased literacy skills (450 K-12 students and 450 Adult ED learners) / ·  Google Spreadsheet
·  Focus Group / Tutor assessment
Increase literacy tutor capacity / Members/sites provide tutor trainings / Increased tutoring ability / ·  Tutor assessment
·  Google Spreadsheet
·  Binder / Tutor assessment

NCLC 2016-2017 Member Timeline

NCLC Measurement Tools 2016-2017

Outcome Evidence

Volunteer Management Assessment Tools

Volunteer Management Assessment Survey-Members take this survey at the beginning of the year to assess needs at the site and to help with the creation of their Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan

Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan-Each site should collaboratively create this plan to determine what areas of volunteer recruitment and retention will be examined across the year.

Volunteer Satisfaction Survey-this survey should be given to volunteers at the end of the program year or before volunteers stop volunteering, similar to an exit survey.

End-of-Year Retrospective Volunteer Management Survey-One member and director from each site should complete this survey together at the end of the member’s year to examine which areas of organizational capacity improved across the year.

Literacy Tutoring Assessment Tools

Tutor Assessment-All tutors should fill out a form for each student they tutor at the end of the program year or whenever the tutee exits the program.

Bader test- A Bader pretest should be given to all K-12 students in September or October (as close to the beginning of the year as possible) and the posttest should be given at the end of the year or before the K-12 student exits the program.

Adult Self-evaluation-An adult self-evaluation should be given to each adult learner at the end of the program or before the student leaves the program.

Focus groups-one site will pilot focus groups with K-12 learners to learn about their experiences in the tutor program.

Member and SCALE Assessment Tools

Google Spreadsheet- There is a worksheet for learners (K-12 or adult), volunteers, and trainings that should be completed monthly by one person at each site.

Member Monthly Report-The member monthly report summarizes program evaluation activities and should be completed by the 10th of each month.

Member end of year survey- Each member should complete an end of year survey before exiting the program.

NCLC 2016-2017 Program Evaluation Timeline


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Pretest

Volunteer Management Assessment Survey

Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Pretest

2015-2016 Quarterly and Year End Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Posttest

Tutor Assessment


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Posttest

Tutor Assessment


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Posttest

Tutor Assessment


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan

End-of-Year Retrospective Volunteer Management Survey

Volunteer Satisfaction Survey


Yearly Member Evaluation Training



Quarter 4 and Year End Report

NCLC Member Documents

NCLC Member Measurement Tools 2016-2017

Volunteer Management Assessment Tools

Volunteer Management Assessment Survey-Members take this survey at the beginning of the year to assess needs at the site and to help with the creation of their Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan

Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan-Each site should collaboratively create this plan to determine what areas of volunteer recruitment and retention will be examined across the year.

Volunteer Satisfaction Survey-this survey should be given to volunteers at the end of the program year or before volunteers stop volunteering, similar to an exit survey.

Site Organizational Capacity Retrospective Pretest-One member and director from each site should complete this survey together at the end of the member’s year to examine which areas of organizational capacity improved across the year.

Literacy Tutoring Assessment Tools

Tutor Assessment-All tutors should fill out a form for each student they tutor at the end of the program year or whenever the tutee exits the program.

Bader test- A Bader pretest should be given to all K-12 students in September or October (as close to the beginning of the year as possible) and the posttest should be given at the end of the year or before the K-12 student exits the program.

Adult Self-evaluation-An adult self-evaluation should be given to each adult learner at the end of the program or before the student leaves the program.

Member and SCALE Assessment Tools

Google Spreadsheet- There is a worksheet for learners (K-12 or adult), volunteers, and trainings that should be completed monthly by one person at each site.

Member Monthly Report-The member monthly report summarizes program evaluation activities and should be completed by the 10th of each month.

Member end of year survey- Each member should complete an end of year survey before exiting the program.


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Pretest

Volunteer Management Assessment Survey

Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Pretest

2015-2016 Quarterly and Year End Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Posttest

Tutor Assessment


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Posttest

Tutor Assessment


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Bader Posttest

Tutor Assessment


Google Spreadsheet

Member Monthly Report

Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Plan

End-of-Year Retrospective Volunteer Management Survey

Volunteer Satisfaction Survey